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Everything posted by Hamish

  1. Naturo is fab (and that's a word I don't think I have ever said) and it's all pretty and stuff. Text a bit plain but it'll do... 8/10
  2. 7/10 Like the Storkes, but the sig is a tad boring
  3. Samurai Pizza Cats Trap Door Rex the Runt (more modern but still a classic)
  4. I dislike those sig banner things and have never heard of any of those things but I love the Get me an Xbox thing. That deserves a 8/10 alone.
  5. A character in the last episode has been credited as Head of Torchwood. However, who is Gemini? In that episode there was references to Gemini as a person...Maybe if there is an alt-Torchwood there is an alt-Doctor who might be played by Christopher Eccleston (very very very very doubtful though as he wants nothing to do with the show) or David Tennant. Also, there were some more Cybermen suits made without the big Cybus logo on the front. It has been stated that there will be Cybermen not created by Lumic. Also, the synopsis for the final episode on Outpost Gallifrey is "the Cybermen find away into our universe with help from an old friend (well, enemy) of the Doctor." It has been widely rumored to be the Master, Davros, the Gealth and the Dalek Emporer (has been scene doing more recording in a studio however this has been regarded as just promotional footage or something) but perhaps it is the Mondas Cybermen. Also, if there is an alt-Lumic, maybe there is a Lumic from our world. In the alternate universe he was creator of the Cybermen, in ours ... creator ... of ... the daleks! Aka Davros!! Ooooooooooh Speculicious!! I think the term "Delete" was rather rubbish but far better then old Cybermen catchphrases like "Excelette!" and "Eradicate!"
  6. Trauma Center is a great game and I like the way the background is a green cross. I went to your blog as well. 3.5/5
  7. I am making a series of comedy cartoons about a crew of space banditoos trying to save up enough money to get a iTyme Nano to send back their friend from the year 2006...weird huh? