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Everything posted by 1upking

  1. may I suggest Donkey Konga. Its a blast!
  2. After the fuss Sony kicked up with ppl importing PSP's, I highly doubt they will make the PS3 region free
  3. So thats this and "gun" to add to "close but no cigar" pile
  4. Tis very unlikely that it will be region free
  5. I've been keeping an eye on this to see how it turns out. It's still in the "maybe" pile for the time being
  6. I recently purchased the PS2 version of this game and I'm currently playing through the Ada mission so I'm not going to watch these videos. This game is a true modern classic and to be honest I'm glad PS2 owners will not be missing out on this game
  7. Well...I didn't import! So I will deffo get this game when it comes out, Its gonna be a busy old month!
  8. Very pretty, Can't say a lot else
  9. download is the future, just look at iTunes, so maybe we will be able to download ALL of our games
  10. yeah, its a son of a bitch. But if you've done the ada mission and the mercenaries mode you should be able to buy some good weapons to see you through.
  11. just me that found the controls a bit difficult then?
  12. This game looks amazing. I hope it it meets my expectations
  13. Smash football bundle should be good, they should chuck in an extra controller tho, football games are all about multiplayer!
  14. I had this game originally, I enjoyed it when I had it. No idea how it would play now though!
  15. Make sure Donkey Kong is one of them! It's a great title and loads of replay value!
  16. THQ? I don't really give a...
  17. DONKEY KONG JUNGLE BEAT!!! Buy it - you won't regret it!!
  18. I get more and more tempted by the ps2 version daily. I think I will get pick it up even though I have exhausted the cube version!
  19. do you guys actually base your purchases on good/bad reviews? or is it just to give you an idea. I have a friend who will only buy games that get 90% + I used to but If I still did I would of missed a lot of games that I really enjoyed
  20. these are sweet!
  21. bloody soon hopefully! Even die hard Nintendo fans can only speculate for so long
  22. I don't mind waiting. I'm confident that the Revo will be the dogs dangly bits
  23. I rarely pay more than 30 notes for a game. Only games I have paid full price for this generation are Resi 4 and all the Pro Evo's. All other games I pick up in the sale or trade ins
  24. If some of the Japanese are saying it looks hard to use - imagine what the UK games industry will say! Normally the Japanese are very open to new ideas
  25. I'm gonna go and find that body bag now! Resi 4 on the cube was fantastic, I am looking forward to seeing how the PS2 version compares (in gameplay terms) and looking forward to the extra content.
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