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Status Updates posted by Ashley

  1. It illustrates that this particular video-maker is able to work with styles and extrude backgrounds from clips etc. I presume it was meant for fun, and to test the vidder's skills. Like how I presume every once in a while you may doodle which is essentially pointless. STOP BEING A MISERABLE SCOT!

  2. Randomness of the day:


  3. That was RedShell's idea. I worried it would crush everyone's lust, then realised that I'm okay with that :heh:

  4. Special indeed. Although I think it says more about you than it does me :heh:

  5. Did you die?

  6. I quite like your new name. I think you should keep it.

  7. Rather than PM you (again!) just a quick thing. We'd also have it linked within the staff chat as we currently do for the chat room in general: http://www.n-europe.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=2

  8. Ebay perhaps, but I doubt it. Other than that...try and befriend someone in Japan? Sorry dude.

  9. I don't have it anymore as it was a gift for a friend but I got it from Don Quixote in Tokyo.

  10. If you ever visit this site again happy birthday :)

  11. Hey.


    I HTMLed up that article you wanted uploading but I'm not sure what to do with it. Is it a news piece, a column or what?



  12. The second half is better, as the storyline comes to ahead (obviously). Plus there was an interesting twist/psychological issue raised by Pace's character which surprised me but permeated nicely.

  13. You're into film now yeah? I reckon you should check out The Fall. Visually one of the most striking (urr stunning :p) films I've seen.




    Shot over 20-odd (I wanna say 26...) countries. Plus the plot is alright/has the odd interesting twist. And a cute as buttons Russian girl. What's not to love?

  14. As long as you're not imaging you as the Snorlax.

  15. You are?


    I don't recall doing that.


    Although it sounds like something I would do.

  16. dfx4c7.jpg


    (what have I done now?)

  17. Who did I replace you with?

  18. 200804010341271516746_Tricia-Helfer.jpg


    And oh-oh my heart has flown to you just like a dove

    It can fly, it can fly

    And oh-oh please take my heart and keep it close to you

    Take it in, take it in

  19. It's a truth you can't refute. Nothing suits me like a suit.

  20. Suddenly sprung to mind, you might like Soldier's Girl if you can get your hands on a copy. A surprisingly moving film. Although don't read all of the first review as it gives away all the story >_>

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