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Everything posted by Hogge

  1. At first, I thought no. The fact of the matter is that Sega haven't done anything that matters in years and years. But come to think of it, there's plenty of Sega games I'd like to see in HD, only for the Wii U. Shenmue III: I've wanted it for SO long! Yakuza: Beyond MGS4, the only feasible reason for buying a PS3 Sega GT: If Sega can manage to make the content up to par with the current competitors, this could make me stop complaining about the lack of a GT-competitor. Virtua Fighter: Because Nintendo consoles have always lacked fighting games. Shinobi: So we're not getting Metal Gear Rising? S**w you, Platinum! If we can't get that game, we're getting something better! Space Harrier: Because Nintendo can't be arsed to make a proper Starfox on their own Hang On: Because Nintendo can't be arsed to make a proper Excitebike either Sega Rally: Sega Rally was Collin McRae Dirt before Colin McRae Dirt was popular *hipsterface* Metropolis Street Racer: Because Project Gotham Racing is dead and Forza Horizon is going DOWN!
  2. To be honest, I thought it was a launch game. It's already been reviewed by Total Biscuit for the PC. I thought that if a game was coming out like a week after the Wii U launch, it would actually be launched for the Wii U at that time. Sorry to say, it's a disapointment to say the least. That Nintendo have claimed that we can't expect any new games to be announced until spring is pretty BS in my opinion.
  3. Anyone know when the european version is?
  4. Missed the start, but I'm way more interrested in Ninja Gaiden now. Pikmin 3 in Q2 and no worthwhile first party content even announced is... meh.
  5. To be honest, any core first party Wii U content being announced would be a godsent at this point. However:
  6. No thanks. No Nintendoland in the good games, please. Now THAT would be brilliant. That would be completely brilliant. Bashing people with a cricket bat and stuff. My thoughts: Baloon fighter: We already have ice climbers, let's bring in the baloon fighter. Mega Man: Never going to happen, but it would be brilliant. Joanna Dark: Sorry, but I just want Nintendo to buy back that IP really, really, really badly.
  7. I don't think that better batteries will be the solution for a long time. It's more likely that the Wii U will receive an updated version of the pad, with internal components that consume less power.
  8. Not to mention the E3 app. Too bad that Nintendo aren't going to spill the beans on any new titles. That could probably cheer a lot of people, including myself up.
  9. So what's your verdict on the Wii U pad, now that you actually have it? Mine is the following: +Good button layout. It took me no time at all to get used to the inversion between right stick and face buttons. It might even work better than the standard layout. +Quite perfect blance in weight. Has that Nintendo quality feel, while still not being too heavy. +Excellent screen -No analogue triggers: You know my oppinion on this -Too flat underside: I'd like the gripps to stand out even more. It's okay, but not as comfortable as let's say the middle grip on the N64 controller.
  10. Here's a brand new trailer for Velocity Stream. And of course, don't forget to vote http://www.indiedb.com/games/velocity-stream/videos/wip-footage-2
  11. Great game, I only have three complaints 1) It's really annoying that the Zombies essentially have an instant win button. Their lunge attacks seem to bring you down even if you have full health. 2) That cutscene whenever you die... INCREDIBLY repetitive. 3) Zombies seem to loose items. When I went in to Buckingham Palace, I fetched the bolt action rifle. However, I died during the onslaught, and when I killed my old survivor, he had lost the rifle.
  12. I got my Wii U yesterday and tested it out a bit. I mostly love the interface, Internet seems really smooth etc. Also, I have the Basic Wii U (mostly bought it because I wanted to avoid Nintendoland like the plague), and I must say that at least the white finish isn't prone to receive fingerprint marks like some have complained. However, one issue I have is the gamepad ergonomics. The lumps on the underside of the controller are WAY too flat, nowhere near as large as I'd want. On the other hand, the distance between the shoulder buttons is too large, it's nowhere near as easy to use as it should be.
  13. There is no such thing as a Super Nintendo 32 bit.
  14. There's probably a ones to be watched award.
  15. Please vote for Velocity Stream to be this years Indie Game of the Year at Indie DB. http://www.indiedb.com/games/velocity-stream Plus, new screenshot!
  16. I know lots of people who study and work with games. Not a single one (apart from me) has mentioned the Wii U launch on Facebook or anywhere else.
  17. While I can see the appeal... is the quantity of content enough to justify a disc release? That's a legit question, not sarcasm.
  18. If Nintendo are making a 2D Mario, Nintendoland and a 2D Yoshi, then I'm wondering what the heck Nintendo are up to. Don't get me wrong, I'd love a 2D Yoshi as well, but it would at this point feel like Nintendos lineup is a bit monotonous.
  19. Hey. I've got an assignment to ask people some stuff. So please do help out : peace: What do you take in to consideration when you buy games? Whose oppinions matter to you? What makes you feel succesful in your life? What are your ambitions?
  20. I heard the Wii U scales up Wii games. Wonder if the increased resolution will make the distance paint shader more obvious, because as it is now, I couldn't see it until someone pointed it out to me. I've seen emulated HD screenshots where the effect truly pops out and looks amazing.
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