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Everything posted by weeble182

  1. Wouldnt it be awsome if the conference was early in the morning and it was simply 'Now lets face it, your all here because you want to know when the NIntendo Wii is being released. Well im here to tell you that its official release date is.....TODAY.In fact when shops open today they will be selling Ninendo Wii's at the price of 130 pounds. So...what more can i say!'
  2. DUCKTALES http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=42xM1kLPrYo KENAN AND KEL http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=acSgJ--z99U THE NEW ADVENTURES OF WINNIE THE POOH http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AHcOPcM0hJU
  3. ^5's The Alex Cross books are brilliant! I just read Jack and Jill (the last one i had to read) and am going to read Cat and Mouse. Theyre kinda trashy books but very good fun. Also i just finished reading the new Artemis Fowl book and while its not the best one its still good fun. I dont care if the books are for 12 year olds, they are very enjoyable and a nice easy read. Ivee also just finsihed 'The Yes man' and 'join me' by Danny Wallace. Both are suberb and in a way ratehr inspiering
  4. Brilliant as ever! Worth the wait. In my opinion theyre just as funny as Penny Arcade
  5. The rumour/leakage mill seems to have started with lots of new claims and specualtions as to the price and launch date. Is everyone expecting something official in the next few days or is it just me?
  6. Not done very well sales wise in Japan so far but got awsome reviews
  7. weeble182


    Anyone have a release date for it besides September 06? It looks amazing and has been said to be as good as Zelda:OoT Cant wait for it much longer
  8. Now that its no longer the Revolution will the site become wii-europe.com?
  9. When are they going to show more of that Dead Phonix game?
  10. XD, got stuck to the toilet seat......
  11. Mine came last thursday, but due to me being away i only got to play it on Sunday. Im loving it, and even though i havent had much time to play it, it rocks. Im hoping for some really good expansion packs and stuff. My dads been ripping thee piss out of me because of it tho. Me says its like 'my first guitar from fisher price'
  12. I cant get it to work and im dying to see the latest episode
  13. Im so pleased its coming out over here, it looks like mad fun!
  14. Alot of people ive been talking to are claiming that the legendary Karl Pilkington of the Ricky Gervais podcast fame is just a character Gervais and Merchant made up. I on the other hand still believe he is just a regular bloke who just has a very different take on the world to the rest of us! Would seriously ruin it for me if he was an actor And for those not familiar with his work: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karl_Pilkington
  15. 1. The Legend of Zelda:Ocarina of Time (N64)- It just contains a special sort of magic i have yet to see in any other game. It hooks you and doesnt let you go until the very end! From start to finish it is a wonderful tale brimming with nothing less than perfection. Cant say anything more than that! 2.Pokemon Blue (GB)- I was a young 8 year old coming back from his first week away from home. I was expecting to have to wait another week to play it. But unkown to me it had come out that day and i would find a copy waiting patiently on my bed when i arived home. If i had know then how many hours of my time and how much of my money i would spend on the franchise i probably would have burn it! But who can forget the first time you caught a Pidgy? Who can forget the first time you beat the pokemon leaugue? Who can forget the 133 hours i put in to finally get them all, in the hope THAT guy in the tower who told me he would give me something special, would give me a Mew? And most importantly who can forget the time i got home on a Friday night and barely moved all weekend as i sat there playing it? No one who sits in that chair can as its never been the same since!!! 3. Tetris (GB)- The only game that i have ever turned on on a Saturday night for a quick 5 minute go and still been playing on the Sunday morning. I remember how mad my mum got when she came downstairs to find i hadnt moved for about 12 hours! Good times! 4. Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town (GBA)- Even thought ive accidentally deleted my files twice ive still felt the need to replay up until i have a child again, just so i know i have a decent farm waiting for me if i ever want it! There is something about this game that i love and although i cant put my finger on it, i couldnt have had more fun out of it unless it was injected into my veins! The best Harvest Moon games and one of the best simulations games ever! 5. Resident Evil 4 (GC)- Just when i thought my GameCube would be gathering dust until Twighlight Princess was released, i rented this perfect gem of a game and changed my Cubes lifespan for ever! After my bad experiences with Resi 1 i had my doubts but oh how i was gladly proven wrong. From the first time you dive out of a house window to escaping on a jetski the game was magical and is probably my favourite game of this generation!
  16. I used to read it every month but once they started to include DVDs and cheat disks, the maga zine went down hill. I dont really read games magazines anymore as the internet is quicker and cheaper (i dont pay the bills!) EDGE is the only one i get now.
  17. Just inished watching season , loved every minute of it Cant get the 'overkill' song out my head tho! And i cant find it anywhere!
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