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Everything posted by Stocka

  1. I agree,i've never seen the incentive. I'd care about them if they rewarded you by say giving you a certain amount of Live points once you'd get so many.
  2. Apparently it is nothing like Shenmue.
  3. We've managed to get the under 19 Brazil captain too, Denilson. These transfers we've made + the likes of Fabregas,Walcott and co coming through is so exciting. Poor start to the season yes, but anyone to write us off would be a fool. England v Andorra soon, I was reading about Mclaren earlier and I really am starting to earn quite a bit of respect for him, he seems to have the right attitude and makes Sven look like an absolute ass (not that he isn't anyway). I'd rather have Andy Johnson upfront than Defoe but we'll see how he does, as this is his make or break chance.
  4. Totally agree with everything there. The guy I sat next to at Highbury will be celebrating over Cygan's departure, I've never known a fan hate one of their clubs players so much
  5. There goes the one PS3 title I was ever interested in
  6. Gamespot's review: http://uk.gamespot.com/xbox360/rpg/emenchantarm/review.html?sid=6156915 Being a big fan of jRPGs I know i'm going to like it from what I hear. It may not be original and such, but heck its the first next gen jRPG and the flaws only seem to be minor.
  7. We have a jRPG noob aww isn't he cute *strokes him*
  8. The Boondock Saints 7/10 Very original, funny, and generally class.
  9. Last 3 films I've watched: Snakes on a Plane 7/10 The Good, The Bad And The Ugly 10/10 Seven Samurai 10/10
  10. All i'm going to say is although I have no interest in the PS3 and definately won't buy one, if Shenmue III was released exclusively for it i'd simply have to buy it, simple as that. People could think i'm stupid for doing this, I don't care. I love Shenmue too much, like booker loves MGS.
  11. The first jRPG on Xbox 360! Reviewers have generally been giving it average-good reviews, criticizing that it is too generic etc. but then most moan about that when it comes to jRPGs, and I usually like them. Oh, and there is the most cliched gay character ever in the history of video games [http://www.gametrailers.com/player.php?id=12497&type=wmv&pl=game, beware it's rather scary] It's out on the 8th September in Europe, and I have it preordered along with Dead Rising. The IGN and Gamespot reviews aren't up yet, but i'm unlikely to let reviews stop me from getting an RPG judging from some i've seen in the past (e.g. Cubed3 gave like 56% for Baten Kaitos, and I really liked it). Lots of videos: http://www.gametrailers.com/gamepage.php?id=2655
  12. Unlucky pedro, but keep trying as it's bloody worth it, same goes for the rest of you that have any doubts.
  13. He's taken over the old Stocka noooooooooooooo :wink: I'm pleased, I used to enjoy it all but in the end I've got a bit selfish and just looked for news and so on myself. Dante, keep it up
  14. I don't think it's fair to compare the two like that, I think they are both fantastic. Then again I'm one who hates comparing most things.
  15. I don't want any news on Twilight Princess. I just want it now.
  16. For everyone that doesn't have Skies of Arcadia as its so rare and when found expensive, well Play.com has been selling it for a while at £24.99, and it's in stock now :awesome: GET IT! http://www.play.com/Games/GameCube/STTS1/3-/116537/Skies_Of_Arcadia_Legends/Product.html
  17. I don't like the Shenmue Online trailer (and the whole idea of the game) one bit. This is what I said about the fantasy elements situation as so many Shenmue fans are against it. As much as I am against it and the way it was shown, I don't think the scene in the trailer is really a BE ALL END ALL spoiler and means that we'll never see Shenmue III. It's more than likely that the outcome of Shenmue Online will determine the decison of releasing Shenmue III or not. I hope they just release Shenmue Online in China,to bring in more fans through the MMORPG market and then get going on III. I personally think we will see III but not till 2008/2009.
  18. I'm leaving, because of many things that I don't want to go into detail with right now. Look after yourselves. Maybe i'll return sometime, but I don't know when..or if.
  19. I tried to enjoy the Prey demo and just couldn't. It seems well put together and everything but something didn't click for me, and it felt rather generic.
  20. Well remember it's often on eBay, and make sure it's your next purchase :wink: Love your sig Zygo Ape.
  21. I think for it to sell really will it'll have to be released as a trilogy, like the kikizo article suggested. I don't normally care for petitions, but Suzuki knows about this one, as he mentioned it in an interview saying he 'understands the demand for Shenmue III' http://www.petitiononline.com/shen1986/petition.html Sign, Yu Suzuki is aware of it!
  22. With Wii being backwards compatible with GC I really don't understand why it shouldn't get released here, especially if the series continues on the Wii.
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