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Posts posted by Bowser57

  1. Battle Rifle - Halo 2.


    If I had to pick just one FPS weapon to see me through all FPS's it'd be Halo 2's battle rifle. Handy over mid to long range and still capable in a close fire fight, that bad boy has it all. With a decent rate of fire for those who know how to use it, and able to drop someone very quickly every home should own one.


    Sawn-off Shotgun - Doom 2


    For exploding monster/zombie heads surely the sawn-off is an undisbuted classic. There's a real feeling of weight to it, and that's impressive in a game that's getting on a bit now. Knowing you'll get maximum pay off by letting the monster get right up close before you blast him helps the atmosphere too.


    Remote Mine - Goldeneye


    I tend to be a bit of a sneak when playing my FPS's multiplayer, so anything that can help me take people out while not having to look them in the eye is a plus. Watching another player run right over a mine you'd left in some dark little corner before you blew the crap out of them was excellent.


    Flak Cannon - UT's


    Another weapon with an excellent "weight" to it. Catching someone full in the face with a frag grenade is a thing of beauty.


    Sniper Rifle - Pretty much any game they appear in.


    Again, the sneak in me loves being able to take folks out with limited risk to my own well being. Be it Halo 2 from the cliffs on Coag or UT and sitting cosy in one of the towers.


    Plasma Grenade - Halo 2


    It's difficult to match the satisfaction of sticking an opponent full on the face with a glowing ball of death. There's the lovely second of gloating as you watch them run along helpess to stop the impending explosion. Then there's the rendition of "I stuck you mother f*cker! Oh stick stick God damn, God damn!" CVD knows what I'm talking about. Just the other day, on Lockout, I see some guy running into one of the buildings, from half-way across the map I guess which way he might run out, lobbing the grenade the arc is complete as it lands right on his shoulder. He dropped out of the game right after that kill.


    There's loads more, but the above are some of my faves.

  2. I have a few problems with Halo 2.

    The single player sucks hard bar two levels. Earth and Delta Halo.


    To an extent you're right, but I'd say about half the levels are good, and half average to annoying. Besides, to me, and I'd wager most players with Xbox Live or a bunch of friends that like playing it's all about the multiplayer. If there'd been no single player (which is far better in co-op) I'd still count it my fave game of the last few years.


    They cut alot from the game to get it out.


    What was cut?


    The maps are boring an unenspiring


    Zanzibar and Lockout are two of my fave maps from any FPS I've played. Granted, there is some filler in there, but there's only two or three maps I really dislike. Most can be put to very good use in objective games.


    It's too easy to hack (or was)


    At the moment it seems pretty much free of cheats. There were a couple of rough spots, but surely that's to be expected with any hugely popular game. Plus isn't that more the fault of the hackers than the game/game developers? It's to Bungie's credit that they've worked hard to iron it all out and still seem to give the game a lot of their attention.


    Too many idiots on voice chat


    There's a very easy to use mute system, very often you can spot a fool before the game has even started and mute their voice. If their idiocy only makes itself apparent mid-game I just wait until I'm killed (which granted, isn't very often) and then mute them.


    I hate using a joypad for FPS


    It's a console game. Personally I prefer it, but if I loved keyboard and mouse I'd simply invest in a keyboard and mouse adaptor for my Xbox.



    It is incredibly unbalanced, no matter what anyone says. You guys go play the original UT or UT2004. That is so balanced, and it works.


    I don't think that's a fair comment at all. There are certain situations where one weapon is going to be of more use than another. But surely that's true of any game. If not, what's the point of having different weapons? I've played UT2004 quite a bit and would say it's just the same.


    I reckon it's a bit silly of folks to wonder if they're the "only one" to think a certain game is over-rated. Of course you're not. Of millions and millions of gamers out there, do you really think you're that special?


    Halo 2 as a game has made Xbox Live, whatever problems people have with the game's intricacies there's surely no denying that.

  3. i have had a creative zen micro for about 6 months now.

    sadly my baby is becoming more and more troublesome, and an exchange for a zen sleek is being considered.

    the touch pad is just becoming less and less responsive - today for examp,e, if i didnt have the remote control unit i would have had no control, as every button on the touch pad either had no effect, or turned the volume down :S

    i have been notice over the last 2 or 3 months the whole player gradually running less and less smoothly with moe glitches.


    any other zen micro users finding this?


    Mine's fine as far as I can tell. I'd guess it's about three months old.


    If yours is only 6 months old and you're having problems why not just send it back to be repaired/replaced though Tom? Aren't they under warranty for a year?

  4. Tonight's Hot Tub Rankings was a load of blokes!!


    I promptly fired off this email to Channel 5...



    I'm wondering what on Earth went on with tonight's (21st Oct) Hot Tub Rankings show.


    My friends and I all meet up via the medium of Xbox Live to chat with each other while watching the show. (We tend to have quiet Friday nights).


    Imagine our horror when instead of the usual collection of alright looking women mixed with a couple of 5 out of 10's there was a load of half naked blokes!


    Anyhow, will things be back to normal next week?


    Thanks in advance,

    Dan Gadd.


    P.S Was the hostess formerly a man?

  5. Well I know Ath, at the time I was admiment this was so. But she had very short hair, and..the plot thickens. I was at a party a fortnight ago and saw her again, she was kissing this other girl. Now Sir this is a one orf, I really do believe shes a dyke.



    It often happens to me, I'll happily be bumming some man, then shock horror I'll wake up the next morning and have to send him a text telling him I'm straight but it'd slipped my mind pre-bumming.

  6. Ok, thanks!


    Why do a bank raid though; just for a metal toy plane!!

    or is it more than that (and explained in a future episode)??


    Well, it is explained further. But in the episode you watched she does say that it belonged to the man she loved, the man she killed. I would imagine some people living with such guilt would be prepared to go to some pretty extreme lengths to recover an item that belonged to them, even if it is just a toy.


    And is there a future episode where what happened between her and the man she loved is explained?!




    And I'm not certain, but am pretty sure that it was explained in the episode you saw why she couldn't just open the deposit box without the bank raid, and that was she had no I.D or authorisation to open it. Turning up with just a key and saying "I want to open that box" isn't really enough as what's to stop you stealing the key?


    Edit: Yep, just re-watched that part of the episode and her reason is "I'm not on the signatory card".

  8. Religious threads don't tend to go down well. People end up in heated discussion and stupid things are said from both sides. I'll wager that most people reading this will have made up their minds and won't say anything.


    What he said.


    It's just better left alone, just better left alone man.

  9. Before saying that the conspiracy is a load of rubbish, look into the overwhelming amount of evidence that supports the conspiracy theory.


    If the evidence was "overwhelming" surely everyone would have been overwhelmed by it and it'd be a conspiracy fact, not theory.

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