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Everything posted by Sprout

  1. You know those golden Wii Remotes that came with The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword? Well look what's happened to mine! Oh noooooo! Not quite sure how this has happened, but the paint has come right off. Think it might have something to do with the summer heat and the Wii Remote Jacket. Whatever the reason, it has made me a sad person indeed. If anybody has a spare one, now would be a good time to show that you're a nice guy/gal and give it to me! No? Ok... =(
  2. Okay, I'm going to put my vote down. Vote: Magnus Peterson It's hard to choose who to vote for, and the reasons against Magnus Peterson could be explained away... but right or wrong, we need to be decisive. Well, I'm also voting because I'm going to hospital and won't be back until the evening possibly. Yaaaay... =P
  3. At a guess, I'd say 3-4. Which would mean that we basically need just about every remaining member of the Court to make a vote. And given that the current amount of players who have posted this day phase isn't enough for majority, it's probably gonna require a miracle (heh) to accomplish this. So! We need to all band together, pick a guy to vote for and stick with it! We owe it to the players we lost and we especially owe it to Jonnas to at least get a majority this day phase, even if we're wrong. I, er, just wish I knew who to pick...
  4. I'm kinda conflicted... There's pretty good reasons to get both of them lynched. Reasons to vote Magnus Peterson: He was roleblocked by Sheikah last night, and there was no kill. This post (which I assume has been written for Dannyboy to lie detect), whilst informative, leaves out a pretty key detail – He doesn’t state that he is evil or works for the Court of Miracles. Pretty convenient to leave such a simple thing out. He may very well be a protector, but being a protector does not a member of the Court make. And as said by Dannyboy, for a protector who could be deduced since Day 3, he’s survived an awfully long time. Reasons to vote Marcamillian: Checked the thread with all these votes against him and didn’t respond. Maybe believes staying silent will save him this day. If I’m reading his latest rhyme correctly he claims he’s not a hangman (and may well not be, but has being spotted with a noose by Jon Dedede) and also saved me from death last night? Yet Heroic claims he targeted Dannyboy… ...But for all we know, they might both be working for the Queen. There’s still gotta be at least three of her underlings running about after all. Pfffft. Bit late to replying to this, but I'm assuming you're talking about the mention of an invitation in that write-up note. If that's the only reason... well, I don't think that it would be wise to trust someone based solely on the fact that they have an invitation. There could still very well be a traitor in the Court of Miracles. Just something to keep in mind for your notes, pal. =P
  5. So in the continuing adventures of Maidens being a big dumb dumb, I discovered today that I accidentally bought two copies of this game. =P I'll, er, return the other copy... but not right now. Pikmin 3 awaaaaiiits!
  6. I'll be sure to put a vote by tonight, but I think 3 votes away is enough pressure for now. I'd like him to explain Night 8 in particular: Oh yeah! Has anyone heard from that mysterious voice recently?
  7. Aw, I missed the day again... Stupid illness and Summer heat. Well at least a majority was reached this time... I get the feeling that I'm gonna be the next victim, so I guess I should take this moment to say that I don't think these messages have really been discussed: The messages sound a bit suspicious to me. It might be too late to discuss them now... but I thought bringing them up again might keep it fresh in people's minds for the next day at least!
  8. I can confirm that this is the note that was on my desk. I knew the contents of the note, and he has repeated it precisely to the letter... which I believe maaaay have broken one of the Gentleman's Regulations to not post contents of PMs. I came to the same conclusion as he did about Zell's role, hence why I have kept the information to myself. Could have just said you're a neutral thief instead of revealing an alignment investigator though! I won't vote yet because it's early in the day and there are other questions to be asked. If we can get somebody working for the Queen instead, we can put your lynch on hold for another day. Oh, and I also have to question how a player can target someone who is dead...
  9. Well I said before I don't think you're working for the Queen. I think you're trustworthy, I just wanted to clarify some things is all, Mr Edgeworth, sir! People of the Court, I believe we should refocus our efforts towards other people! I have no idea who though, heh.
  10. Well I get that you may be agitated having to repeat yourself. That said, I believe there is a difference between finding things in a room and stealing things from a room. Selective wordplay and all that. Sorry if it means you're gonna have to repeat yourself again, but are you the one who stole from me during Night 1?
