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Everything posted by pokekid

  1. Well if by some magic they decided to do that it couldn't be worse than the PS2 version, FIVE loading screens in the intro, then even more when you enter rooms. That was called Half Life because you spend half your life getting through the intro! And why couldn't they reproduce Half Life 1 on Wii, update the graphics, few new areas. Add loads of online multiplayer...
  2. How can we not mention THIS!
  3. Ebay the broadband adapter, they go for around £20 alone, I know, I'm trying to get one cheap... Online Mario Kart will have to wait.... Infact ebay the Gameboy player, I got £20 when I sold mine. I put a buy it now instead of an auction and it went in a day or 2. And In game I got £20 credit for my 2nd Cube. The tip is to sell it to a shop that will accept a £1/2 cheap controller instead of the official one. Then trade the official controller in either Gamestation or CEX (Can be done instore or online at http://www.cex.co.uk - The site also tells you what they give for the item) Infact if the Wii is networked through either cable/wireless will this mean network games(PSO)/link up games (Mario kart, kirby) would work as they should?
  4. At least according to Argos (They wouldn't copy and paste....would they?)
  5. SPARE power?!? If sony want to charge that much we should have all the power!!!!! And its more likely the 360 will have more spare power if you convert the heat the power supply emits into something useful!
  6. Either a Donkey Konga Wiimake or a brand new game. Add MP3 support from SD card or Music downloads in a VC style service and it will be amazingly fun. Also use the Wiimote/analogue combo as drumsticks!
  7. Yes, at least I am, Wii FPS games seem brilliant especially control wise. As a tradition PC FPS player I hated most console FPS game controls but the Wii is a mix of the 2 and it seems exciting. That and MP 3 are major selling points to me (Along with Wii sports of course!) One nice touch in BF1942 was being able to hear the japanese saying Sog (Which means Damn- See watching naruto and other animes does teach people). Although if I'd had lead pumped into me I'd more likely say you (Insert as many swear words as you can say before dying HERE) And since we're talking realism I think writing TNT- DANGEROUS on the Call of Duty bombs is pretty accurate.(Random comment)
  8. If on you use the CoD 1 glitch to run round with no weapon! That was great for screen shots. So maybe there were some photographers in the army! And have you seen the CoD 2 ending with COD written on a board in the photograph, i think its fake. Thats realism for you! Should be a new game mode, you go through the game with no gun (OK I'm not that mean you can have a knife :awesome: ) and see how long you last!
  9. Only in our dreams. If nintendo really wanted to use Tingle in a game make it BEAT UP TINGLE DS! or HOW FAR CAN YOU THROW TINGLE
  10. Bit of a long shot here but on Wii Connect 24 you could have a sort of bounty hunter scenarios. So you hunt a certain enemy for money. The way it'd work is by downloading the scenario it will then load the map and only spawn what the scenario says. Hard to explain. Basically Samus is a bounty hunter and therefore would have to do these choirs. But you compete online on the missions because the first to complete it gets the bounty which could purchase extras or something along those lines.
  11. http://www.bbfc.co.uk/website/Classified.nsf/e8ea0df3a881175480256d58003cb570/c203667526e93b11802571bc0033e8c2?OpenDocument Here, if thats what the gift turns out to be (If they dont change it). And I think 00:00:30:00 SUPER SMASH BROS. - BRAWL I hope its 30 MINUTES if not it'll be HH:MM:SS:Milliseconds? so 30seconds of footage. How long was the trailer? EDIT: Well its not 30 minutes "When submitted to the BBFC the work had a running time of 24m 54s "
  12. I've thought it might have control problems from seeing the E3 Conference demonstration and I saw a video on Google Video of someone spending about 3 minutes just to learn how to use the bow and even then he struggled. But I'll wait and see, the extra features might overpower the problems.
  13. 594 BEAT THAT! Oh you mean this is like golf where a large score=bad Anyway a Pacman stage would be great (Plenty of jumps etc) but Pacman as a character would be boring I think, maybe as an item or have him come out of a pokeball and eat your oppenents! We should have superfrog in this, i dont care about its complete lack of appearence on nintendo consoles (Except for Worms Blast if that was on GC) but HE IS SUPREME. His flying blob and lucosade will trash Mario anyday! EDIT: Another idea Naruto or Sasuke of well Naruto! Or Ichigo of Bleach! All of em would be great fighters!
