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Everything posted by Kounan

  1. I tried to play it on the Wii and it was to dark, I could barely see anything, then I've just stopped.
  2. Yeah, but it just doesn't look playable.
  3. They will make a profit again, It's funny hiw financial wise they have made great decisions with some games , while most "gamers" weren't to happy with them....
  4. So the new game is already on eshop? Isn't that to early, or is something else. I am thinking of getting something new and will be able to buy a more expensive game (Mario 3D world, Zelda, Mario Kart, MH were my first options), so this one could be it. Or is it the Wii version?
  5. It's not, the same way a good story is not overrated, it depends what you like.
  6. I preffer gameplay. I also like a good story, but for me a good story for a game is different compared to a good story forba book, or a movie. Sometimes I feel there is to much of the story, to many options, to many dialogs, to much walking around and not doing anything because I have to talk to someone, who will send me to someone else. It gets boring amd to long, as I want to play more and not watch a movie.
  7. My FIFA 13 case just arrived and there is another PIN inside, I don't know if it's working, so if anyone wants 250 stars (if it works) please PM me.
  8. I think I should start using this a bit more. I have wrote a few posts, but just to try it out..... I just don't care, but maybe I should try it a bit more.
  9. [3DS]*Yo-Kai Watch Busters: Red Cat Team*/White Dog Squad*(Nintendo, 07/11/15) – 95,369 (1,009,905) - is this a full game, hkw much does it cost? It is selling really good. Btw. Splatoon could be on 2m sales by now.
  10. I like the game pad and I felt it wasn't overused, or underused. It was needed just enough to make the game better, in my oppinion.
  11. So, are you guys happy with the update?
  12. Is this a good game? Looks interesting.
  13. Yeah, but there will be probably thousands of levels for free and people will play them, so it could affect someone buying another Mario 2D platformer as he just played enough of it. I would buy the new Mario game, as I don't think I will be playing these Mario Maker levels, as I don't like just going through it without any reward at the end , but some people maybe don't care and will at least postpone the buying of new Mario game. I know that the new Mario will come on a new platform so the Mario Maker shouldn't really affect it, but because it seems like it will be not really powerful, I am not sure how much better will the game look compared to latest version of it. But again, it's a Mario, people will probably buy it .
  14. Could this game mean end of Super Mario Platformer?
  15. I think I saw 2, o 3 new weapons, or am I wrong?
  16. How much does it cost them to maintain the servers and release free updates, even if it's small one's like weapons and clothes?
  17. Nintendo will get into mobile market which should make them a lot of money, plus they went into diagnostic business were they said it would give them big money, so that could cover some losses. When it comes to Sony, the PS is one of few businesses that makes money for them, so it's not like they can afford losses as they don't really have other departments to cover them.
  18. Actually, that could be a good idea to do it now, make the game for Wii U and port it, at least to PC, but could do it to PS and XBoX, but make a really good game and advertise it. But when the NX comes out, just keep it exclusive and it could be enough to make people buy it just because of that game (or add 2-3 games just so people can see what kind of games that are).
  19. If they put all the games on sale, hmm...... This could work, because if I have understood it properly, they don't have to many production costs as they have a lot of consoles ready, so if they would release 3-4 of their famous games (and maybe a sequel to some, which should be cheaper to build) they should be able to be profitable from these games, plus the handheld devices are still doing their job.
  20. This is "brilliant". When someone manages to fuck you day up so much that you can't even play with any fun and have to stop.... I will not go to the last level this time.....
  21. I am sleeping guy and my team won most of the matches (6-2 I think).
  22. Why should they leave the handheld industry, they are dominating it and it's probably what is allowing them to make profits again? I do think that they are changing, but I do agree that they should wait a bit longer with the NX. The last franchise they made is almost only online, so they are moving to that side, but need to fix some issues. Again, if the NX is something different it could sell well.
  23. Japanese sales: 3DS dominates this week, Splatoon still strong http://wiiudaily.com/2015/07/japanese-sales-3ds-wii-u-july/
  24. I've joined team sleep, but I don't think I will be able to play at all. Hope to get few hours at least.
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