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Dark Wolf

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Everything posted by Dark Wolf

  1. Well, I've looked at what money I have and I will be able to just afford a 360 + Gears of War (from Gamestation's bundle) in July after my exams . I'm keeping my Wii.
  2. Hate them: 2/10 Ocean Colour Scene
  3. I don't have the money
  4. I'm wondering this too. But considering I paid £140 for it, I think it will be alright. Still not sure though.
  5. I'm seriously considering this. I'll most likely be able to afford a 360 with the money I get. As much as I love the Wii, there's no games that I want until Q4. These are the games I want: Mario Galaxy Super Paper Mario Smash Bros Bwii No More Heroes Most of those will most likely come out in Q3/Q4 in which time I will be able to afford it after Christmas. Games I want for 360: UT3 Gears of War Splinter Cell: DA Mass Effect Blue Dragon Oblivion (my brother has this on PC, but he's got it in Uni) Bioshock Halo 3 Banjo 3 Half Life 2 Resident Evil 5 Enemy Territory Quake Wars Sure, a few of those games aren't coming out for ages, but there's more there than there is that I want on the Wii The only problem is, is that I got the Wii as a Christmas present (I paid £140 for it...) Should I do it then?
  6. Nintendo are holding back stock on purpose.
  7. Rage Against the Machine... please..
  8. edit removed
  9. edit removed
  10. edit: MSN isn't working for me..
  11. edit remove
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  13. edit removed
  14. Am I correct in thinking that the Bleach fillers ended at episode 110? Do I need to watch the fillers. I stopped watching at the beginning of the Bounto arc.
  15. Azura's Dreams?
  16. It was because of my selfish behaviour.
  17. He's not a friend as such. He went mental though saying things like, "No wonder you don't have friends." even though I do..
  18. This is really petty but it's been bugging me. Here's the situation: I gave this guy two pieces of gum over a couple of weeks when he asked me for it. Yesterday, he asked me for a piece and I just gave him a very very very small piece. Today, he asked me again and I said no. This afternoon he asked the other bloke in the room if he wanted a sweet and I asked him if I could have one. He told me to "f*ck off" as I was being selfish for not giving him a piece that morning. Cue a long argument of him saying I'm selfish. I just don't see how I'm in the wrong, that's what is worrying me. Yes, I know it's quite petty but it's been really bugging me.
  19. I’m doing it on osmosis in potatoes. I’m using distilled water, 0.5m and 1.0m (this is just the pilot). Anyway, the potato piece in the distilled water has an increase in mass (10.5 to 10.8) and the others have a decrease in mass. I need to work out the percentage change. I get a decrease % for 0.5m and 1.0m, so I get a minus on my calculator. Here’s where I’m confused, I need to do a graph. So, do I put a minus y axis? Any help would be great. I’m terrible at maths.
  20. Free Radical FPS with online support.
  21. I'm still downloading it. It's taking ages
  22. I thought Terrenigma was European?
  23. I love the spanish soaps. They are actually like that.
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