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Posts posted by Shorty

  1. 1 hour ago, Hero-of-Time said:

    I see PSVR2 has been discounted to £350 at most UK retailers. I can't see it moving the needle that much as it's still too expensive for an impulse buy. The headset is still lacking a killer app and Sony don't seem interested in pushing the thing.

    If it can play Half Life Alyx, it'll never need its own Killer App 😁 (j/k don't want to get into the "buy a powerful PC" debate again)

    In related news... I upgraded to the Quest 3 but still barely put the thing on. Maybe just too sweaty a time of year for it 😅

  2. Sorry but we're just going to mostly use the forum as it's built for now. We're not going to be shuffling whole parts of a third-party system around which might expand or change in future updates, just giving ourselves headaches when things break. I'd prefer to reduce barriers to keeping the system up-to-date going forward so we don't end up back in the position we were in before with broken themes and out-of-date plugins holding us back.

    Hopefully you'll get used to it, or check out a browser extension to customise it as you like.


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  3. I imagine a thread just has to be big enough to be worth summarising, and then it appears. I'd advise hiding it with a browser script if it's a bother, you could install the Stylus browser extension then create a script to add the following CSS

    .ipsLayout_sidebar {
        display: none;

    Since it's new and novel, and people tend to be a bit... reactionary when it comes to change (remember when everyone said avatars over 25x25px were obscenely large? 😉), I'd rather just leave it a while and see if people get used to it/get benefit out of it. It's handy for giving people ways to engage with the quality content from the middle of a thread that they might otherwise miss.

  4. 7 hours ago, Happenstance said:

    Noticed by the way that the forum has been running nice and smoothly again for the last day

    It does seem to have improved doesn't it! I haven't really done anything, except set up a monitoring service to automatically restart the service that kept going down. I'm hoping that maybe just as more and more of the site went into the new caching system, things have gotten more stable by themselves. 🤞

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  5. To be honest I think that was just it going down regularly while I was trying to adjust configs and set up logs/monitoring, which I've given up on for now. I think it might still go down from time to time, but hopefully less frequently. Anyway I have to get back to my real job now :p

    • Thanks 1
  6. I have noticed that it certainly hasn't solved things. One thing I have been considering is that if I bulk purchase 2 years of hosting, I get quite a significant saving, so I could put this towards extra memory. As the site goes down and up again, that's mostly me messing around with caching settings etc trying to speed things up, so I'll see if I can determine the cause the bottleneck and go from there.

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  7. 22 hours ago, Mr_Odwin said:

    I'm feeling a bit burned out tbh. I've got nostalgia for when I joined the company and there was about 50 employees, and there was so little bureaucracy. Now there's like 300 employees, and we're owned by a megacorp, and everything involves so much paperwork and there's a committee for everything, and the overlord company just seems to send down edicts that make the company I work for worse.

    I keep looking at part time jobs and dreaming about something mentally easy like delivery work or working on reception.

    Pretty similar experience with me except on a much smaller scale :blush:

    When I joined my company I was the fourth employee. Now we have about 30. Covid put a bit of a dent in our growth trajectory or we might've been a bit bigger now, but also with the rise of WFH we have lots of people we've hired from around the world that we never see in person. We've gone from being a creative agency to very much a corporate back-end systems agency with a little sprinkling of the creative stuff still happening on top, and that side was always what interested me most. On the other hand I've climbed a (fairly small) corporate ladder and got a small team now, and the money's decent. But yeah, hard to not get nostalgic for the simpler days.

    Once, in our first couple of years, work got quiet and the whole team just played CoD MW2 in a mini lan party. These days we're lucky if anyone comes out for a drink one Friday a month.

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  8. Sorry to say that I had an unsuccessful attempt at upgrading the forum this evening, not sure what the issue was really but backing up the db here did not behave itself the way it did during the test run. After a lot of attempts it just started to get a bit late. I'll give it another shot soon.

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  9. For the like... 2 people still using it ( @Sheikah @bob ?) - I'm sorry to say that Tapatalk won't work after the forum is updated. They have shown no interest in updating the plugin to work on 4.7 from what I can gather. On the plus side, the latest version of the software works smoothly as a progressive web app - i.e. it should feel close to an app experience on the web.

  10. New server, new OS and new forum software all seemed to spin up and migrate quite smoothly in testing. The roadblock we've actually hit is more to do with a third-party service that has some sort of painful reset to its billing cycle that's keeping us locked out of an important step for a few days. Once we're over that hurdle I'll bring the forum down late-ish one evening so that no content is lost in the transfer. Then it'll be a case of "once you can see the new (basically temporary/unthemed) look, you're on the new server".

    In all honesty this is a bit of a "clean slate" approach as opposed to digging in and working out what was going wrong in the first place, but that should put is in a more futureproof state, even if a little is lost and has to be figured out again along the way.

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  11. On 20/05/2024 at 4:39 PM, bob said:

    I'd like to say that this is a very good website, and I appreciate all the work that goes on behind the scenes to keep it running.

    I'd like to thank you and the the other Patreon supporters, you do more to keep the site running than I do these days :blush:

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  12. I've only played this for a few hours but I'm really liking it so far. At the moment I'm just enjoying an RPG that's not too silly but not too serious? Tired of grimdark or over-dark humour in my sci-fi games and this seems to be having a bit more fun. Ultimately it just feels like more Skyrim but on planets. I do agree with some complaints that a lot of traveling has been reduced down to menu navigation, but when you do choose to float around space it feels very cool.

    I'm only playing on a gamepass free trial but fairly sure I'll buy the Steam version when that runs out (would've stuck with gamepass if it could be modded....)

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  13. I've been playing this entirely in co-op and having a great time. I've been playing D&D for years so it's great fun to see the lore, recognise the races, to create facsimilies of players we've been in the past. Also the choices you get to pick in conversation, especially for difficult deception checks etc, feel exactly like the kind of laughable ideas a player would come up with that you all find hilarious when you actually land a 20 and it works.

    That said, I'm not 100% convinced the game benefits that much from D&D as a play structure, especially in combat. It already changed a lot of fundamentals because they knew D&D is pretty flawed in combat. And I miss some of the great aspects of Divinity like all the mixing of elemental effects.

    Still an awesome game though, despite that.

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