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Everything posted by blender

  1. so recreating what sony did
  2. I hope they are all bundled
  3. how do companies like capcom annoucne their titles? is there a stage or anthing like that. Or are they just made available to browsers/?
  4. I think you'll find that sony makes the decisionins in the next gen
  5. we need to be able to use the chainsaw in the wii version
  6. table tennis in other trailers
  7. just noticed its got in game character changes like lego star wars freeplay
  8. Remember they are also wii compatible and will probably be marketed as such - any wii owner that ignores them would be daft.
  9. yeah donkey konga forever. hope its 4 player as bongos are dirt cheap now.
  10. with paper mario, donkey blast and zelda (+loads of cheap old titles), I have decieded not to get a wii at launch. Anyone thinking the same?
  11. that flying game was crap. no way was it designed for the controller. it was a complete last minute panic decision and probably news to a lot of studios
  12. its a tech demo surely or maybe a downloadable game. Either way it does not take much effort to add mario and a koopa crowd. But surely there must be some sports game for release like golf or tennis as they will work so well
  13. cool light sabre sound effects mmm
  14. I was thinking that the extra power might help a few games chugg along a little smoother. Specifically clone wars had quite a few slow downs in the big battles. These may well be better on the wii. Are there any other games which suffered on the cube's speed that may well be revitalised on the wiiiiiii.
  15. yeah collectable. Hope they re-release a compliation for the ds. wasn't that what is was designed foR!
  16. "Gamestop = Ships 9/1/2006" which translated to the queen's english reads "Gamestop = Ships 1/9/2006"
  17. no ones got lego star wars (a must have)
  18. interesting theory. though i think some companies want the 18 certificate to keep the chavs interested. Not sure what bbfc were thinking. Killer 7 is an 18 with cartoon violence though I have not had the interest to play through it yet.
  19. why is re4 only a 15. how much more gory does itneed to be to get that 18 certificate?
  20. under-rated: cel damage ace-golf (beats mario) Star wars clone wars Rocky lego star wars - probably my best cube game jungle beat wario-world I think the shorter games tend to be underrated on account of value for money... but as you pick them up cheap now, they are much sweeter than the review scores reveal.
  21. WI'm wondering why we have not seen a gold cube yet. Do you think theres is a chance we will see this with Zelda TP?
  22. its the black fairy godmother
  23. Ace Golf - it feels like you are flying along side your ball
  24. Just spotted this Sony handheld gaming with a touch screen and stylus. Nice looking golf game. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/in_pictures/4711888.stm pic number 7 a DS beater?
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