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Everything posted by Kounan

  1. I am not writing that much, but I want just to point out what is the biggest problem for me as a newcomer is. My biggest problem is how some people rate games and similar things. The games are either great, or utter sh*t and with Splatoon people gave these qualifications before the game was out. Also, some people are STILL complaining a lot about some things in Splatoon, but we all know that there is a new big update coming in august. So why not wait and stop complaining about things we all already know and which WON'T BE CHANGED at least till august. What is the point saying 100000 times that there is no VC, or what ever people complain about? I don't have a problem with complaining about something but at least be fair (@Wii complains a lot about things and I can't say I like it and that I agree with him, but the comment about the controls is a way how to do it "the controls are not broken, but are not perfect,.... I would prefer Wii nun-chuck - now that's how it should be done). Now, the other side. I am a big fan of Nintendo, I am a fanboy and would never choose another console instead of Nintendo, but when there was the Starfox footage, few posters defended the graphics. I mean please, it is clear that the graphic looked bad at E3, it looked like an old game, it was empty, it had a lot of work that needed to be done. Things like this should be clear and we should not argue about that, but it should be an easy thing to agree upon. There are few more things I think are wrong, but will not write about them. Sorry about my english, I hope everyone understood what my point was.
  2. I have to wait for the bundle till I come to UK. How much does it cost?
  3. Something is wrong today, I am getting high numbers even if I play badly. Maybe it's because I have played in the afternoon and there are better players during the night (my time zone). But this only goes for regular battles, while ranked battles were harder after a while.
  4. I think so, as they had problems at the beginning with the shortage in stores, so maybe the numbers would be even bigger. Also, the games is really accepted in the gaming community so I expect the numbers to increase and to reach 3-4mil especially after the big update (where I think that the ratings will go also higher). Plus, the game isn't really expensive.
  5. OK, OK , I was asking , as I wasn't sure. Let's hope they fix "90%" of the things in the first update.
  6. Isn't that coming with the update in august?
  7. Clothing? Unless it improves the gameplay I will not spend money on that, probably (maybe if it's really cheap), but again they can't make it a pay to win game..... Btw. what is the problem with adding levels?
  8. Is it with digital sales, or without? Add the amiibo and it will make them a lot of money. Is it expensive to support online gaming (I am asking that to see if we can expect some good DLC's - not free obviously - like in Smash or Mario Kart)?
  9. Splatoon already on 1 million, so 3-4 million could be expected!?
  10. Splatoon in my opinion is 85-90%, because the singleplayer should be longer it's not more (I do take into account the first proper update which should improve it to the score I have mentioned).
  11. If they are clever, they will make another one for the next home console and it will be ready at launch or inside first 6 months, with demos before that. They have a new IP, a new genre which will sell great and it could improve their fortunes a lot. And I like the article when it comes to Splatoon (I will not comment other games, but I do agree how it feels to play with more experienced players,...., i sucks), even if you are new you can contribute a lot.
  12. I also had problems today and last night. I would paint, but the colour wouldn't change.....
  13. I am still upset about the deal for Europe after E3, because the Americans had 5-6 great games on sale.
  14. @Wii why do you always appear offline, even when you are playing?
  15. I love Nintendo IP's, they remind me of my childhood, plus with I think it is also the best console to have for your children as they have games which require effort, but because of the style are not to aggressive (all 2D platform games, other Mario games.....), while the games I can't get on Nintendo, but which I like to play are games I can get on PC (Civilization is one of my favorite games and I can only get it on PC, plus some other shooter which I prefer to play using keyboard and mouse as I don't have a lot of practice playing it with joysticks, and while I do agree that it would be nice to have them on the Wii U I still have the PC to play them if I really want it). I also like the game pad a lot. The games I miss are sport games, but it's not a big deal for me as I don't play them a lot. I like to have them, but I only play them in certain periods. I know I can get them on PC also, but I would prefer that to play on a TV). I honestly don't feel that way as I can finish the game without it and from what I've read it's not that they open proper "DLC's!". I am planing to get the amiibo only because I like how they look, but I will only do it if they have proper use in some games (I think they are helpful Smash, but first I would have to get Smash which isn't high on my priority list). But how does it lower your experience in any important way?
  16. If they do it, they would need ti change a bit more as the game is good, but the gamepad improves it a lot. What I am interested in is if they would update the Wii U version if they add some extra content to PS and XB versions?
  17. I agree with you about amiibo in most cases, but what I do like (if I have understood it properly) is what they did with Smash Bros. You have literally your fighter, whom you can improve a lot, make stronger and having something like that standing on a shelf, which you can look at and before you start playing you have to take it and scan it, you can almost bond with it...., it just ads to the experience. In the end, these are just games, so why not go all the way. What I don't like is using the amiibo just for skins, or few levels which don't really change a lot. I would like if they start using it for a proper DLC I would understand it - I know, you can have the DLC cheaper if they don't have to build the amiibo, but I could understand that as it would look good at least. But of course, not all DLC's, as not everyone can get an amiibo.
  18. I will buy this game just for their effort, they deserve it.
  19. Hahahahahahah,a OK , I have no clue about Pokemons (I know about the game and the show, but that's it), so you can tell me anything you want and I will belive you .
  20. I get it, I've informed myself about it, I've just assumed it would be logical to do it that way.
  21. Thx. I've thought they already run on a very similar OS and architecture .
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