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Everything posted by Wii

  1. http://mynintendonews.com/2015/05/17/legend-of-kay-anniversary-will-now-output-at-1080p-for-wii-u/
  2. You're thinking of Liverpool yesterday. :p
  3. http://www.gamesradar.com/obviously-yoshis-woolly-worlds-development-involved-actual-knitting/
  4. Wii


    Yooka-Laylee Developer Interview http://www.gamesradar.com/yooka-laylees-world-made-books-you-unlock-collecting-pages/
  5. TRACKS Here is a breakdown of the race tracks: Oval: This is the most basic track in the game, it's a good place to practice and get accustomed to the game's drift mechanics. Difficulty: Easy Oval Infield: A few tricky corners can catch you out so you will have to use the brakes. Difficulty: Medium Island Short: This is the signature track of the game, it's small with quite a few tricky corners. Difficulty: Medium Island Long: This track has long straights and wide corners with only a couple of places that require braking. Difficulty: Easy Mountain Short: There are plenty of U-turns in this track, you will need to master the drifting mechanics to put in some good times. Difficulty: Hard Mountain Long: This is the longest track in the game, it has everything from very tight U-turns to long straights and plenty of elevation. Difficulty: Hard Airport: Long straights followed by sharp corners. Difficulty: Medium VR track: This is a bonus track Inspired by a certain Racing game about Virtua. Difficulty: Medium Playroom: Another bonus track, this one is inspired by Scalextric, the famous slot racing toy. Difficulty: Medium
  6. Ya the SM3DW thread was closed, I think for a day to let those people calm down. The New Super Mario Bros. U thread, that was locked permanently and a NEW New Super Mario Bros. U thread took its place. I don't remember the Wind Waker thread closing. I agree and most of us are expressing our opinion on this game but when people come in here criticising your opinion, spreading lies and posting photos of crying babies, what does that contribute? What's good for the goose is good for the gander.
  7. Stop quoting me troll and stop lying. Never said it was a horrible result and never said they should be ashamed of themselves.
  8. I can't remember but it's definitely longer than 5-7 hours. I definitely didn't feel short changed, it may have been around the 15-20 hour mark, there's a load of replayability and I put a lot of hours in online as well. If you can find people to play online it'll lengthen the play time considerably. I really struggled to find anyone online. My play log says I've put in 42 hours.
  9. Thank God I didn't mention that I could see 7's as well. There's no tears and as you say the price is good which I feel is what saves it from a lynching. I just think the gloss has gone off it a bit as more and more has been shown and the online details were revealed.
  10. I thoroughly enjoyed Revelations and would recommend it as well. If you can find people online, the raid mode is great fun too. https://www.residentevil.net/en/ I used to visit there and they would give out codes for special weapons and perks at various times throughout the year like at Halloween and they held little tournaments where the highest score would be rewarded with various bits and bobs. Sorry it's been over a year since I played it so my recollections are sketchy.
  11. Does anyone know when the embargo lifts on reviews?
  12. No 8/10 isn't bad. You can hear it in their voices and the general analysis in the previews that their enthusiasm has cooled off somewhat for the game. I've already said it's paid for, no turning back now.
  13. You've said it yourself. It's as much a puzzle, action platformer as it is a shooter in single player. It's your opinion, but for me a 5-7 hour campaign just doesn't cut it. I don't think it's as hot now that its true colours have been revealed. From watching all the various previews, the vibe I've got is that this game will be an 8/10 game.
  14. In terms of positions there's very few if any who you'd pick from the Premiership. Sure Aguero has been great but would you pick him above Suarez? Coirtois above Neuer? Hazard above Messi? I don't think there's any Premiership player that would make it.
  15. Oh yeah and how did I forget about the paywalled content(challenges, outfits, weapons and arcade games) on day 1 hidden behind amiibo?
  16. I had a chance to not buy this game as my Paypal authorisation payment had expired with thegamecollection but I renewed it, this was after the Direct and demo and the money's been paid now. I am, however, definitely not as excited as more details have come to light about the game. The online is bare bones and the single player turns out to be bare bones also. Add that to waiting 3 months for proper online, only 5 maps, no voice chat, no customisation and other niggles with online, it's hardly great now is it? I said long ago I'd make a stand against the voice chat issue but I didn't for other reasons, like supporting a new ip. It's the decent price I paid for it that's stopping me from all out ripping it a new hole. They probably think their new audience(kids) will put up with all this and shipping a half ready game, but seasoned FPS fans would be far from happy as am I. You do seem to pick and choose what's acceptable for shooters. You know what else is standard for this genre?
  17. I can't remember where but I thought I read 16 hours months ago and I do remember them saying it would be meaty. With the game's online shipping like this: I was expecting a decent single player to compensate somewhat. Also reading back over Amano and his EDGE article: It's clear now who these new people are that they're trying to grab. It's kids. It's become more and more evident over the last week or two. That's why we'll NEVER have voice chat. That's why we've those cringy ads and the kids events being held. That's it exactly.
  18. The single player campaign is 5-7 hours long. Not what I was expecting nor hoping for.
  19. Splatoon Disc Art New Splatoon weapons trailer - English Subtitles
  20. Hold on a minute. What is this even doing in the Zelda discussion? And we had this information days ago.
  21. The same way the DS wasn't a replacement for the Gameboy? It was meant as a third pillar. How'd that work out?
  22. To buy Balotelli and Lambert for a club that finished second last season and wanted to challenge for the title, they were stupid decisions. None of them are good enough, Borini included. Balotelli can has his moments or should I say he had his moments in the past. He's a tempermental spoilt child that's just happy now to collect his pay cheques.
  23. It's not BS. Liverpool have played nearly the whole season without a recognised striker. The fact that they'd rather play Sterling as a forward than the other options says a lot. Sure other teams have had their problems too but without a striker you're screwed.
  24. Developer Spotlight: Shovel Knight
  25. Laugh away all you want but they're the reason Man Utd are in the Champions League next year. I looked at the team, no striker. Their bench was a joke with only Lambert there as an option. If they had an anyway near decent strike force(obviously Sturridge is injured) Man United would be f*cked. Like Man United fans can brag. What was their result last week? Neither team deserves CL football. I think next year depending on how things go, there's a possibility of only the top 3 qualifying for the CL. Best league in the world my @rse!
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