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Posts posted by Bowser57

  1. So is there a way to see which lovely people have given you karma?


    I can see in my profile some have, but I wanna know who!


    Click on your User CP and it should show you a list of threads "Latest Reputation Received " you got karma in and what message folks left with it. (If they left a message).


    Edit: Haha, now who's too slow? :awesome:

  2. Also, who is MachineGunKiddo? I recognise the name but don't know who he is (I was playing with him earlier on).


    Athriller from the forum, real name Atif.


    Incidentally, I think it was either you or Balfron's mates (maybe both) I ran into today when playing with a bunch of RE'ers. About six of us went into a multi-team and there were Scotty Mate and someone else.

  3. Knowing that there's a couple of albums and a single on their way to you in the post, and that the music on them all is going to be awesome.


    Oh, and knowing that shortly I'll be tucking into a Chinese takeaway.


    Edit: Something not excellent is posting that in the wrong thread.


    (I blame the thread starter).

  4. After the new maps got released did anyone else think there rank went up alot faster this time around?


    Yeah part of the update was a slight revision of the rankings system.


    It's easier to rank up now than it was in the past.

  5. Questions re: The ignore function.


    If I add someone to my ignore list does that simply mean posts by them won't show up for me?


    Will I still be able to see a thread created by them but only lacking their posts?


    Will they know I have ignored them?


    Question re: Buddy list


    What difference does adding a user to my buddy list make?

  6. Re: Working in medicine, one of my buddies is training to be a heart technician. (I'm pretty sure that's the job title).


    He got pretty good A-Level results, dropped out of uni after two years of studying advanced Physics or something like that and is now one year into his new job which involves four days working in the hospital and one day a week in college/uni.


    He likes his job a lot, saw his first autopsy after only a month or so there (almost got hit by a flying splinter of rib) and just last week had a very friendly old lady grab his crotch.


    So don't give up Foxy! All that and more could be yours.

  7. What I would love is to take my Rev. plus a couple of controllers over to a mate's house. Probably a mate who's got an Xbox 360 and Halo 3. So we play that for a bit, then I whip out my Rev. with whatever cool FPS it has (hopefully Halo beater) and then say "hey try this on for size." I could totally screw up the opinions of a Halo fanboy. That would be hilarious!


    But what if Halo 3 is absolutely fantastic with awesome Xbox Live support and the Rev controller ends up as nothing but a gimmick?


    Would the opinions of a Nintendo fanboy be screwed up?


    If Sony steals the Revo control idea and uses it too, I think people would be buying Revo.s instead of PS3's because they knew it was Nintendo's idea first / and Nintendo probably knows how to use it better.



    Mercedes-Benz introduced ABS anti-lock brakes yet people buy different makes of car. (I'm not saying car buying is based purely on this, just looking at your point from another angle).


    If an idea is good it makes sense to use it. Let's wait and see if the idea is good or not, or even if it does get ripped off before we decry those evil other companies for ripping it off.


    I'd love to see Nintendo "rip-off" Microsoft's Xbox Live set up. Believe me, I'd just as soon play Mario Kart (if it's not messed up like DD) with 6-7 CE buddies as I do play Halo 2 with them most nights.


    But I'm sure some of you would rather Nintendo went off on a tangent just for the sake of it. (Granted if it works I'd be very happy with that too).

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