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Everything posted by Wii

  1. Not sure if it's a simultaneous launch in Europe and the U.S. but the game is down for a release on 4th December.
  2. What's a Wii U? This is so bad. They'll probably try and rescue it with a big tease at the end.
  3. They do realise their presentation is less than an hour long right? This is bad so far and we're 20 minutes into it already. Wii U news please!
  4. Starfox looks rough. And Skylanders now. WTF??? Is this a joke?
  5. I predict 100% that you are right and I'll hate them even more than this useless, annoying wagon by the end of the Direct. I lie. I already hate them more than Fi.
  6. Games I don't want to see but unfortunately have a possibility of turning up on Wii U. Nintendo Land 2 SNES Remix Animal Crossing Wii U amiibo game Mario Sports title(with the exception of gollf) another 2D platformer I'm not mad about Starfox either. I need to be convinced about that game given its past. Miyamoto should have some new franchise announced today. He's said for years he's been working on something new so maybe today will be the day, though given he's working on Starfox, maybe not. I would like to hear that Projects Humpty and Dumpty had an unfortunate accident and had a great fall of a wall and nobody even batted an eyelid to put them back together again. My biggest wish would be for a new Metroid game. More Other M style than Prime would be preferable. The perfect marriage would be a combination of the two styles. Even 2D would be welcome though then it would probably be more suited to the 3DS.
  7. Belated congratulations Darren on the birth of your new baby. Was it a boy or girl? I presume a boy with your suggestions of Bowser or Toad in another post. It was nice knowing you. :p
  8. Glad to see Roy return. He was my favourite in Melee. The pricing is OUCH! Not buying this. €30+ for both bundles, with a lot of dross filler like the Mii Fighters costumes. I haven't enjoyed this version as much as the others. Maybe I have Smash fatigue. Ryu has no place in Smash Bros. I love Street Fighter but Capcom can go hang themselves from a tree as far as I'm concerned when it comes to the Wii U. Who paid who for this to happen? Who does it benefit? Been over this before but we haven't had a main series SF since the SNES. That said it looks like they've done a great job in incorporating him into the game. There needs to be a season pass and a much better price for me to bite.
  9. Seeing as I'd no online for the past couple of weeks. I got to play and complete some games, including this one. I thought the single player was alright, nothing great. On a scale of difficulty from 1-10, I'd say it was about 2-3. The only difficult bit was the last boss which was maybe an 8. Good luck to the casuals beating him. That was a big spike in difficulty. The music is very limited and repetitive and the scrolls were easily found. Took about 10 hours to 100% it taking my time collecting all those little orange blobs. Only had ink firing rate, tank size on level 3 by the end with everything else on level 2. I've no incentive to ever play it again, the single player that is. Now hopefully the real fun starts when I get into the multiplayer. The graphics were nice and the credits were cool for the single player campaign. Some of the music was great but some was extremely grating.
  10. Super Mario Maker comes with some pre made courses on the disc. [TWEET]610607476086558720[/TWEET]
  11. http://nintendoeverything.com/nintendo-digital-event-expected-to-be-an-hour-or-less/#disqus_thread http://www.twitch.tv/nintendoeurope
  12. I changed broadband providers. Moved over to SKY. It was a nightmare getting them to connect it. It took 2 weeks to get it sorted and my old provider cut the service off before the contract was up as well. I didn't miss much it seems(besides the "World" Championships and the Smash DLC Direct) and hopefully I'm back in time for some good news at E3.
  13. Guess who's back? 2 weeks of catching up to do.
  14. You must have JavaScript enabled on your device to view Miiverse posts that have been embedded in a website. View post in Miiverse
  15. http://www.thenintendochannel.com/news.php?n=1195
  16. http://nintendoeverything.com/nintendo-says-nx-wont-use-android/
  17. There's something seriously f*cked up if someone can buy and sell an amiibo for triple its RRP in less than a day of its launch.
  18. Nikkei are very respectable. This isn't like a 4chan rumour. They must have good sources, they don't just print any old rumour.
  19. If only there was some way to voice your frustrations.
  20. http://nintendoeverything.com/splatoon-the-fifth-fastest-selling-wii-u-game-in-the-uk-consoles-biggest-ip-launch/ http://www.chart-track.co.uk/?i=2141&s=1111
  21. I wouldn't have to make snide remarks if they showed good games. It wasn't intended to be funny. It was one comment, not exactly crapping up the thread. And with that I'm done with another one of your needlessly made threads.
  22. Splatoon is already released. Project Treasure looks like a Wii game. Didn't show it in the Direct Micro, its that fugly. Mario & Sonic.......meh.
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