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Posts posted by Stocka

  1. I think the song is okay, so I'll watch it, and I liked the video of Hung Up so hey why not. Madonna is pretty hot in the Hung Up video....and yes I know how old she is but still.. nothing wrong with a bit of milf lovin' is there :wink:

  2. "You...remind me of someone"



    lmao that scene was great :D


    I loved the part where you are trying to catch the falling red leaves, genius. Beautiful music too.


    Its amazing how tense I get when something mysterious happens and that tense eerie music starts, it just shows how immersed you feel when playing.

  3. Portugese article http://www.n-planet.com.br/?view=article&article=3736


    Someone from the Gamespot forums translated it:

    In a few words, he talks about the game he's producing and how to adapt the gameplay to the DS touchscreen, and says it's Megaman ZX that will use the touchscreen to the max.


    Then he talks Revolution and says he's very interested in WiFi, played the Revo and is excited, and wanna see what the Revo can do for the Megaman series.


  4. Skies of Arcadia II and Shenmue III. Not so much that they'd work well with the Revolution controller but more because SoA and ShenmueI/II are my favourite games ever after Ocarina of Time. I'm sure they could use the controllers functions well anyway...

  5. while GCN had... i think Pikmin is the only new franchise worth a mention!

    Animal Crossing

    Eternal Darkness

    Baten Kaitos


    Donkey Konga

    Batallion Wars

    Metroid Prime

    Super Monkey Ball

    Viewtiful Joe


    are all new franchises on GC worth mentioning. And i'm sure theres more I forgot.

  6. Stocka, ive been trying to tell you for years lol..

    I'm sure FF games are amazing its just i've never got round to playing them, mainly because i've never had a PS1/PS2.

    I also dunno if I should get I II[GBA] and III[DS] or not because I feel its like starting a series but not being able to go on and continue. I heard they are all seperate games though, so I probably will get III.

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