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Everything posted by Sprout

  1. You can have two people on one console, yes. Glen-i and Dcubed do this pretty often. And, uh, I'm still around. Not... not lonely or anythin'...
  2. To @Glen\-i and anyone else who may wish to join, my room is open, so come on in! Ehhh, you won some, don't be too hard on yourself. If you think it's too tough, feel free to put the handicap on next time. And as for getting other people in, I don't know what I can do heh. I made a post inviting folks over six hours in advance and the thread was on the front page of the forums the entire time, so it's not like Splatoon or the MK League covered it up or anything. People just didn't feel like posting/playing today. Hopefully tomorrow and Sunday will be different! Anyway, customs will be set to on for at least the first matches tomorrow, so anyone reading this should make some customised characters! Or just choose a random set up. I'll probably be doing that. =P RedShell is a dumb dumb who ignored me today and played Art Academy instead, so I take my previous compliment back. You can no longer cherish it, RedShell.
  3. Oh no. They noticed. My lousy reputation drops even lower... Well Sunday is also when they're streaming the Nintendo World Championship, so 10pm might be difficult (The event starts at 11pm, but there's also a Treehouse Live pre-show at 10:20pm). As Lucas etc. will be released shortly after the Smash Mini Direct however, I'm crossing my fingers that people will be sticking around for a while, so people might still be playing by 10pm. If we get people wanting to play that day at all that is. =P I think that Rummy is a jerk for not sharing an irrelevant personal tidbit. He won't notice if I say it here, but don't go blabbing to him.
  4. He's almost here! Huh? ...Ah! No, It’s nothing… I just… Thought I saw something… Are you looking forward to Sunday's Smash Mini Direct? Well before that, you should probably know that just like when Mewtwo was added to the game, the update that will come on Sunday is likely going to erase your saved replays! If there are any you want to hold on to, you should record them before Sunday, or send your replays to someone who can record them for you. Just ask @RedShell, he probably has nothing better to do at this time of year anyway (also I forgot to mention at the time that the video above was neat. There, I broke our shtick for a moment and gave you a compliment, cherish it forever) nope, you can't have this anymore, I'm taking it baaack. Anyway, if anyone wants to play Smash instead of Splatoon I might just open a room tonight, tomorrow and Sunday at my usual 8pm UK time. I might even turn on customs for Saturday, so be prepared for that. Who am I even addressing right now? Who needs to be prepared? I could post anything I want and not many people would notice! Not that I would, though. ... Whenever I come across an automatic door, I always make arm gestures as it opens because I like to pretend I opened it with magic.
  5. ...Sorry. If it's just exactly the same game with more characters I'll pass (unless the darkness consumes me and I dazzybee it), but it does appear to use the character swapping mechanic from Samurai Warriors: Chronicles, so there may be more to the game than the trailer is letting on at this point. I doubt there will be anything substantial, though.
  6. Pssst.


    I see you lurkin'. =P


    Good to see you're still, y'know, alive and stuff. Don't be a stranger! (I guess if I catch you too late today, this'll be a nice(?) surprise when you come to lurk next time!)

