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About arri

  • Birthday 01/19/1993


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  1. Is this game based on some book?
  2. Honestly - i prefer playing on PC - there is many game which can run only on PC.
  3. I hate it. I really try to eat healthy, but i can't find anything really healthy.
  4. I'm going outside for fresh air. i like tennis :P
  5. Today morning - coffe :P
  6. OMG I love you guys
  7. Skyrim! I played it on PC! It was the best. I think i'll play it once again
  8. I'd really like to play it again. I think i'll still buy it;)
  9. For me best game is Skyrim! I played it on PC but i'm thinking about buying it on Xbox too. Do you think it's a good idea. Are there any differences between plying it on PC and Xbox?
  10. Have you played beta already? I saw trailer and it looks great. I'm thinking about buying it as a preorder.
  11. Which Xbox game can you recommend? I'd like something with good graphics and nice storyline
  12. For me - Far Cry 3 is game of the year! i love its exotic climate like in Far Cry 1, its storyline and graphics. I totally recommend.
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