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Everything posted by Beanie

  1. It's given you the "tate mode" for playing it as it was designed in the arcade original.
  2. I think that "average person" won't be bothered about the supposed lack of power. As long as everything is clear and it runs smoothly, most people will be bothered about how it plays, I reckon, which is kinda the point of the machine. The fact that games like Snake, Solitaire and Brain Training are more popular with a wider audience than the average game shows that it's how it plays (if you can stretch "play" to Brain Training) that matters to most. If you're talking about the average person that enjoys games but not enough to buy mags or post on forums about it, then yeah they'll probably notice some difference. Again, I think when they get their hands on the games they'll not be bothered about. I think graphics that are on the same level of Mario Galaxy will be more than acceptable to most.
  3. Mine: 1080°: Avalanche Beyond Good & Evil Burnout 2: Point of Impact Donkey Kong Jungle Beat Donkey Konga Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem F-Zero GX Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life Ikaruga Killer 7 Luigi's Mansion Metal Arms: Glitch in the System Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes Metroid Prime Metroid Prime 2: Echoes P.N.03 Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door Pikmin Pikmin 2 Pokémon Colosseum Pool Paradise Resident Evil 4 Second Sight Skies of Arcadia Legends Soul Calibur II Super Mario Sunshine Super Monkey Ball Super Smash Bros. Melee Tales of Symphonia The Legend of Zelda: Collector's Edition The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker TimeSplitters 2 Viewtiful Joe Viewtiful Joe 2
  4. A few weeks ago I went to my local Gamestation where a couple of friends work. I bought VJ2 and asked how much their Freeloaders were, and one said "£2.99". I asked why it was so cheap (usual price is about £12) and they said they were phasing GC out. So yeah, maybe it's a national thing...I just thought it might have my local store. Game, though, have had a tiny section near the back for ages. I can put the odds on Gamestation keeping the prices high still, the robbing buggers. £27 for a second-hand Batallion Wars!
  5. Both Pikmins have their merits. Pikmin 2 has a more meatier main mode and some cool additions like the Picklopedia and multiplayer. Pikmin is the one I always go back to though because I like the Challenge mode. The first is a bit more high score focused than the second and a time limit suits the game due to it's small size. I guess it was incentive for you to replay the game. So yeah, I'd say get both, if you can. As for the camera, it's pretty easy to get used to. Just remembering to press L to centre the camera and to use R to change the zoom is about all there is to it. Changing the Pikmin you want is simple in Pikmin 2; just grab hold of a Pikmin and scroll through the colours using left and right on the D-pad.
  6. Clover Studios, Amusement Vision, Treasure and something from Zoonami, just to see what they can create...Whatever happened to Funkydilla?
  7. How can this be a "production error"? I mean, did they cough and then spell out the wrong words or something, or just lying...?
  8. Beanie


    Reminds me of a programme on Channel 4 once about Bestiality where a man used to "love" a horse. His wife was jealous. ...
  9. What a load of shit. Pubs should just decide if they want to be smoking and non-smoking and that should be the end of it. Non-smokers can go to a place that is non-smoking, as can the non-smoking workers. What makes this even more bullshit is banning smoking in PRIVATE clubs. Are people not even allowed to decide foir themselves? What the fuck happened to choice?! As you can probably tell, I don't smoke. Hate the stuff.
  10. I've just completed RE4 and Tales of Symphonia. Nearly at the end of Paper Mario, too.
  11. I'm probably gonna get this. The only review I've read was saying how boring it was, though. That review is here, if you're interested: Click
  12. The software synthesizer, like so:
  13. Hmm...I haven't bought an official Nintendo mag since just after they starting making them with a spine, however long ago that was. The new team sounds pretty good, so hopefully ONM'll be a lot better than the last one, and more importantly appeal to people older than the last 'un, as implied in the press release. I'll be checking it out on Thurs. :]
  14. I'll be disappointed if Nintendo don't include new games in the service. Live Arcade is easily the most appealing aspect of the 360 for me. I want to be playing games like Bejewelled, Wik & the Fable of Souls, Marble Blast Ultra, Mutant Storm, etc. on my Rev. If it doesn't happen, then I'll probably end up getting a 360 too.
  15. This is the first game for the GC I've bought that I haven't bothered playing through 'till the end once I've started. And I bought P.N.03... I think it was the second level that I stopped on, the one where you start in the appartment? I like some of the ideas, and usually like new kinds of games, but this is just madness!
  16. This reminds me of my friend saying most brainy guys have large heads. :|
  17. If you're going to live in another country, then surely learning the native language is likely to be necessary to be able to function (for lack of a better word) properly. It'll help us integrate into the society. Why wouldn't we need to learn another language, assuming we live in a foreign country? Don't you think it's a sign of respect if you at least try to communicate in the same language? But no worries for those "ethnics" who can't speak English where I'm from because the council have Urdu (and w/e else) text on their leaflets, and usually have people speaking other languages in places like the Job Centre. There's also a large amount of "ethnics" where I live too, so in theory they could (and I'm sure some do) survive without needing to learn our language, although that breeds segregation. Anyway, going back to the real topic of what it means to be British. I actually don't like the idea of having to pigeonhole ourselves into some template of what British-ness is/means. Do we really need a definition? People are people and everyone's got their differences. There's no "one size fits all" imo and that's about the crux of it for me.
  18. No, it's not like FFX. It gets less and less like it the further I go on. It was just the whole "Chosen One" thing and the temples. The meat of it isn't FFX-ish at all, which I'm glad for. The skits are good for developing the relationships between the characters and I find myself searching for those glowing things dotted around to see what they say. That Genis is a cheeky mofo! I feel myself wanting to come back with an answer. But I'm enjoying it more now I've fully got to grips with the Unison Attacks and what everything does. I'll take a guess and say I'm 2/3 of the way through, and so far it's a "yay" from me.
  19. You're right, it does change. And one of those twists is just like in FFX! "We can't let Yuna/Colette die; there must be some other way!", states Tidus/Lloyd. It does have enough in the middle to stop it from being a full-on clone but there are many similarities. And just to nitpick: Any else noticed the typos? Like having colons between words instead of a space and having "[]j" at the end of a sentence instead of some other characters? Obviously it doesn't ruin my enjoyment of the game but I've never seen it in any other game.
  20. I'm going through TOS at the moment. I like the battle system but the story is a clone of FFX. After completing RE4 just before starting this, it makes the storyline even worse. Why can't they ever put in a decent story in an RPG? (Well...SoA's story was a break from what seems to be the norm in RPGs, although it's still about someone trying to take over the world, Pinky!) But yeah, I'm liking it so far. Thought I would have seen some of those excellent Anime cutscenes shown in the trailer, but not yet. Hope they aren't just saved for the ending.
  21. omg! Wish I'd had read the end of the thread before posting. I missed the voting by half an hour or so. Damn.
  22. Here's my semi-generic "TEH BEST!!1!!" list: 1.Ocarina Of Time 2.Goldeneye 3.Pokemon Ruby 4.Tetris 5.F-Zero GX Wish I had room for Pikmin and Viewtiful Joe :\
  23. I've had and will have one night stands. Granted, it's rarely gonna be something deep and meaningful, but I don't necessarily want or need it to be! If you both want it and you both know it, then why not?
  24. I'm gonna be going to the Syndicate 'superclub' in Blackpool with a couple of mates. No top DJs on though. Starts at 10pm and finishes just in time for breakfast at 6am ;] Should be a messy 'un! Hope you guys have a good time.
  25. My three choices are: Straw Dogs La Haine Solid Geometry
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