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Posts posted by Bowser57

  1. Thats not your gender though. Max char input is 6, so work within the limits :P


    Yeah I bought that up here: http://www.revo-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?t=44




    A member's reputation points can be changed by an admin, so it is fixable.


    Upped the threads per page to 30.


    Ah right. I propose you up the char input for people who happen to be Trans-gender then (not for me).


    But it's okay, I'll work with 6 characters, just give me a couple of days.


    And yeah I see what you're saying with the Rep thing. Sounds good.

  2. Fieldy.JPG


    It's supposed to be my brother's dog, her name is Fieldy, we have loads more, they're right little scummers.


    The pups have no names yet, £125 if you want one.


    Her knee looks a mess, but don't worry, we don't abuse our pets! She's allergic to flea bites and that's what happens. Anyhow, she's treated now so don't call the RSPCA on me.


    Oh, and she looks a bit worried because at the time of taking the photo I was screaming as loudly as possible and flapping one arm.

  3. Any chance I can have enough space to write "Autobot" in the gender field?


    BTW, is there anything to stop groups of friends just leaving loads of positive karma for their friends to get these "rep points"?

  4. I reckon bringing out more than one controller will make things less simple, not more.


    Part of console gaming's appeal to me has always been how straightforward it is.


    Add-ons are not the way to go IMO. Especially when you've got parents buying stuff for their kids. When they see loads of options they'll panic and pick the most simple.

  5. I smoke more to socialise than anything, its great when your with your mates, and u all go out for a brew and ciggy, everyone gets on well and its sound.


    That's not something I feel I've ever missed out on by not smoking though. Having never smoked I couldn't say for certain, but it's never felt like I'm getting on less well than I could just because I'm a non-smoker.

  6. I smoke about 15 a day, i hate people who put down on people for smoking. Its your own choice, unless theyre getting the smoke of your ciggy then they have no reason to complain.



    They also have the mess it creates to complain about. Unless the smoker is one of the few that cleans up after themself.

  7. I think the fact that the BBC are even bothered enough to cover the announcement shows they're actually not as bad as some of you seem to think.


    I realise they haven't said "Best controller EVA!111", but that was never going to happen. Get the new Cube Magazine though and you'll be alright.

  8. leave him be, granted, it sounds a little ott a reaction but hes a cool dude, hes probly just joking on.


    Right the 2nd time Chris, I was joking somewhat.


    If I'm really mad at someone I rarely call them "foolio".




    Ouch Athriller, very ouch.


    There was even another foolio tried to rip off the thread as well, but the marshmallow boy with the typo beat him.

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