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Everything posted by Kounan

  1. Hmm, that's not good, even if I didn't like the new PES. Still, Nintendo should be clever and support the game, and make it exclusive at the end. They don't need to make a profit on it, even if I think that they will as a lot of Nintendo owners will buy it as they have no choice really. But it should be kind of compensation for missing on FIFA. Of course, the could try to improve the game. And also, they should definetly try to buy some of the Konami IP's.
  2. Didn't they say that PES is staying? Anyway, Nintendo could pay for the port.
  3. Thx, interesting. So to win them back they would need to sell lot of consoles. Wonder if it ever happend that a console manufacturer refused to allow some games on their consoles. If they get PES it could compensate for the EA problem, of course, if the win back Ubisoft and Activision.
  4. @Dcubed - what is the problem with EA and Take Two? Someone mentioned digital sale as a problem with EA, is there something else?
  5. OK, it looks that there was some maintance issue.
  6. But what can Nintendo do? Have at a start only 1-2 own IP's and everything else just third parties, so people are forced to buy them? It is a bit of a problem for them how to release the games so that they don't come into collision with third party games. Or maybe is it just me, but if I have a choice between their own IP and some third party game, I will almost always choose their IP. Third party games would always come later. Also, if they improve online gaming for their own IP's it could make even more problems for third party games, as people would spend more time playing nintendo games. But I am quite sure that games like Fallout, Skyrim, GTA, FIFA, PES and probably COD and Battlefield would sell with ease if the would arrive at the same time as on other consoles. PS Couldn't Ninendo make some demos for their IP's for PC, so that more players see the games (as I think that lot of people didn't try their games - I couldn't believe how many people I know who never tried Mario & co.) and so decide to get the console?
  7. Is something wrong with Splatoon, can't acces a battle?
  8. OK, make sense if you can afford it .
  9. I asked about that before, so I hoped you have tried it. Yes, I get the logic . Btw., why do you buy games for the VC if you already have it for the Wii?
  10. Hmm, will think about RE 4, I think I will like it (started playing it, but stopped because the graphics was really bad). So, you tried Xenoblade? Does it look better than on HD TV? Oh man, such a big list and only one game that is good . But thx, it will save me money . At least it's cheap so I will soon be able to get another game probably Zelda WW, because I want to have the case so it's a game I will probably go with disk. Thx to both of you . PS What about tha Family games? I don't really know if I will have use for it, but maybe to have it just in case as it is really cheap?
  11. So guys, the games that look interesting to me are: 1. Takken (I don't have that kind of game, so would want it to play with friends and family) - is it any good? 2. Pac Man 1 and 2, but I read the CGR review (the only one I've read) and he didn't like it at all, but the comments didn't really agree with him? So are these good games? He (CGR) is saying that they have stolen a lot ideas from Mario and I wouldn't want to make Mario less impresive when I play it, because of this. Is there a danger of that happening? 3. Rise of the Guardians - have no idea about it, I only heard about the cartoon. 4. ONE PIECE.... I wasn't to impressed with the review? 5. Ben 10 Omniverse looks nice for that price, but again, have no idea about it. I have about 40-45 euros to spend on games (still thinking of getting Zelda WW for that ), so that's why so many questions and I hope that somebody will be able to help. Thx a lot . PS I actually want Resident Evil 4 also, but I can't play it on my TV, so will I be able to play it on the pad and does anyone know how not remasterd Wii games look on the pad?
  12. You really should check for reasons at your place. My internet connection isn't great, but splatoon works 90% of the time with no issues.
  13. Rumoured 26th february for Europe. Are 3 months enough to make major changes?
  14. Has anyone played Xenoblade Chronicles on the game pad, how does it look?
  15. Maybe saturday evening?
  16. Yeah, but I don't have many games, I don't have Mario Kart, Mario World 3D, Monster Hunter, Pikmin 3, Capt'n Toad, Lego Undercover, Yoshi, Hyrule Warriors, Donkey Kong, and many more, but these are the first I want to have from the games that are out (I want also Xenoblade, Fast Racing Neo) so even if I miss on Zelda now, but get let's say two of the games I have mentioned above, I would be happy. Thx for the answer, so I can expect something . PS I haven't finished Darksiders 2 yet, so that's the reason I am waiting with the new game, as I want to finish this one and play a bit more of Rayman.
  17. So guys, I have now enough money for Zelda WW (which is the game I want), but, what are the chances (with your experience) that there will be some good offers on the eShop during Halloween and Christmas? I know you can't know for sure, but a guess would be good . Thx.
  18. I get it (with time I will get a TV just for the PC, but first I need a better PC ), just wanted to inform you as it is cheaper .
  19. Super Mario Maker Grabs Sixth Place in NPD US Results and Boosts Wii U System Sales By Over 100% http://www.nintendolife.com/news/2015/10/super_mario_maker_grabs_sixth_place_in_npd_us_results_and_boosts_wii_u_system_sales_by_over_100_percent
  20. You have it on Humble Bundle for less (8,73$ you will get that game, plus 7 other games and for 15$ you will get that plus RE: 5 Untold Storie Bundle DLC plus one game).
  21. The price is a lot cheaper for them, plus we are talking about more than 100m units if it's for both consoles. Also, not every game will be 60gb game, there will be a lot of games which are smaller. Plus if it's for a homeconsole and a handheld it has a lot more value for the game producer as there are almost no production cost for the second console and a bigger audience would probably be worth taking a smaller profit from the game. Again, maybe I am totally wrong, but again, the articles and the experience my friend had in China suggest I might me correct.
  22. Of course, the discs are almost free, while cards would probably cost a euro, or 2 more, so not really a big difference and probably not a huge loss for nintendo to pay for that OK, I am guessing here using the experience my friend had in china. OK, that's true actually didn't think of that .
  23. I think the prices are inflated in the West. I had a friend who used to go to China and the would get long time ago a 64gb USB for only few euros and that was some 7-8 years ago. So I think that the prices now are really a lot cheaper and the largest storage cards wouldn't cost more than a euro or so for a big order, maybe even less. Look at these pricese and they are a lot cheaper if you go to the source, so imagine how much they would cost if they would order millions of them: http://www.aliexpress.com/w/wholesale-usb-flash-drive-64gb.html If they only go for download games, who is going to sell the consoles? They would only have them and amiibos to offer to retailers.
  24. That's how I have understood if the cartridge isn't much more expensive than the BR, otherwise you would save on consoles, but would have to accept to make less on games, but that could be the ide anyway. I don't think that anyone really cares, but if it's going to give a cheaper console, or allow them to make a more powerfull console for the same price, then.... Now, this is the reason I also would like the cartridge to come back, but I hope that they keep the qualities of the boxes like they are now.
  25. I honestly think that they should try to make more IP's in the RPG and first person shooter department and that's why they should have made a better job with Devil's Third to try to make a franchise (a good job like they did with Splatoon - how is Devil's Third doing, is the multiplayer good)? The reason is that I think that they will always slower sell third party games than the competition, because when people buy IP's the first look at Nintendo IP's and then to other games. Yeah, people want the other games also, but you have just a certain amount of money. Of course if the releases are at the same time with PS and XBOX for games like Fallout, GTA, COD and Battlefield, plus the sports games they would probably sell very well (even still I think that Nintendo would have to time their own releases properly), but the other third party games would struggle I think at least with the numbers the developers expect (yes, I know if it is easier to port than it would be a much smaller risk for the developers)..
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