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Everything posted by Ramar

  1. My advice, if you don't do it tomorrow move on.
  2. Gutted. True genius and legendary actor. RIP.
  3. Happy Birthday!
  4. Wembley tomorrow! Of the three times I've seen The Arsenal at Wembley the game has ended in a draw after 90 minutes. Bank it.
  5. Second interview this morning. Fingers crossed.
  6. Ike I think you should move on. You had your chance to introduce yourself, you didn't. The fact you no longer use the bus should be helping you get over it.
  7. Interview in two hours. Nervous and underprepared, a brilliant recipe for disaster. Edit- Shit the bed, I've been invited for the second interview next week.
  8. @kav82 you hero! I can't wait for the next adventure.
  9. Steady on Liverhampton.
  10. In his defence it is punted at his chest. Not a lot he could do there except try his best to redirect it.
  11. Not going to pretend I watch Ligue 1 and know anything about Ospina. However it's a position that needed filling, he was cheap, good age and bought before August. So consider me happy. Not sure what to make of the Chambers rumours, seems we're paying money for another player similar to Jenko. Need a defensive mid next and possibly a striker* and we'll be ready. * If we keep Campbell and Wenger plays Sanchez up top then we probably don't need another one.
  12. Nine Ligue 1 goals last season wasn't it? Smells of when we signed Davor Suker.
  13. So what part of this is bad? The fact a bloke was checking you out or your rudeness?
  14. Khedira next Thursday and we're building what could be a great squad. Still need a second keeper, a centre back and a 2nd striker.
  15. This is the first and only interview this year, I'm applying for jobs almost daily..
  16. Got an interview on the 31st. I'm calling it my last chance to get a programming gig. If I fail, I need to radically reassess my life and career plans. Been out of uni five years, stuck in retail is not where I want to be.
  17. How much did Andy Carroll cost ye?
  18. Maybe because he's Dortmund's last top quality forward and they want to keep him? Especially seeing how they lost Gotze and Lewandowski. Add in rumour that his release clause doesn't activate until 2015, clubs might be waiting until January to save themselves being ripped off.
  19. Oh shit, the realisation and Wii's tears have kicked in.
  20. I don't watch La Liga. I couldn't give a toss about the 'Premier League brand'.
  21. No it's not.
  22. I really hope Sanchez is the start of a very good transfer window. Class signing, a sign of our intent.
  23. Lives in Birmingham, takes the piss out of Norwich. I rest my case.
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