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Everything posted by Stocka

  1. All those furniture and kitchen adverts, I swear I saw about 20 last night and I watched two programs. DFS and MFI are the most irritating, "sale this sale that" BAH I couldn't care less. And yeah booker I hate that advert too.
  2. 1. Summer holiday in Spain When I went on holiday(with my family) for 10 days in Nerja, Spain has to be my favourite highlight of the year. The main reason is because I fell in love properly(for the first time) with a girl there. However, it was my biggest regret of the year to of not got her phone number/email/address etc. (I'll never see her again now ) ....there's always that 0.01% chance It was also my 15th birthday that week which made it pretty special and I got a 20GB mp3 player :awesome: 2. FA Cup final at cardiff I was there, which was why it was so special. And yeah I admit Man Utd outplayed Arsenal the whole match but the look on their faces when Vieira put that penalty was priceless. I've been there for two other FA Cup finals before(which we both won) against Chelsea and against Southampton, and although this year wasn't a touch on the year we beat Chelsea, it was still a fantastic day. 3. Getting new PC What made it so special was I'd been waiting so long for it(my last PC was shite) and I got it after my two weeks work experience at my dad's company in london, so it was great timing. Finally I had a beautiful 19" flat screen monitor, I could at last play Counter Strike Source with my friends plus all the latest games on high settings, and so much more speed and memory makes life on the PC so much better in general. 4. Sparring for the first time(boxing) Although it is a small thing, it was very special for me, as I don't think I've ever had so much butterflies before doing something, nor felt so great after doing something. 5. Revolution controller revealing (TGS) Shock of the year no doubt about it. :shock: The build up to the unveiling was immense but when it was actually shown I couldn't believe it, I could of never predicted it. Can't bloody wait till E3 2006.
  3. I agree, the battle system not only is very strategic but fast paced too, you don't get that very often. As you progress through the game the battle system grows too, it improves all the time. And yeah, the voice acting is fine in my opinion, I also think its brilliant in ToS, yet people still complain about the voice acting in both games.
  4. wtf is this http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-3219944462895578813&q=Nintendo+RS+menu 'Menu beta that nintendo gave the companies' Has to be bullshit, I mean look at the logo lol
  5. Thanks, I really want it but I've been searching on limewire and can't find it under that name
  6. Welcome to the Baten Kaitos crew darksnowman and Laguna :awesome: Its a brilliant adventure and is definately overlooked, under-rated and under bought. By the way, the battle system improves more and more as you move on.
  7. Lol saw that in November. I swear there was a thread on it here too. But yeah it is a bit :shock:
  8. ToS seems to be getting lots of points for Revolution - Europe's Top 50. I think theres a good chance it might JUST get into the top ten!
  9. Went to the Arsenal v Portsmouth game last night. Great night. Good to see us playing the football we always use to play again. We haven't been playing in that fast one/two touch passing style and have made it hard for ourselves, but since Christmas we have and it seems to be working. Reyes is playing well at the moment, I've always had a lot of faith in him its just he seems to of had a lack of confidence all year. A couple of goals in two games is bound to help his confidence even more. Wohey to West Brom beating Tottenham. Good ol Kanu. If Spurs finished above us this year it'd be an embarassment.
  10. Bah, I'm gonna have to sort out live on tuesday.
  11. Kay thanks. I just need to find the disc now.... EDIT: Can't bloody find it. I'll ask my dad later if he knows cause he's got loads of discs and stuff in his office.
  12. Anyone know where or how i can obtain the following The Network Name (SSID) The Security Type (either WEP 64 or 128-bit or WPA) The Security Key
  13. UPDATE I've tried doing it on a TV thats REALLY close to the router and it still couldn't connect. At least I know that distance isn't the problem.
  14. I have also posted this in the Xbox 360 Official thread but I thought if I post it here aswell I have a better chance of help. Okay so I have the wireless adaptor, I've connected it to the back of 360 properly and everything, and my router is upstairs. When I go onto the 'Xbox Live' part of the dashboard and try to connect it can't connect, it can't locate the router. I've tried doing the IP and DNS stuff manually too but it still wouldn't work. I'm thinking either its too far from the router or the router is just shite. Anyone who can help or at least try to it would be really appreciated. I'm so close yet so far UPDATE I've tried doing it on a TV thats REALLY close to the router and it still couldn't connect. At least I know that distance isn't the problem. UPDATE Anyone know where or how i can obtain the following The Network Name (SSID) The Security Type (either WEP 64 or 128-bit or WPA) The Security Key
  15. Okay so I have the wireless adaptor, I've connected it to the back of 360 properly and everything, and my router is upstairs. When I go onto the 'Xbox Live' part of the dashboard and try to connect it can't connect, it can't locate the router. I've tried doing the IP and DNS stuff manually too but it still wouldn't work. I'm thinking either its too far from the router or the router is just shite. Anyone who can help or at least try to it would be really appreciated. I'm so close yet so far
  16. Yeah A I sized down from an even bigger size, thats why the quality isn't that good. Yeah I forgot about the sig size rule I think i'll go with B, but gonna add a border. Hmm what colour.
  17. From the new Nintendo Power... Why is Ganondorf humping Samus? :shock: Fishing looks fantastic. Beautiful scenery.
  18. I think a border would make B look even better though, what colour do you recommend?
  19. I've got Perfect Dark Zero and Kameo. Both are great so far.
  20. I'd never buy a faceplate...well not at the price they are now. I like my 360 as it is personally. If I really liked one and it was < £5 I'd consider it though.
  21. Yeah, it doesn't have wifi built in like say DS. £60 is a joke really but oh well thank fuck I'm not paying for it.
  22. Okay here we go. PC Setup Main Gaming Setup(Gamecube, Xbox 360) Secondary gaming setup (Dreamcast, CD-I)
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