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Posts posted by Stocka

  1. Skies of Arcadia II is my no.1 "I wish this would happen" game, without a shadow of a doubt. If SoA2 was announced I'd explode, and I'd have to get whatever console it came out on(although I have a 360 and getting a Rev so should be okay...). Same goes for Shenmue III.


    But anyway back to Tales of Symphonia...although there are many Tales games i'd personally love a sequel as the characters are so likeable. I had a thought a while ago and I wonder if its possible for IN GAME graphics of a next gen Tales game to look like the FMV in ToS. It would be incredible.







  2. I think it makes more sense for it to be the name of the online service, 'LIVE'...'GO'... its perfect for it.:awesome:


    As for the console name however....please no!:sad:


    But yeah some suggestions here are good, such as it being the next GameBoy as GO signifies portability.

  3. The main focus will probably be Twilight Princess, and possibly even showing it being played with the revmote. Release dates would be lovely.


    They could confirm the Rev's final name, talk software or hardware and maybe show controller shell. I can't see them revealing the secret or game footage to be honest.

  4. http://xbox360.ign.com/articles/697/697661p1.html




    With a nine-foot cord, the camera will reach around large TVs. You'll be able to video chat over Xbox Live. There was a concept picture showing a game of poker and the pictures of excited gamers laughing and frolicking in their living rooms. There's of course the obligatory video recording.


    But the biggest and best feature will be gesture recognition. Basically, the camera is going to translate your movements in real life and input them in the game. There was a concept picture of two kids playing a snowboarding game, but we really have no idea what this means except that Microsoft may be taking aim at the Nintendo Revolution as well as the EyeToy. Given the success of Xbox Live Arcade, the 360 Camera could be another strong effort to lure more than just hard-core gamers to Microsoft's next-generation console.


    According to the brochure: "These features provide developers opportunities for unprecedented levels of innovation and personalization, and enable gamers to customize and socialize in their game worlds in ways they never could before. Additionally, Xbox 360 Camera support is deeply integrated into the Dashboard, making every Xbox 360 console owner a potential customer for the camera and your camera-enabled game."



    USB 2.0 bus-powered device


    Smooth, near DV quality video: up to VGA 640x480 at 30 FPS


    High-def images: still photos up to SVGA 1280x980 (1.3 Mp)


    Manually adjustable variable focus: 2 feet to infinity


    Field of View: 43 degrees


    On board image processor


    Digital zoom, cropping


    Auto exposure, white balance, gamma correction, sharpness


    Long (~9 feet) cable to reach around large TVs


    Includes a headset for great audio.

  5. I'm sure most of you know about this, but anyways...


    ● Two new PS3 demos shown - New LOD demo, and an underwater demo featuring thousands of fish.

    Blu-Ray talked up. Blu-Ray was said to promise 200 times more space for gaming than other platforms. With this much space, one global SKU (or version of the game) could be developed for all regions across the globe. Getaway demo shown in real-time, the system pulls data from the BRD to display all the detail and data and population of the hotspot.

    ● Heavenly Sword demo shown, like the one at E3. Except this time it was real-time.

    ● A Car demo was shown. In it, a car was subjected to bullet shots as paint chipped and the car eventually exploded.

    ● A real-time demonstration of Warhawk was shown. Across a massive battlefield, you could see ambient warfare everywhere, with background battles raging far away from you.

    ● Sony discusses more about its online plan. Sony's online network will offer downloadable content and online commerce using micropayments. The company also plans a subscription service.

    ● Ratchet and Clank demo shown. The demo featured a bright, lush, bustling city somewhat similar to Coruscant from Star Wars or designs from The Fifth Element. Gagetron vehicles hustled here and there -- the whole environment was busy with activity.

    Phil Harrison confirmed that online would require broadband, and confirmed that every PS3 will come with a HDD.

    Sony reiterates that PS3 will be fully backward compatible from day one.

    ● New "real-time" Motorstorm demo shown. "Compared to the E3 presentation, the game looked surprisingly like its promise. The game featured buggies and motorcycles running through a rugged desert."

    Songstar announced for PS3. Songstar is a singing title which supports downloadable games, as well as adding pics and videos using the EyeToy camera peripheral.

    ● Resistance: Fall of Man demo shown. The new realtime demo showed the game in much more complete form than the simple FPS that was shown at E3 in 2005.

    ● Sony showed a video of God of War II: Divine Retribution. The trailer consisted mostly of Kratos fighting off a 3-headed dog (where he viciously ripped off heads), then grabbing a griffon in flight and chopping off its wings.

    ● Sony talks up PSP. GPS launch in winter, Eyetoy launch in Fall.


    Nothing major. And I want to see PS3 games in playable form, before I judge the graphics, as we know how Sony love using CGI.

  6. I don't think there's any question over which has the best battle system (Symphonia hands down). Skies also had those rediculously annoying random battles.


    But I actually preferred Skies as a game. Length and difficulty is definitely greater than Tales, but what got me was the epicness of it. Although Skies probably didn't take me much longer than Tales, it felt like a much bigger game, which is top priority for me when it comes to RPGs.


    I'd say Skies peronally, buts that only cause I preffered it.

    I completely agree. I think SoA is more epic and magical. ToS is fantastic, but I also prefer Skies.

  7. I think I'm the only one who doesn't want E3 soon,as much as I wanna watch and find out news,i'm sad it's soon...

    Why's that? Because you enjoy the hype? I must say it has gone SO quick. It really doesn't feel like E3 2005 was 10 months ago!


    After GDC the hype for E3 will be buzzing, just like last year all over again. Especially if they give us some juicy information and hints.


    I can see it now, 'N-Game 2' :heh:

  8. Apparently the organiser of GDC is totally biggin' up what Iwata and Ken have to say.. whether this is just him hyping up based on an educated guess or whether he has actually seen the notes or rehearsals of what is going to be shown or something is not for me to say.

    Yeah, these are the exact words.


    FiringSquad: Finally, is there anything else you wish to say about GDC 2006?


    Jamil Moledin: Yes, I would strongly recommend attending the two platform keynotes from Sony’s Phil Harrison and Nintendo’s Satoru Iwata. Trust me!

  9. There's no way they'll show Super Smash Brothers DS at E3, even if they are/were to make one. SSBRevo is likely to be one of the biggest games for Nintendo to show at E3.


    I just can't wait till everything...but hopefully there'll be stuff this thursday:awesome:

  10. Is it just me or is the Burnout demo taking a rediculously long time to download?

    Its most likely because loads will be downloading. The Outfit demo took me like 3 hours to download lol.

    I'll download the burnout demo tommorow. Mint.


    J Allard says a portable XBOX is on the cards (thats not Project Origami)

    ...never trust people in the game industry again when they say something isn't going to happen.

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