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Posts posted by Stocka

  1. Why am i bad? Because i prefer Sony's udult image to Nintendo's kiddy one? I said PREFER, i like Nintendo too and buy Nintendo consoles/handhelds/games but i prefer Sony games. How can't you undesrtand it? I'll probably be getting a Revolution too, maybe even sooner because of it's price! I just hope i won't end up playing NES/SNES/N64 and other OLD games and Super Mario XXXX

    I've lost any respect I ever had for you

  2. HM Fusion have an Exclusive Interview with Eiji Anouma! Good [and interesting] read



    I recommend you read it all(and part two is coming tommorow).


    More dungeons than any other Zelda!

    Possible bonus disc!


    HM - Like Revolution controller support?


    EA - We will be utilising the Revolution hardware although not in a way many will expect.

  3. In the latest Famitsu:

    NINETY NINE NIGHTS 10/9/9/9 (37/40)


    I know they like to rate RPGs and games like this highly, but thats still a bloody good score.


    And I've decided I'm buying Oblivion, but I don't have much money right now, so i'll wait till after my GCSE's at the end of June.

  4. Look, a petition is not going to change anything. Nintendo have most likely already made their minds up anyway on the final name, so its a complete waste of time. Also this is not an "advertise your petition here" board so don't bother. That goes for everyone else aswell.



  5. Its not dead at all for me, I got a Dreamcast late last year for the two Shenmues, and boy do I not regret it. I'm currently playing Shenmue II, and I must say I am enjoying the whole Shenmue experience at the moment more than any other games I'm now playing (including Xbox 360 games).

  6. YES! I did it (3rd go) but needed two faeries to.

    That has to be the hardest boss fight I've ever fought in any Zelda, heck maybe even any game. I can't see many people be able to beat it without using at least one fairy. Gives you a bloody great level of satisfaction when you beat it however. I really hope I can go on and complete MM, especially before TP comes out. Its without doubt the hardest Zelda ever.


    I'm also playing Oracle of Ages which is frickin tricky, but still I say Majora's Mask is the hardest Zelda.

  7. Yeah the players will be nice and fresh, looks like Sol and Reyes are back. Not sure if Sol will play though, I heard he's '90 percent ready'. Can't wait till tuesday! We must win otherwise its going to be so tense when we go to Turin. I guess a 0-0 draw wouldn't be too bad but it would still put a lot of pressure on ourselves.

  8. I can see your point. After playing through ToS and BK which both have fast paced battle systems, I'm sure if I was to play SoA again I'd be so spoiled that it would feel so tedious.


    However, Skies of Arcadia was my first 3D RPG (only played Golden Sun and Pokemon before it) and many say that your first big RPG usually sticks in your heart for ever, and I can see what they mean. Everything felt so huge, magical and epic, and it was really the first big journey of my gaming life. That is probably one of the primary reasons I love the game so much, and at the time I really enjoyed the battle system.


    To be honest, I agree that just pressing the A button to select moves is repetitive, but then again it makes it more strategic and dependant on big decisons, which I personally really like. I don't mind Turn Based battle systems really because of this, what I do hate though is random battle encounters. That has to be my main(and only) complaint about SoA.

  9. I have and have completed both games. Ya see when I was young my Dad had a CD-I and loads of games(including the Zeldas). I used to love them, mainly because of some of the pretty backgrounds and music, it seemed really mystical when I was young. As I've got older though I've realised how poor the gameplay really is, where as I couldn't realise before.


    I still have good memories with them though. But yeah the boss fights are a joke. You just need the right item. lmao.

  10. The Blazing Angels demo was enjoyable for a bit(despite it not being my kind of game at all) but I know 100% I'd get bored of it so quickly if I was to buy it.


    Remember they said the BF2: Modern Combat demo would be up Friday(yesterday)? Where is it? :wtf:

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