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Everything posted by Dieter

  1. Pimp My Ride would be so much better if those idiots just kept their premade sentance-spouting mouthes shut.
  2. Ten minutes and a pack of cookies
  3. http://destandaard.be/ read it and weep boy :lmao:
  4. I smell a boomerang-controller induced conspiracy... REVOLT... REVOOOOOOOLT!
  5. I need my daily news on the status of our heliport and I'm sure as hell not getting any of THAT from your pityful UK rags!
  6. De Standaard
  7. Letting them steal his bike and making him walk half an hour at night wouldn't really be right either...
  8. That's exactly how I feel when biking to work at 4.45 AM And kopo, you've seen what chavs can do. I might've posted this, but here's it now with details. A classmate of ours, Kristof, went to a party Saturday night and got a bit drunk. He decided to go home and headed towards his bike. He saw a group of chavs obviously trying to steal his bike. He walked up to them and confronted them (not very smart but he was a bit intoxicated). He got beat up by 6 chavs at once, he wasn't even at school monday cause he was still kind of out of it. He lost a front tooth. His lip was busted open. The remnants of a black eye were visible. In short, he got fucked up. Luckily, the police have a name and are searching for the scum. What the rest of the gang might do to him once he gets caught, I dare not imagine. I hope he'll get through this okay. This just makes my blood boil, albeit in uselessness. Yeah chavs will only become hostile when in groups larger than you. Fucking cowards. It's stuff like that shit Kristof went through that really make me consider trying to make chav-hunting legal in Belgium. Blasting them away with a 9-guage must be very satisfactory. I mean, their hats make for easy shooting anyway :yes:
  9. Here's something more interesting, but probably just as old: http://web.archive.org/web/19980502040406/google.stanford.edu/googlehardware.html Google hardware in 'the old days'. Phear teh spex yo!
  10. Quoted for truth.... and because I was going to say the same thing. Ah well, we can't all be as quick to reply with wit (which is ironically as old as the posted thing itself) Kudos if you can understand that, because I don't think I can myself
  11. If I was Jordan I'd throw a few links at you, but I'm not I heard that it'd be out in spring 2006 (I might be mistaken, my memory is shoddy for certain things (especially dates ))
  12. HB person I don't know. (This doesn't make the well-wishings any less genuine or hearty )
  13. My brains search function is more broken than the XSorbit one
  14. I read Power Unlimited. Because I can't take games.telenet.be to the breakfast table with me
  15. So do headbutts apparantly.
  16. Do you have the pink Chobits T-shirt? If so, then I request...no, I DEMAND a picture of you donning that awesome garment. Here's an older one of me, I got my (pretty decent looking) school picture today, gonna scan it tomorrow And I threw in this old classic just for nostalgic reasons. Ah I was so young and carefree back then The pic quality sucks cause it's been shunted around on LANS and lost during formats and the like...miracle I still got the thing -edit- Damn Blackcocks, you are looking sexy in that pic, loving the 'queen' too :bow:
  17. Technology can't stop trees or cliffs or whatnot. Pretty sad, but he knew the deal.
  18. Your food in general just sucks :P *stops hijacking thread*
  19. Dieter


    Quoted for truth. Also, the songs appealed to me slightly less than Toxicity and Steal This Album. *sigh* I guess this is the 'the old days were better' syndrome
  20. It's got lots of sunshine and trees in it. Mostly rice and beans and mystery meat. Pretty good overall. You want the real deal, eat fruit like watermelons and bananas there. Now THAT is fruit
  21. I moved to America when I was 1.5 years old, to Chile when I was 6, to Brazil when I was 9 and back 'home' to Belgium when I was 11. So yeah, I've gathered tastes from everywhere It's not like we eat wurst here all day.... that's germany, obviously :P
  22. Sorry but that brought a smile to my face headbutted hehe, how lame I think it's sad that, purely from LOOKING at a guy, that you can tell if he's going to make trouble or not. First impressions can be wrong, but are usually right when dealing with scum :yes:
  23. sweet, ANOTHER pillows fan I encountered them during FLCL, amazing songs they have. Too bad it's mostly in Engrish, the tunes are awesome My top 5: 1. Dillinja - Twist 'Em out 2. DJ Furax - Supershaw 3. DJ Ghost - Desire (To Go higher) 4. Ayumi Hamasaki - Evolution (Original) 5. White Stripes - Fell in love with a Girl Mostly techno/dnb on my mp3 at the moment
  24. I ate 8 sammiches with peanut butter and jelly, with a healthy amount of choclate milk. Same thing I eat for dinner usually, still awesome though 9/10
  25. For some reason I never liked that particular picture of Zelda, 3.5/5 (to remain objective ) This one is a simple two second job. It's high on crappiness but low on bytes! Isn't that cheesy
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