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Posts posted by Stocka

  1. I'd rather there wasn't SSB DS personally, I just want a bloody awesome massive infinity value Super smash Brothers on the Wii.


    And let me just say this, a temporary E3 subforum has been discussed between the staff and is VERY likely to happen :smile:



  2. These pictures were taken at Blakeney, a pretty place in Norfolk I went to yesterday.




    I have tons of photos I've taken from over Norfolk(and abroad) as photography is a big hobby of mine, so if people want I can post more every so often :smile:


    EDIT: Just realised the rule of only one picture a day that you clearly said Nintendork. sorry :hmm: I'll delete the 2nd if you really want me to...

  3. Anyone else find it very interesting how on the site they ask you before entering the Sadness page...

    Are you at least 21 years old and don't suffer from a heart condition or nervous disposition?

    Not only does it make it sound like its going to be horrifying, but also possibly suggesting the game could get a rating of 21+ ?!

    Has there even been a game with a 21 rating before?

  4. On the plus(for me) I should finally have my new internet set up tommorow, if not later in the week, which will let me finally use Xbox live properly and play with you lot!

    (Too long a story to explain the problem)

    I only have Kameo and PDZ at the moment :( (I want more games but don't have the money and have been buying DS games...+ there's no recent 360 games I MUST have)

    I'll be adding you all to my friends list soon(those that want me to)

    H-o-T you up for that Kameo co-op we were going to do?

  5. First (import) review of Ninety Nine Nights




    Graphics are nice

    Music is good

    Crowd Control is mindless but fun if that’s your kind of thing



    Boss fights are dreadful

    Engine is broken when it comes to one on one fights

    There is no gameplay balance

    No checkpoints

    No Story

    No lip-synch in cutscenes and the animation is jerky for some reason

    Fairly short game with limited amount of stages



    Don't like the sound of it at all :nono:

  6. This is old and absolute bullshit, Seriousgamer007 is fake.


    Jeez how many threads have I had to lock in here these last few days?!




    Edit by diemetrix:

    Looks like the name change has hyped the machine quite a bit.

  7. Between now -> May 23rd so much is happening for me. Its so exciting.

    May 2nd: New series of Lost on TV

    May 5th: I get Metroid Prime Hunters

    May 7th: Going to Arsenal v Wigan, last game EVER at Highbury :weep:

    May 8th: E3 starts

    May 9th: French Oral Exam in morning. NINTENDO CONFERENCE in evening! :awesome: Then E3 continues for next few days

    May 17th: PARIS!! I'm going to the champions league final :D [Arsenal v Barca]

    May 19th: Last high school day EVER

    May 23rd: GCSEs start.



  8. Okay I have been getting Memory errors when I'm playing games that shuts them down.



    When I load up Counter Strike Source it automatically closes and gets that error message on the right. Sometimes whilst I'm playing Age of Empires 3 it crashes and gets the error on the left. Help would be really appreciated

  9. Hm. Well theres was some knowledgeable and well thought out discussion about this going on in the Twilight Princess thread, so I'm going to leave it as it is for now and see how it goes. If you want to discuss theories and ideas about the timeline please do but any bashing each other's views or flaming and I'll lock it.


    Be good.

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