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Everything posted by Sprout

  1. Fiine. Let's get this over with. Third times the charm and all that.

  2. Har har har.


    Again, I'm online now. Hopefully you haven't run away to watch another football match or something. =P

  3. I'm online now.

  4. Maybe after dinner. And if the TV is free after dinner. I'll let you know if I'm available after dinner.

  5. I'm afraid you're asking someone who has parents who like watching both the World Cup and Big Brother. You'll have to ask again another time. Sorry!

  6. I, err, think you misunderstand me. I meant thanks for asking whilst it's still daylight. =P


    But yeah, I'm eager for the 3DS. Good games. Smash Bros. could be good on it, yeah, but I don't think they'll do such a game unless they can get that same multiplayer vibe you get with four players on a couch. That, and it's a pretty frantic game, lots of stuff going on at the same time, and I'm not sure yet how capable the 3DS could be at handling that. So for now I'm not my hopes up on a 3DS Smash Bros.. In anycase there's plenty of titles other than Smash Bros. to be excited about.


    Oh, and I'm fine with the Wii right now. The thing's still got years of life in it yet.

  7. Sorry Bev, currently have no TV access. Thanks for asking whilst the sun is still out this time though. =P

  8. Really? At this time? Allright... Gimme five minutes.

  9. Just thought I'd add that I managed to get in the top 16. I like to think that's decent. =P Using the Wii to post here, so can't really post any details right now, but here's the battle vid number for one of the matches I had: 60-53941-17302
  10. Heh, thanks. To answer the question, the comics were drawn with a Wacom Bamboo Graphics Tablet So, err, I guess it's a combination of my hands and my magic computer, yes. =P


    Though I'm a bit busy with uni right now, there'll probably be more to look forward to in the future! Hopefully!

  11. Got this at release and loooovin' it. All that nostalgia is hitting me in the face. In a good way! Been taking my sweet time though, apparently taken me about 70 hours to get 8 badges. I blame that Entei and Raikou, combined with my obsession at getting them in normal Poké Balls. The current "beat the story portion of the game" team! (Level 42) Yeah... I don't really wanna evolve Quilava and Wooper. Now my current mission is to get Lugia in a Poké Ball. This'll be fuuun... =P
  12. I don't think I was was holding back, though I never take a match seriously. Regardless, you did pretty good! I keep forgetting you're a decent player. =P


    Oh, and remind me never to pick Olimar on Summit (Ice Climbers Level) again. Nightmare!

  13. Hm, well I think I'm going to go with the SAPPHIRE ATI HD 5670 512MB. Just a quick question though. Is there absolutely any difference between these three lovely examples, other than the box? Does the slightly different packaging imply any differences between them? I noticed the second example had a VGA port on there (though play.com says it has a VGA port too/DVI to VGA adaptor), but other than that, any actual differences to these seemingly (or potentially literally) similar products?
  14. Ah, thank you all for the quick responses. I'll be sure to order one of these in the next couple of days. Ha ha, I've actually ordered one of those a few days ago already. But thank you anyway. =P
  15. Greetings to you, N-Europe Tech Boards! I have a problem that I imagine is tech related! Help, if you could provide it, would be highly appreciated. Basically, my graphics card overheated and I am in need of a new one. Problem is I have no clue about graphics cards whatsoever, so I was hoping to get some advice about what I could/should buy to replace it. If it helps to know, I have an Acer Aspire M3640 PC, and the graphics card I had before it blew up was an Nvidia GeForce 8600GS 512MB. Don't think I need a really powerful card, as I'm not much of a PC gamer, though I do watch/record a lot of video, and when I do play games I'd like them to run smoothly. Oh, and, err, lets make the max price about £100. Obviously if I could pay less, that would be great. =P
  16. Currently in a brawl with calv and jojo. you're free to join that imagine.

  17. A true gentleman should always thank a beautiful lady for creating a birthday thread for him. And of course thank anyone who wishes him a happy birthday as well! So yes! Thank you all veeeeery much! Oh yeah, bit late to say, but thanks for that N-E award too. =P
  18. Surprise! I've got comic twenty three completified. If you're wondering why Luigi is in a bubble, you haven't played New Super Mario Bros. Wii in multiplayer. =P One more comic to go! And here's number twenty four! I'm finally caught up. =P (Oh, and sorry if this doesn't automerge) And with this, A Gift from Mario is complete. Well, there might be a bonus comic in time for new year, but as far as the story goes, we've achieved completion. I'd like to thank everyone for reading and for putting up with me during this month. And since I have a tendency to disappear, if he's reading, I'd like to thank / nando / now for nominating me for best signature and avatar for the N-E Awards 2009 (and additional thanks to any of those who voted for me as well). Since the bonus comic will be a bit later than usual, I should probably make up for it somehow... Well, I guess I can share what I've been up to, and what I might have in mind in the future. Though, bear in mind anything I say isn't guaranteed...
  19. As said yesterday, if I don't get any done today, the updates for the last couple of comics should resume again on December 28th. For now, here's comic number 22! I always love numbers like this.... didn't I already say that...? Well my comics wouldn't be complete without a blatant Smash Bros. reference, would it? =P
  20. In the event that this doesn't get completed by tomorrow, updates for the last few will commence around the 28th. In the meantime, here's comic number twenty one. Super Mario Bros. will turn 25 next year. I should plan something for that. =P
  21. We've hit the twenty comic mark at last! Two days late, but at least the updates are still goin' this year. =P It was a toss between spicy chicken and cake or fiery drumsticks in regards to what food Bowser enjoyed. Eitherway, both are a reference to Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story. Yeah, I don't actually have anything interesting to say... Though I never do, really. =P
  22. Note to self: save regularly, because powercuts aren't your friend. Damn snow. =P Hopefully have another two up this evening (no promises though), but for now here's number nineteen! I have a top hat of my own. Not quite as magnificent as Professor Layton's, but maybe one day I'll show it off. Also, I couldn't find Layton sprites anywhere on the interweb! I had to painfully get these out from the game myself. Twice. =P
  23. I'm running behind, sorry about that. I've been spending time with my family last night and today (it's my father's birthday today). I'll try to make a two comic update in the next couple of days to catch up. For now, here's comic number eighteen! Only one quarter of the comic remains!
  24. Heeey, I'm improving! Sorta... Here's number seventeen! Now the race to complete the essay begins!
  25. Only an essay and a trip home to go. Hopefully by the end of the weekend I'll be back on schedule. =P Here's number sixteen! Guess I'm gonna have dinner and breakfast together this time. =P
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