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Everything posted by triforcemario

  1. I'm having a wee problem with my Wii (pun not intended), its related with the Nintendo Wifi dongle. It's not connecting to it, even though it's fully installed, and it reconises it, and starts to connect, but then, it just goes off. I'm using a satelite connection which goes at around 256kbs. Forgot to say, it did once work, but it disconnected not long after it started updating it's firmware.
  2. You know, that you don't actually have to make huge movements like in the promotional videos. If you want, you can just make small movements with your wrist.
  3. To solve that problem, you need to lower the WiiMote's volumn to 1 or 0, and if that doesn't quite do the trick, turn of the vibration too.
  4. Come on, we were only having a laugh... Its still funnier than doing it with a bot, though.
  5. Couldn't resist Status: Looking for a guide ... Status: Connected to guide: MeganL MeganL: Welcome to ChaCha! MeganL: How are you today? You: Egg... and.... chips.... You: Hungry.... MeganL: Can you clarify what you're looking for today, please? You: Egg... and... chips... You: ... You: Thats what I searching for... MeganL: Pictures, info about eggs, chips, etc? You: Yesh MeganL: I need for you to clarify exactly what you're looking for, or else I can help. MeganL: can't* You: .... Tarnation.... You: You: Do ye like egg and chips? MeganL: I can't say that that sounds appealing You: WHAT?! You: I'M INSULTED! MeganL: eggs & fries? are you pregnant and having cravings? You: I'VE NEVER HEARD SUCH RACISM IN MA LIFE! You: I'M OFF!
  6. I pick MoogleViper, with the followind caption:
  7. Yeah, we get it a day later here in Spain.... >_<
  8. -Punches fist through King Boo's chest, and pulls out his heart- WHO IS YOUR GOD NOW?
  9. Guys, hasn't it occured to you that this game is only 35% complete?! Of course it's gonna look more basic if it's uncomplete!
  10. Maybe if the demos were streamed, and just smalls parts of the demo were put onto the flash memory...
  11. Bit of trivia related to that pic: That pic is actually me... pulling a stupid face.... seriously.
  12. Since it appears no-one is gonna post an image, I might just as well do it:
  13. 3D holographic projectors with cold fusion reactor processors, obviously... And a larger hole to insert your penis into it.
  14. -Hides- May someone up there help us all... Just kiddin', congratulations, Moria!
  15. Steal 6, and if all else fails, use fire.
  16. Steal 4 and I'll give you my older brother...
  17. Okay, take back my statement on being the funniest thing you'll see all day (how the hell do you edit titles?), but, it is still funny, and wrong (since when could Bin Laden speak English AND since when was he an alcoholic?).
  18. I didn't even need to see the clip to convince me not to see it, the words "Uwe Boll" were enough, and the homepage of Postal - The Movie doesn't exactly help matters.
  19. Btw, when I said funny, I mean it as in "unintentionally funny" or "Ed Wood funny"... Still, at least the homepage contains some of the best material to use in photoshop jobs we've seen in a while... Take this, for example:
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