  11. I, er, don't really have much to contribute, except that somebody asked me for my Court-related documents last night. That’s a first, right? Has nobody else been asked for these things? And in regards to @The Peeps… reading his posts, I don’t think that he is working for the Queen. And I think I know the two people he has information on, so he can probably be trusted in regards to that. But at the same time, I don’t believe he’s telling us the whole truth. And that concerns me. To that end, before I go saying who I think you really are, I’d like to give you a chance to restate your role. Are you really an aviator, and does your power actually work the way you have claimed? And, er, I hope it wouldn't be too rude to ask for another day for this day phase so that this can get answered, Jonnas. I imagine most people have simply been enjoying the good weather! I wish I could. =P
  12. Okayyyy, first I must offer my sincere apologies for my inactivity. As I mentioned I’ve been really ill, and a lot of my time has been occupied with constant visits to the doctors and staying in bed. And when I’ve had the strength to check out the thread, discussion has been a bit… unpleasant, so I thought best to not partake in it. Some of you should learn to play nice. =P Not sure what I can contribute at this point, but for now I’ll say the following: I was too late to send in a target last night. Sorry about that. I can confirm that Ine is telling the truth about these events: As to why I’m still in the game despite being inactive, it’s because I’ve been in talks with Jonnas to find me a replacement. He’s informed me that he has found a replacement at this point, so it’s just up to me to say whether I’m feeling up to continuing. I’ve been feeling a little better, but I’ll let you folks have a say in it too if you like, because I don’t mind stepping down if it will make the game better for you. Anywho, I’m off to the doctors again. I’ll be back in the evening! Well, I hope so anyway, heh.
  13. Ah, well you mentioned dreams in your previous post. I guess it was just fancy talk in the end. I just thought it was a contradiction of sorts and felt like it should be pointed out is all, my bad. Oh, er, I think I'm a new character. Though with this being a Court of Miracles consisting of evil characters, I don't think it's too surprising to see a bunch of newcomers. Jonnas ain't lazy. =P
  14. Urrrgh, really sorry everyone. I know my inactivity makes me suspicious, but I genuinely am ill. If I don't start getting better soon I'll be sure to let Jonnas know so he can look for a replacement for me because it's not fair on those of you who are actually playing... I targeted Magnus Peterson. Which makes these statements interesting: See, my power involves dreams. He claims he prevented someone from reaching his target, but unless there's someone else who deals with dreams, he did no such thing because I targeted him. I do believe that's a contradiction of sorts!
  15. Sorry, I've been ill for a while now. I'm hoping I can keep playing, but it's harder than I expected, heh. For now I'll answer your question and say that my power was successful last night.
  16. I was hoping that the thief would reveal themselves… Since that is not the case, then I can only assume that this thief is not loyal to the court. I fear that the Queen and whoever may be working with her may have got some pretty beneficial info. I get the feeling that I'm a target for tonight, so, er, protection would be nice.
  17. Hm, guess the thief hasn't chosen to reveal themselves. @Mr\-Paul, could you reveal the thief you discovered? Pfffff posted at the same minute even. I'd still like to hear who you think the thief is though!
  18. Well, I was having things stolen from me for a start! I guess I'm not that great at keeping an eye on things. =P
  19. Audio Welp, that's me done! Phew, can't believe I was silly enough to do this two years in a row. =P Though that said I suppose I did attempt those Advent comics for five... I hope you enjoyed at least some of my stuff, heh. I certainly enjoyed the submissions from everybody else! Guess Ine's last submission is all that's left to seeeee (unless anybody else has a submission for the final day)! The month is over. The challenge has concluded. It was fun. Thank you.
  20. The rain, it scares me... Even just a single drop... It could end my life...
  21. So c-c-c-cold! Let's not explore the freezer... That thing would kill me! The lack of ice in the fridge and freezer makes for a very lame picture. I'm sorryyy. =(
  22. Hey! Don't fall asleep! You only have three pics left! You can't give up now! I shall now proceed to continue aimlessly browsing the internet until sunrise, even though I'm tired. I'm brilliant at life.
  23. He tears us apart! Then he throws us in the bin! Save us, Dannyboy! Actually, I've put them on top of one of my shelves (apart from this one from day 2, which is now riding my monitor, and this one from day 7, which hasn’t moved since I took the photos). With that said, I can’t see myself keeping most of them in the long run. I’ve grown attached to some of them, but they’re taking up space I don’t really have, heh. Also I've replaced yesterday's photo because I put the arms on the wrong way round. Whoops. >.>;
  24. When I was a child... I also made paper boats. ...I'm not sinking?! Yay!
  25. I'm searching the depths of this dark cereal box. I must find that prize!
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