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Everything posted by Minlack

  1. "Show me your moves" isn't it.....or something like that. I never hear it clearly through all the "Pikachu being burnt alive" shrieks.
  2. 4/5 Can't beat some good Zelda action. Nicely stylized too! Tho it took me just a sec to recognise it. Otherwise very nice
  3. Keep up the wiered Japanese games. Sometime they turn out to be absolutly amazing. But not too many. We don't want the Revolution to be labelled as the console for just those kind of games.
  4. I always use Gannon! He's a bit slow qand requires some skill to keep him on the platforms on the moving level, but he sure packs one hell of a punch. He's basically Captain Falcon on steroids...
  5. My PCs have always been a bit fiddly when trying to reinstall Windows. Your first call of port is to set the boot drive in your BIOS to the CD drive, then boot to the Windows disk. Another way is to create a boot disk on a floppy, and boot to it and format there (which u can't do unless you can access windows normally or in safe mode, which u can probably do on the PC ur using atm). Just stick in a floppy disk, right click it, select format and then format it as a MS DOS disk. You can then boot to that, again though the BIOS, and use the command /format c: to wipe ur drive. This didn't seem to work last time I tried, but has in the past. The best thing is to keep trying. Also, you can try to just reinstall windows without actually wiping you hard drive. It all depends on what option your install disk gives you. This laptop would refuse to format, but would on the same CD on another PC.
  6. Newsround always snubs anything Nintendo. I recall many an occasion when in the past I've seen them bad mouthing Nintendo to our nations youth. Some people are just stupid.
  7. This is me and Herr Dark Wolf's (me Bro) combined collection of 'Cube games: 1.Rogue Squadren 2 Rogue Leader (Mine) 2.Rogue Squadren Rebel Strike (Mine) 3.Wave Rave Blue Storm (Mine) 4.Burnout (Mine) 5.Burnout 2 (Mine) 6.Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 (Dark Wolf's) 7.Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4 (Dark Wolf's) 8.Zelda Wind Waker (Mine) 9.Mario Kart DD (Dark Wolf's) 10.Mario Sunshine (Mine) 11.Metal Gear Solid TS (Dark Wolf's) 12.1080 Avalanche (Mine) 13.Viewtiful Joe (HENSHIN!) (Dark Wolf's....technically) 14.Super Smash Bros. Melee (Mine) 15.Tales of Symphonia (Mine/Dark Wolf's) 16.Harvest Moon (Dark Wolf's) 17.F-Zero GX (Dark Wolf's) 18.Timesplitters 2 (Mine) 19.Metroid Prime (Mine) 20.Soul Calibur 2 (Mine) 21.Pikmin (Mine) 22.Pikmin 2 (Mine) 23.Eternal Darkness (Mine) 24.Resident Evil (Mine) 25.Splinter Cell (Dark Wolf's) 26.Starfox Adventures (Dark Wolf's ps. He's proud of this one :P jking, cough) Don't think I missed any out. My more recent dedication to PC Games has prevented me from buying some of the more recent games (Paper Mario, Resi 4, Metroid Prime 2 etc.) but we be pretty proud of our little collection.
  8. The controller may be precise, but that doesn't mean it has to be over sensitive. In order to combat shaky hands, they could lower the sensitivity of the movememnt, requiring a slightly large movement to move the aim. The movement would not be tiny, like with a mouse, can could be extremely accurate without being sporadic.
  9. Been thinking about this today, and came up with some quite intresting uses: Wave Race: Hold hte controller sideways, like the handlebars of a jet ski. You could tilt left and right for steering, pull back and forwards to tilt the craft etc. Could get some very realistic controlls for this. Pilotwings: Similar, but with the hand glider. Zelda: Along with the regular slashing you could perform blocking moves, by holding the controller (sword) in a certain position. Thowing the boomerang could be simulated with the controller...endless posibilities. Mario: Still don't see how this would work. The vid showing the Japanese Lady making Mario jump by shaking the controller loked a bit wiered. Infact, almost anything that involves the interaction with a machine and/or object can be simulated in a far more realistic manner than on any conventional controller.
  10. Graphics might not be a requisit for long time Nintendo fans, but to your average gamer graphics is very important in terms of first impressions. Mind you, people will happily play on GTA or other PS2 games which are pretty basic graphically by todays standards.
  11. *Proceeds to burn flags with the X-Box and Playstation logo on...*
  12. IGN had a mock up screen, suggesting how a Metroid Prime game would be played. It looks far more easy to control than dual analogue sticks. We will laugh in the faces of PS3 and X-Box FPSs!
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