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Posts posted by Bowser57

  1. Jesus Christ, never take tips for growing hair long from women. They don't have testosterone, you do. By only cutting it every 6 months, you're pretty much setting yourself up for going bald.


    I haven't had my hair cut for around 2 years, is that bad then?


    Will I become a baldy? (My dad's one, but he was half bald at my age, I haven't noticed a receeding hairline or anything yet).


    Should I be worried?


    I demand answers!

  2. Post counts dont cause spamming as such, but rather elitism. If we banned all the people who used their post count to measure they're quality/non-new-ness then we'd be out of a handful of members.


    Besides, Jordan's harmless anyway.

  3. Absolutely love it. Every morning i have a slice of toast with butter and loooads of marmite on it. Heaven. Last night I had a conversation with a guy i met about marmite and apparently you can make it into a drink. Sounds weird. But we were drunk when he told me..so who knows.


    It's true, just mix it with hot water, my gran always used to make it for me in the winter.


    She's dead now... oh God maybe it was the Marmite drinks that killed her.

  4. Yeah, tell mw why people would buy UMD's? I think they're destined to fail in style!


    I'm fairly sure I remember reading somewhere last week or the week before that they're currently outselling PSP games by quite a margin.


    For me it'd be that I could take some of my fave films and stuff with me on occasions when I might be sitting around for a couple of hours with nothing much to do. Also that if I get a US PSP I'll be able to import films and TV shows before they're shown/released here in the UK. (Though I do already do that with DVDs as well).

  5. So, what you saying? We were wrong to get rid of the rep system? Exactly what i meant when i said we're always in a lose-lose situation. :hmm:


    Nope, I'm not saying you were wrong to get rid of the rep system, it wasn't my decision to make anyhow.


    I completely agree you were in a lose-lose situation, I'm just saying if you guys think you're right you should stick with your decision rather than change things because a handfull of folks disagree. I'm sure you'd have found lots of folks sticking up for it had you given the debate a chance to open up and progress a little.


    Personally I don't mind either way, so I don't care what you do with the rep thing, I can see the merits of arguments both for and against it.

  6. Wasn't that a case of the pot calling the kettle black in the Rep thread over in Gen Chit Chat?


    People being labelled "arsey" for asking questions yet the response of a whinge and the getting rid of the rep system right away in response was hardly grown up was it?


    If you guys firmly believe in it why haven't you kept it?



    Edit: Yo Yo, I'm pretty sure your poll went because it was crap.

  7. I'm going to wager Microsoft, because hopefully Sony will lose out when people decide they don't want to work more hours to afford their crappy Playstation 3.


    You're talking rubbish, people would be willing to pay 10 times what it'll cost because they can then use it to make films full of incredible special effects.


    Seriously though folks, don't vote for what you really believe will happen, vote for the company you like the most!


    ... What you already are doing? Then carry on!

  8. I'm sure it didn't happen, for a start, you wouldn't cast a shadow on the moon like on the supposed footage of the "first man on the moon".


    How off Earth do you know what sort of shadow someone casts on the moon? Especially if you're saying the footage is fake.


    Point us in the direction of some real footage we can believe that shows otherwise.


    You'll be using Platty's argument of "but hmm..." next.

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