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Posts posted by Stocka

  1. Obviously it can depend on circumstances but generally for me:



    I LOVE summer for so many reasons. Sun, massive holiday from school/work, beaches, my birthday, usually go abroad, sunny evenings, etc. I could go on for ages.


    Without it winter would be hell but because of christmas its usually an exciting time of year. Snow meh, I like it but only for a couple of days.


    Only thing I really hate about spring(especially this one,GCSEs) is revising,exams etc. but once i am no longer at school I'll appreciate spring a lot more.


    Autumn is pretty dull what with going back to school and christmas quite a way away but at least theres stuff to look forward to.

  2. What with it being pancake day and the fact that I have just had two pancakes(one with maple syrup, the other golden) I was wondering which does everyone prefer?


    Maple syrup wins it hands down for me, when it comes to pancakes,waffles and ice cream it is perfect. Golden syrup is nice n all (and I LOVE flapjacks) but not as nice on something like a pancake imo.

  3. Mmmm I'm looking forward to my mum making me a nice rolled up pancake with banana in, coated in maple syrup. :bouncy:


    Pancake day today, one of the best days of the year.

    That made me laugh what with the day I'm having today

  4. im not the guy to make a thread for myself unless its of real inmportance, so ill post it here as it does have some relevnace to TOS.

    my question is, which of these three games should i get: TOS, mario strikers or battalion wars. i only have enough for one:( hopefully i can get one of them cheaper than £30, i really want a good rpg to play through before the rev and zelda get here. however i want something wih a load of action in it, like mario football and battalion wars. so could someone please tell me which one i should get which would please me the longest? and is the most fun

    Just don't hesistate and go and buy Tales of Symphonia. You won't regret it.

  5. I love and only read fantasy books. I can't get into any other genre.

    I'm currently reading The Belgariad and The Mallorean series by David Eddings. Its so magical and wonderful.

  6. When I put in Disc 3 of Shenmue II (Dreamcast) I get the following error message and it won't load:


    Data Read Error -30 TEXTURES.PKS


    Data Read Error -30 COLD.BIN


    Disc 1 and 2 worked fine...and before anyone asks its not a burned disc its a proper disc.




    Sorry that I have already mentioned this here http://www.revo-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?p=96210#post96210 its just that there might be people here who know how to fix it that wouldn't usually go into that thread.

  7. OMFG I can't believe it :shock: :angry::angry::mad:

    There I was playing Shenmue II, really enjoying it(just as it was starting to get good) and I finished disc 2. Went to put disc 3 in and it WOULDN'T LOAD!

    I got this error message:


    Data Read Error -30 TEXTURES.PKS


    Data Read Error -30 COLD.BIN


    WTF?! Please please please can someone here help me before I go nuts... :shakehead

  8. Smalldude told me that Nintendo Power claim its being released early June in the US. Considering that the New Super Mario Bros date they claimed turned out to be correct I'd say this is verly likely to be the case. I hope for August/September in Europe.


    Watching those videos now, thanks again pedro for letting us know :smile:

    Oh how I love Baten Kaitos music.... :awesome:

  9. Completed Partners in Time on Thursday, which I really enjoyed(although not a touch on Superstar Saga) so that makes the games I've completed this year so far:

    Kameo:Elements of Power


    Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time

    I'm currently playing through a lot of games that I could complete sometime soon, Half Life 2, Viewtiful Joe 2, Majora's Mask, Shenmue II, Halo: Combat Evolved, Golden Sun: The Lost Age etc.

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