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Posts posted by Bowser57

  1. Does anyone know how to customize your tattoo thing on your arm?


    Also how do I view my stats?


    To change your logo go to settings, then player profiles, choose the profile you want to change, then from the pop up window choose edit, and then choose appearance.


    To view your stats go to http://www.bungie.net, it's all pretty self-explanatory there.


    Edit: New update up for those who are interested, Frankie in Japan getting recognised on the subway and stuff.

  2. A few good games last night with Guy and Colin last night. We got matched up against a team of loud mouths and went behind early on (me with two brilliant suicides).


    However, the tables turned, I got more and more mouthy, even resorting to swearing at them. "Triple that mother fu**ers!" being a choice quote.


    Colin was some sort of sword master gaining himself a Killtrocity, so madd props for that. And I managed a spree of 13.


    All in all and excellent game. Guy held his own too (no change there then! HAHAHAHAaaaaa), with 16 delicious kills to his name.

  3. "The TV camera was stowed in an instrument pallet in the LM descent stage. When Armstrong was at the top of the ladder, he pulled a lanyard to swing open the pallet, which was hinged at the bottom. The TV camera, which was attached to it, also swung down. Buzz Aldrin then switched on the camera from the LM cabin. The camera was pointing at the ladder of the LM so that TV pictures of Armstrong's initial steps on the Moon could be relayed to the world. The camera was later removed from its mounting and placed on a tripod some 30 feet from the LM, where it was left unattended to cover the remainder of the moonwalk. "



  4. Ooh, controversy.


    My favourite part of the moon landing is seeing Armstrong climbing out of the Lander from the outside. Did they just lob the camera out and hope for the best or something?


    They say there was a camera attatched to the outside of the landing craft.

  5. My tip is to panic as much as possible, punch people in their stupid little faces to get to the front of the queue. Upon reaching the pumps, as well as filling up your car fill up any plastic bottles, bowls and containers of any kind you might find at home.

  6. Yeah, it kicks the current Simpsons' ass now. Go back and watch the "classic" Simpsons, because those are downright hilarious. Most of the stuff Family Guy does Simpsons has done way long ago, so where it may be funnier now, it definately isn't quite on par with some of the best Simpsons episodes of long ago.


    Still a great show though, great references and jokes are to be found in nearly every episode. Supporting cast are great too, but they're no Moe, Burns, Wiggum and Skinner. Don't get me wrong, I love Family Guy. I'm not hating on it, I'm just simply reminding you Simpsons was EXCEPTIONALLY good a few seasons back.


    For real.


    I like Family Guy, but it's not quite The Simpsons however much they'd like it to be.

  7. I was wondering if I'd play last night with some of you fine folks, and I'm glad I did.


    I was like some sort of bomb planting machine. Guy was fool enough to trash talk with me before the start of the game, it resulted in many angry rockets headed in his direction and three bomb scores.


    Good game to all that played!

    • Like 1
  8. The problem with that is that we already have R-E veteran status, but that's for something completely different.


    And Bowser: " Old Timer, Old Skooler, Been Around, Long-Serving, Old Hand, Accomplished, Senior, Fossil."


    They all imply that the poster has been around for a long time, which is a bit misleading. A lot of people are on a 100 posts and the site has been up for a week. So, if they were to carry on with this, in 3 months time they would reach the 1000+ mark. And i dunno about anyone else, but i wouldn't class anyone with a 1000 posts as a senoir or anythig. Post count has really nothing to do with how long you've been on the site.


    Anyway, thanks for the suggestions. We can change the "status" thingies around, but Ashley quickly rustled up with the existing ideas because we thought the whole "nintendo newbie" or "gold member" thing was a bit crappy. Anymore suggestions?


    Yeah, I mostly just looked at a list of synonyms.


    I'd suggest you come up with the sort of word you're looking for, and then try it here... http://thesaurus.reference.com

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