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Everything posted by Wii

  1. That's how kingpins start out. Before you know it, they'll be shooting up the mobster ladder and you'll have a Tony Soprano knock-off.
  2. I watched until they showed Tatsu's introduction in the game, then switched off. I've seen too much, I'll say that's it but I can't resist. The game will be spoiled by the time it gets out here. And the game will be doing well to make it out by 2015 here.
  3. Wii

    Mario Kart 8

    http://www.nintendolife.com/news/2015/04/talking_point_mario_kart_8_dlc_is_a_winning_formula_for_nintendo_but_it_can_go_further I'd like to see Battle Mode fixed. Nintendo UK Live #1: Mario Kart 8 DLC Pack 2 + 200cc Mode
  4. Don't forget the Direct this evening at 7p.m. followed by the live Nintendo Treehouse presentation. http://www.nintendo.com/nintendo-direct/04-24-2015/ Might be the last thing I watch, I'm spoiling it a bit so I've tried to cut back a little. Xenoblade Chronicles X video showcase
  5. I'm one of those that definitely has their average lowered.
  6. Wii

    Mario Kart 8

    Forget I said anything. Yes I was bad last night, I don't want to talk about it. It's too dark and hard to make out what's happening and off putting neon lights flashing everywhere but on the track. Why do people talk about the weather like it's some redeeming feature? If the track is crap, it doesn't matter how cool the rain looks.
  7. Wii

    Mario Kart 8

    Forget Baby Park, it's fine. Hands down the worst track is Neo Bowser City. It would easily win a vote, contemplating making a thread for this discussion. It looked $h1t€ in 3DS yet saw fit somehow to make it a returning track. I like all the other tracks. Even Cheese Land, I thought would be lame but is really good with loads of shortcuts dotted around the track and the cratered mini boosts.
  8. Well fuck Real Madrid and their handy draw. If they'd got Barca or Bayern they'd have been crushed over 2 legs. Jammy bastards
  9. Wii

    Mario Kart 8

    That was me I think. It was on Excitebike Arena. I was performing the timed boost jumps over the hills and at the last one before the last corner the kart shot forward completely missing the turn and barely staying inside the course. Lost all control and came nearly last. It's there on MKTV for whoever was in group 2 last night. I'll see about making a video of it but the edit functions aren't great.
  10. It's all the same, it's content you can't access on day 1 without paying extra. To-may-to, to-mah-to.
  11. Oh sorry, I shall refer to it as paywalled content in future though I did reference it earlier. Like those kind of "extra" features never existed before amiibo? Who be trollin'? We should be thankful SM3DW and NintendoLand came out before amiibo or we'd have had the invincibility leaf and the plaza prizes respectively as "perks" of owning amiibo. And every other feature before amiibo came along. Now all these things are perks? Please!
  12. "A rose($H1T) by any other name would smell as sweet(rancid)." Or as the other saying goes "a rose(DLC) by any other name is still a rose(DLC)." It's DLC. It's locked away content on the disc that you can't access unless you pay Nintendo extra money(amiibo), hence DLC. And mind your manners, you did get the fool bit right.
  13. Well it did take them 2 generations to move on from the Gamecube and it took them until 2012 to catch up with 2005.
  14. Mario Party 10, Super Smash Bros., Kirby and the Rainbow Paintbrush and Splatoon. Yoshi's Woolly World will no doubt be the same. Say what you want but it's day 1, paywalled DLC and if you don't have a key, you're not getting it. It's right there on the disc. Pretty much all the recent games and they'll keep pushing the boat until they hit an iceberg.
  15. http://www.nintendolife.com/news/2015/04/natsume_suggests_that_nintendos_moving_away_from_snes_on_wii_u_virtual_console
  16. http://www.gonintendo.com/s/251695-fred-meyer-retail-system-claims-silver-mario-amiibo-due-out-may-29th-update
  17. http://mynintendonews.com/2015/04/24/target-says-xenoblade-chronicles-x-will-launch-on-may-31st/ I just can't see that date being real. Whatever about the US, we'll be waiting a lot longer for localisation thanks to all the European languages.
  18. http://mynintendonews.com/2015/04/23/super-smash-bros-director-sakurai-calls-dlc-these-days-a-scam/ I agree with Sakurai but even Nintendo are guilty of this practise. Though they may have only entered the fray recently and it may seem inconsequential to some.
  19. Wii

    Mario Kart 8

    Mario Kart 8: All Animal Crossing Seasons Head-to-Head Comparison (60fps)
  20. I'm going to be so, so bad. My only hope is if all of ye are somehow worse. I'm ready.
  21. They paid special attention in leaving out voice chat and somehow that enhances strategic gameplay and they know we want it but tough $h1t we're not giving it to you. You have to use alternative methods like Skype. And I didn't even cover the wishy washy BS from the first paragraph. I need a new sig, I think I'm going to use that answer. It's as bad as I've seen for some time.
  22. One element that seems to be important in team play is voice communication, but Splatoon doesn't have that feature. How does Mr Nogami think players will communicate in-game if they are serious about playing as a team. "In terms of communication in games in general, there are two main types: communication about strategy, and communication about feelings you have while playing at that moment. When that point is applied to this game, one interesting aspect of Splatoon is that the actions you take shooting ink can immediately be seen in the stage you're playing by yourself and other players, and conversely when you see the actions other players are taking shooting ink, it's something you can interpret immediately and then base your next actions on that and judging what that means. That's an important part of the gameplay in Splatoon." "In designing the game, we paid special attention to allowing the gameplay to cover a lot of ground for that kind of strategic communication. However we definitely understand the importance players put on that other type of communication that's more feelings-based." "And so because we understand that desire for players to have that kind of emotional communication, we can imagine players using some way or another to achieve that extra layer of communication while playing the game." http://www.usgamer.net/articles/hisashi-nogami-interview- More BS and on so many levels.
  23. http://www.usgamer.net/articles/hisashi-nogami-interview-
  24. http://www.mcvuk.com/news/read/nintendo-pledges-more-stock-after-amiibo-smashes-expectations/
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