  14. The only problem I could think of with bundling VC games is that they will probably have exclusive ones not normally available at some point e.g. Get Metroid NES with MP3 but then not putting Metroid NES on for normal prices/download and therefore alot of people could miss out. I'm also hoping the VC won't be region specific so we all get the same game selections (Really wants Tales of Phantasia translated for VC!!!:awesome: or even better a brand new Tales of game for Wii! )
  15. Something to keep in mind, if you boycott ONM and next issue their is a DVD with brand new wii footage like SSB:B (See a different thread) then what'll you do?
  16. Just got a letter saying that Future could not give me the free wavebird with my ONM because the offer had expired, when it was valid at the time and they told me my subscription would continue anyway and my first issue would come soon (Although it doesnt start until December). I'm expecting the same letter for N-gamer So be careful with immediate subscriptions if the gift was a deciding factor because they wont cancel it, it will still charge. What are the new subscription gifts/links for ONM and N-gamer?
  17. I know ONM has a free wavebird if you use a special link to a part of http://www.myfavouritemagazines.co.uk is there a similar offer for N-Gamer?
  18. What are the Ngamer DVDs like so far? Also is there any subscription gifts and can you subscribe online? Also does it have a site?
  19. Thought I would make a main discussion for ONM to save us from the millions of seperate threads. Do you like the revamped magazine? Hate it? I'm also making this so that people know what subscription gifts are available at the moment to decide the best time to subscribe and also what magazine gifts their are. Subscription link: http://www.myfavouritemagazines.co.uk/nim/w010 Current Subscription Gift: Wavebird Wireless Controller (Issue 6) Previous Subscription Gifts: Metroid Prime 2: Echoes (Issue 1 - Issue 5) Pikmin 2 (Issue 1 - Issue 2) Donkey Konga (with bongos) (Issue 1 - Issue 4 and Issue 5) Metroid Fusion (Issue 3 - Issue 5) Donkey Konga 2 (Issue 4) Current Free gift: DS/DS Lite Skins I think we will be seeing some Wii related gifts soon to hype up the launch even if its just a teaser DVD.
  20. I third fourth and fifth'd that! CoD Should stick to PC and Wii though analog control sticks are not good. I played CoD 2 on the 360 demo and it was all over the place, you couldn't aim! Top 3 WWII Series 1)Call Of Duty 2)Brothers in Arms 3)Medal of honor And don't judge FPS series by their console counterparts, PC versions are much better!
  21. I've seen no mention of Medal Of Honor Airbourne anyway. I'm hoping it works out great like CoD3 and MP3 .Look at it here All we need now is Brothers in arms!
  22. If we end up doing matrix style wall runnin' 'n' gunnin' and doing insane stunts, in that graphics style I would pay.... in fact you can't put a price on that! Whats your Gunz Character name? I'm Viewtiful1 on it. If you want to see what we are on about go to here (Hmm Gunz Wii, we'd have to actually run up walls... could work!)
  23. The DS PSP war has proven graphics dont matter. The DS has done great no matter what the PSP produces,its obviously got worse graphics and yet its still innovative but the problem with innovation are the games that lack it (cough Rayman DS). Those games spoil the system where as Trauma Centre and Nintendogs show so much innovation. But also the PSP has many supporters and does just as well. I think the same thing will happen with the Wii. It won't affect or be affected by the other consoles too much because the people who love graphics will get a PS3, Xbox 360 will get no one and the Wii will have innovation lovers and children and others. It will have its fair share of stale games but some will make it excel high above the rest. Xbox 360 will just fade away hopefully. The Wii has so many new features though so I think it will be the best of the 3. It has: The virtual console The motion sensor Strong launch titles Various Controllers Innovation Connectivity with DS WiiConnect24 Demos and trailers Also the price will go against the PS3!
  24. This will be TORTURE! I tested my DS from USA launch before christmas, then had torture waiting. I tested my Japanese White PSP before christmas and guess what TORTURE! Don't put yourself through this!
  25. Is it confirmed to be region free/region locked yet? I would really like region free, at least then Europe won't get excluded from all the best games. If not WII WANT FREELOADER! (and Jump Superstars Wii!) Also are there any "Tales of" games annouced, either for the Wii or the virtual console? I can always dream of a translated Tales of Phantasia on the virtual console, probably based on the GBA translation no matter how bad Cress sounds compared to Cless.
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