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Posts posted by Stocka

  1. It was too big a risk to start without Henry in a game like this and everyone knew it. What a piece of scum Davids really is, it would of been bad enough had 1 player been down, yet alone 2. We didn't play well though, so I'm by no means saying we deserved to win.


    Its not in our own hands anymore :hmm:

  2. Okay, these are most likely FAKE but this is the kind of art style that I'd absolutey adore to be used. Its gorgeous(especially the 2nd screen, the 1st is a bit odd)






    Article: http://www.nintendoglobal.net/index.php?subaction=showfull&id=1145651891&archive=&start_from=&ucat=&

    (dodgy) Translation:


    I cannot be disclosed on the source from which the two images arrive, but could be a matter of persons many neighbors to the situated cure of the Nintendo, and to the new way to supply online the images of the titles them in working. It would seem in fact that the great N will distribute to the photos in 2 modalities, a 640x480 progressive (480p) representative of the real using connection component or advanced quality, while the second modality would have to represent that that we will see in tv with analogic connection the type the classic one scart rgb (480i).


    As we can state the resolution is 480p (resolution standard of revolution). Describing the image we can notice a test use of volumetric shadows, nonchè of various points light, Mario seems to make great use of motion blur, much greater one regarding that one pointed out in Mario Sunshine, I would stop hour to describe the roofs of the houses; they are sure that the a lot discussed personalized version about the Displacement Mapping finds application, and in fact the result is spectacular, sure everyone reliefs reacts here based on the lighting system.


    This is the second reperita image (480i), also in this photo we can notice a incredinile use of volumetric shadows, the poligonale size of the grass and of the fogliame absurd, if it is confirmed we are only to the first photos and optimal graphical potentialities are already caught a glimpse. Unfortunately still no pointer of game, this new episode of the hydraulic engineer will sure make use of "controller of new generation", to attend nextgen fà the Nintendo more and more hard..., for hour we remain in attended of ulterior modernizations, and above all of confirmations on these images that could be fake.



    Oh and from http://theboard.zogdog.com/index.php?automodule=blog&blogid=11&showentry=1019


    UPDATE: I can confirm that parts of these images like Mario, butterfly, etc are Stereoscopic 3D. I can also confirm that so is the text on Pablo's counter on his site when you zoom in to it. I have a pair of Stereoscopic 3D glasses and I allowed my cousin to check it out. Both have 3D elements. These Mario images are either real or someone is extremely good at animation. I don't know how anyone can add Stereoscopic 3D into a picture at the quality level achieved. Just figured I would give everyone an update.


    Jens is gonna eat you....Jens is gonna eat you..


    ahahaha that was hilarious in the stadium last night. Anyway its a great result, its a champions league semi final ffs, we're half way through and are 1-0 up, and one more goal and they need THREE.

  4. Imagine using the revmote to spark a zippo, and then hold it up whilst walking (in a cave for instance) :D


    The mini games would be so much more fun too, just simple touches like rolling the dice.


    The problem is though, I can see the fighting system being tricky:hmm:

  5. I'm just living in hope now that Shenmue III will be revealed at E3. If it is I don't care what console it is on, (as long as its one of the next gen consoles) I'll just HAVE to get it. I have a 360 and 100% getting a Revolution so I have a 2/3 chance, but if its released on PS3 I'll just have to buy one :heh: Same goes for Skies of Arcadia II.


    I must admit though, Shenmue III on Revolution would take the series to a new level, its already like the most immersive game ever.......please happen..

  6. Heres some memories, 2 years ago, E3 2004, me and shenlong were talking during the conference, we watched it live, heres the transcript.

    :grin: That was great. Especially your reactions to Zelda :heh:

    I remember last years E3 we were all in one big conversation watching the stream waiting for it to begin, there was like an hour and a half delay. So much music.


  7. ninpress_thumb.jpg


    Well, we finally got the Nintendo Press Invite! It’s not as fancy as getting POGs from MS, but It’s nice to get the golden ticket! We will be covering the conference live on May 9th at 4:30 PM PST (as long as we can find Wireless access) on our New E3 Site which will be announced shortly!


    It’s starting to look like somehow we got an invite to a plain E3 Preview for Retailers and Media and not the press conference.. We’ll have to figure out what’s going on!


    I want an invite :(

  8. Indeed there is, but Shenmue I is like the personal build up to Shenmue II, as it gets you to know the character of Ryo, his family, neighbourhood and friends really well and generally connects the player with his life.

  9. Completed Shenmue on Dreamcast numerous times, and completed Shenmue 2 on the Xbox twice. Shenmue 2 is the far better game, although the first one is good too.

    The thing is, its crazy to compare them really, as for starters Shenmue II wouldn't be as amazing as it is without the introduction of the adventure in Shenmue. Basically, I prefer II for numerous reasons but it wouldn't be the game it is if it wasn't for Shenmue.

  10. Oh sorry I misread your post, I read it as 'Anyone like to see the bike thats in Shenmue III' ....nevermind.


    Anyway I don't think I'd like it that much tbh, it doesn't seem like Ryo's style. I'd like to see him on that motorbike again though in III!

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