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Posts posted by Bowser57

  1. Im not in here to start fights or anything... and im not coming in as a fanboy looking to start arguements. What i have come in here to do is to ask whatsall the fuss about the Xbox 360.... about? because as far as i can tell if i wanted one its gonna cost me around £300 for a "new" console that does nothing new apart from having better graphics. It seems to have the same old games and the same old take over your living room size as the old Xbox did.


    So my question is what is all the fuss about? and why should i buy one? also what does it offer that i cant already get on an old xbox or cube or even ps2?


    As someone who's not all that bothered about it just yet (but will be once the right game(s) and possibly a price drop come along) I can help answer some of that.


    I'm guessing you're enjoying MK DS online, imagine that but being able to choose exactly who you want to play with, and being able to speak with them at the same time. Xbox Live is excellent. Even if it wasn't improved upon(as I'm sure it will be) it'd be good enough for the "next gen".


    With regards to the matter of how big a console is, do you really live in that tiny a place that it makes much of a difference? Personally once the thing is on the shelf under my TV I hardly notice it until something goes wrong or it's time to replace it with a new box under the TV.


    Complaining about the same old games while waving the Nintendo banner is also a little hypocritical isn't it? How many Mario Karts is this? Are Mario Soccer, Mario Baseball and Mario Basketball huge break-throughs?

  2. Thanks. :indeed:


    Lets hope your 360 doesn't have any problems, hey? :wink: (if your getting one)


    Nah I don't think I'll bother, what I've played of it didn't impress me.


    Despite having spoken with my cousin about it (he works for Currys) and him being more or less positive he could get me one reserved on launch day including his employee discount.


    But when you get that nagging feeling while playing Kameo that "Hmm..actually this isn't that great, and certainly not worth £300", make sure you think of me ;).

  3. Personally I refer to it as Winter Festival.


    I've bought a present for my gf, but nothing else just yet. I hope to get it all sorted out online very soon.


    For me I can't decide if I'll ask my folks to chip in and help me get a 360 or if I'll get Animal Crossing on the DS and a couple of bits and bobs.

  4. I saw a Nintendo sponsered tramp yesterday. Apparently they're given Special Brew and tins of beans by Nintendo as long as they promise to follow the first person that walks past each morning screaming and swearing at them until they buy a DS and Mario Kart.


    I had to drive my tramp home and show him my copy of each before he'd stop abusing me.


    (The above isn't actually true, but in a perfect world it would be).


    ... On the subject of ads, I haven't seen loads, but I've watched very little TV since getting home. Peep Show last night was great though.


    In the US I saw the Mario Kart ad a few times, and a lot of pretty good 360 ads.

  5. I think it's simply lovely!


    Got the whole first season on DVD, and am up to all but the most recent season two episode.


    There was a Lost thread but... it's lost on another page HAHAhahahaaa!

  6. awk bowser its so cute! whats his/her name?


    Well it was one of a litter of three that one of our bitches had, we're not keeping them and all but one have been homed.


    They haven't been named properly, but if it's still the one we've got left I've called it Yappy Doo because it's very noisy.

  7. Sorry double post, dunno how :\


    Rather than editing the second one in future just delete it.


    Re: 360's at launch, should I crack during the next few days and decide to try and get one I'll probably try my local ASDA as from that it's going to have 6 premiums.

  8. That contestant which lost dug himself a right hole at the end: "Oh he kept getting normal words, no really special words but just normal ones" I cringed as he was waffling on for a good ten seconds. Then Des chimes in with some Tache Ownage "Why didn't you get them then?". Shabba'ised.


    Nooo, I'm talking about Noel's show about money in boxes or something last night.


    It may have been that I was just very tired, but it seemed to make little to no sense with Noel talking to imaginary people on the phone and stuff.


    I was willing Mr Blobby to break down one of the walls and attack them all.

  9. I saw a tiny bit of the kid on Countdown, and then a lot of that new Noel show.


    I don't know if it was the fault of the contestant they had playing (he seemed a bit strange) but the show didn't impress all that much.


    (And do you two keep creating and deleting threads between you? As this is the third attempt at me posting this).

  10. That is actually a bit upsetting to me, The Karate Kid formed an intergral part of my journey through childhood. Those who haven't tried a crane kick during a fight can't really call themselves real men.


    If you liked the movie then you need the song "You're The Best" by Bill Conti, it's featured in the film during the tournament, and it's fantastic. If you're having trouble finding it feel free to MSN me, and I'll point you in the right direction! ;) (I'll send it to you illegally!)


    +1 Rep for the thread title.


    Republica : Baby im ready to go (Download this now!)



    Post yours!


    The actual title is just "Ready To Go" for folks who might look for it, though I'm sure what you put would probably yield results too.


    While folks are looking for that I would suggest the Abdominal & DJ Fase track "Good Day".

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