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Posts posted by Bowser57

  1. Bit random.


    All I was saying was that you say you wouldnt fuck her, yet it is likely that because most of the people on here do fuck all else but come on here, you would still fuck a fat bitch if she offered it too you.



    Nice english skillz



    It's not random at all. You had a go at lots of these folks for being "fucking homos" and not sharing your opinion, you then dare them to post pics of their own girlfriends in some sort of comparison to this woman you like the look of.


    For that to be a "fair" comparison surely you would have to be the boyfriend of this strange looking woman.


    All I'm saying is people in glass houses shouldn't be chucking half-bricks around.


    (Thanks for the compliment about my English skillz).


    P.S Do you have a girlfriend?

  2. I saw a couple of (what I thought were) were very good 360 ads yesterday on TV, one I think was during a basketball show and another was during the new episode of LOST.


    They featured no game or console footage at all, the first was of all these folks skipping, but not just normal skipping, they had the maddest skipping skillz you've ever seen in your life. It was cool.


    The second ad featured a huge water balloon fight, it shows kids getting hit in the face with them! (kids getting hit is always very funny IMO), plus they throw one at a dog and it yelps!

  3. Paedophilia - Exploitation of the uneducated and unwise.

    Beastiality - Exploitation of the unaware and unable.


    Lovers of the same sex, with all anomalies aside, can consent. They know how they roll.


    And at that point all debate ends.


    Athriller wins, everyone else shut up.


    Even though I was hoping to hear from CVD on the subject.

  4. London doesnt count for the entire population of the UK.


    Get some Scottish representation in there and I'll re-consider.


    Being serious for a moment, if it's a specialist kids hospital the stuff's going to I'd imagine it'll be one that takes kids from all over the UK, probably even the world.

  5. When I went to watch Wallace and Gromit earlier in the week the ticket guy kindly informed me that Saw II was last week's number 1 grossing movie, I thanked him for this information (although I was tempted to say something smart arsed like "Just proves how many fools go to the movies").


    Anyhow, long story short, I got back an hour or so from the "movies" and guess what I "saw"? Haha, that's right! Chicken Little.


    It wasn't very good.

  6. I'm in the US with Sattelite, there's a channel called G4 and it actually doesn't suck. The main reviews show, X-Play, is hilarious.


    I've watched that a couple of times this past week.


    They thought making jokes about the title of the game Seaman for five minutes was the funniest thing ever.


    Granted, two maybe three minutes is alright, but they went a little over the top.

  7. I think mine's more or less a copy of Colin's reply...


    "Dear Dan


    Thank you for your recent e-mail.


    We were sorry to read that you did not like the ‘role reversal’ episode of Hot Tub Ranking. We felt that this switch would be a humorous way to turn the tables, and of course the entrants were all willing to take part. You will be pleased to know that the show will be back to its usual format this Friday, 28th October.


    We have no information on Mia’s gender, and can only advise that this mystery is in keeping with the trans-gender elements of the show.


    Thank you for your interest in Five.


    Yours sincerely




    Anyhow, now I must leave, for I have a plane to catch! Muahahahahaha-haha!

  8. any reviews in the mag?


    Quake 4, Batallion Wars, FEAR, Viewtiful Joe: BC, Battlefield 2: MC, Pursuit Force, Brothers In Arms 2, Urban Reign, Sly 3, The Suffering 2, Buzz! The Music Quiz, Tony Hawk's Latest Rubbish, Ultimate Spider-Man, Without Warning, Jak X, Gripshift, Rebelstar: TC, Call of Cthulhu, Frantix, Tamagotchi.


    Edit: Brit, are you Poncho from Gamesradar/lifting his posts from Gamesradar without crediting him or is this just coincidence/ or maybe the both of you are getting this from the same place... or! He's maybe ripping you off.

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