  7. Reached level 20 last night. (can't let Hero-of-Time be first to do everything =P). I'm a squid now. Also beat the single player last night (sans amiibo), so now all that's left to do is keep on playing multiplayer and buying all of the things.
  8. The Ness amiibo became tame! Audio Got lucky and managed to get this fella from GAME. One Ness amiibo at a regular price, take that scalpers. I can cry now. With the purchase of Ness, I finally have the original 12 Smash fighters! Feels goooood. I've been keeping them sealed for now in case I couldn't get the ones I wanted, but with this, the temptation to rip 'em open gets stronger. =P "Choose Your Character!" (meow) Audio This amiibo stinks!
  9. I don't know what I'm being damned for, but I probably deserve it. =P I had fun with the n-e peoples! I liked seeing a team full of people I know... even if I was on the opposing team to them, heh. Also, I found some of the product placement this game mentions: It's a shirt from The King of Games apparel line!
  10. You can't win, Reddy. Teehee~
  11. You need to be more optimistic about these things. With a quick meddle in Photoshop you can see the future today! See! Look how good... you... um. ... Help whilst ill I have forgot how to Photoshop these are crap I am going back to bed.
  12. My life is henceforth dedicated to forever searching for a Ness amiibo that is sold at a normal price. It is a sad and hopeless journey, but I must not cry until the end. It's the first time I've actually more than glanced at people reselling amiibo, and geez, it's a sorry thing to look at. Audio Sigh... Why would 14 people buy at this price you are part of the problem. Siiiggghhh... Since taking this image, the price for the top one has dropped 3 quid, which has made 11 people think "Yes this is a bargain now I'll take it." (Or maybe they just took 11 off to make it look like it's high in demand). Siiiiiggggghhhhh... "I can't possibly afford postage!" ... *screams internally and externally and eternally* The world is full of Porky Minch... Porky Minches? Porky Minchi? Whatever. The world is full of jerks. Jerks and baby bodysuits. I just keep on posting sad music recently, heh.
  13. Chill guys, I got it. I'll send it to you tomorrow. =P Methinks that went well! Glad you guys came up with some neat things for the Super Sudden Death rules. Mmm, dat Blue Falcon triple KO.
  14. The room is now open, so cmon in, @Glen\-i, @Dcubed and @RedShell!
  15. I will fight you. Preferably in Smash. That said, if you see more than one about maaaybe keep me in mind! Four players, splendid. Just for giggles I might open the room with non-standard rules, but you'll be free to change them back to normal any time. And since @RedShell brought it up, I might even play a little Mario Kart 8 at 7PM, too! I, uh, haven't really played the game much since I quit the league, so expect me to be a bit rusty if anyone joins me. =P I've never been a host in that game before though...
  16. Firstly, version 1.0.7 is out, which means I'm back, baby. Download it yourselves to keep playing online. Secondly: Graphic stuff like this makes me feel faint. My body doesn't handle blood and gore all that well even if it's fake, heh. Sorry to be a killjoy, but maybe take it down a peg next time for me? Pretty please? Thirdly: See, part of the reason I made the videos was to get more of n-e taking part in the thread and playing together. That didn't really happen, and I don't think a third is going to suddenly convince people otherwise. Additionally, with less players and less matches in general, there's not as much footage to draw from, so making a video of the same length would take even longer, and it probably wouldn't have as much player variety either. The intention was to have people send their replays over (I didn't want to appear in every match), but the interest just isn't there, so a third video from me at this point is unlikely. Sorry. Besides, RedShell would probably be better at creating videos than I am. He knows how to put words on pictures and move them about! =P Finally, I will be opening a room at my usual time of 8PM! I look forward to seeing so many people who want to play video games! Yup! So... many... Audio Finally finally, gimme a Ness amiibo.
  17. Audio Ryu is not how you spell Phoenix Wright, Capcom. I know you have problems with spelling, but c'mon. Not that I wouldn't mind Ryu if he does become a character (I'd probably be more excited at the possibility if he was revealed properly rather than through a leak), but I think Phoenix would be a lot more amusing as a second Capcom guest. Just imagine that used on the cast of Smash Bros., pals! "The one who actually committed the crime... is YOU!" "Don't try to act innocent! We've all seen your death stare!"
  18. Sorry Peeps, I can't connect online because of a glitch. I've tried deleting the update data and reinstalling but no dice, so it looks like I'm out of Wii U smashing until they fix this. I've added a warning to the first post, too. Hopefully you can find someone else to play with! I, er, guess I'm available to play on the 3DS version if people are up for that. People aren't even up for talking in this thread though, even on the day (some of us) get a new character, so...
  19. Yeah, talking about the Wii U version. I only played Classic and All-Star on the 3DS version as Smash has made my circle pad pretty borked. =P I'd post a screenshot but the game won't let you go to the home menu on the character select, so I'll say that it shows the score and Global Smash Power for Mewtwo itself, but for the total high score (all characters), GSP is 0. EDIT: Quoted for new page so this post has context:
  20. Friendly warning, to those who have the Mewtwo DLC, there seems to be a glitch with Mewtwo and Global Smash Power. After playing 10-Man Smash with him, my GSP for that mode is now 0, and I can't connect online anymore due to "irregular save data". Mewtwo is so strong he broke my game. =(
  21. I guess Wii must be asleep. =P Present Sprout is pleased. Dat Pink Gold Baby Peach statue. Aside from GCN Baby Park, retro tracks include: 3DS Koopa City (yaaaay!) GBA Cheese Land (also yaaaay!) GBA Ribbon Road (so much yaaaay!) As well as two brand new tracks and the Animal Crossing track, Big Blue from F-Zero also makes an appearance! Everything in this DLC looks pretty good you guys. EDIT: More videos! Each giving a look at individual tracks:
  22. So yeah I thought I replied to this like 10 days ago but I didn't so I guess I've got brain problems! Judging by the super reception, I don't think any of the few people posting here (including myself) are really fussed about voice chat. I mean, I guess if people were genuinely interested we'd see people using what voice chat functionality is already in the the game more. And I think with a game like Smash Bros., you would kind of need all players to be involved to get the most out of it. If you get more players interested, then we could discuss workarounds, but based on my limited knowledge (meaning a quick Google search), you've got Skype and Steam (requires an account and download), Mumble (no account required, but requires you download at least the client software), or a browser based thing like talk.gg (no account or download required, but more limited functionality, and I'm not sure how secure it is). I don't even have a smart phone, so I have no idea what options you have for those doodads. =P --- Tonight is the last chance to play before everyone who took part in the Club Nintendo promotion starts playing as Mewtwo online! Tomorrow's patch is also said to introduce some character tweaks, so some characters today may feel a little different tomorrow. It also means that today may be your last chance to record any replays with a capture device (bloody typical that they're likely to delete our replays with a patch that includes sharing functionality, but thems the breaks). I'm hoping people will be wanting to play tomorrow, but for those who want one last night of pre-DLC Smash, I will make a room at the usual time of 8PM! Let me know if you're around, or I'll feel sad and lonely and why would you do this to me I am going to cry. Edit: Audio
  23. @Alak, don't hesitate to put a handicap on me next time if you lose, 'kay?.[/size]
  24. Quick thoughts! A lot of neat little touches as always in the Mewtwo trailer. Mew, Genesect, trying to catch a shiny Mewtwo with the Master Ball (and the choice of Ness for these segments), the fact they used Dr. Mario instead of regular Mario (this also makes it the only character trailer without the regular Mario)… and for a split second, the use of Roy Koopa instead of Bowser Jr... Trolling? Or a hint of things to come? At this point, who can say! I'm glad Lucas is returning! He's a good character. Whilst the trailer may have put poor Ness under almost Luigi levels of ridicule, ! A timid kid that - with the help of a friend or two - overcame his fears in the Subspace Emissary, it appears Sakurai and the team wanted to show that Lucas has held on to that gained confidence since Brawl. However, it still upsets me that has no chance of coming back this time… The fighter ballot is naturally the most interesting news. There's no way I could just decide one character though! I hope that there are some surprising results. It also sounds like they intend to publicise certain submissions, so I look forward to reading those if it happens. Maybe us n-e members could compare exactly what we wrote on our submissions here. =P …Oh, by the way, those who have replays saved up should probably start recording them if they can before Mewtwo and the patch hits. What with it including a balance tweaks an' all.
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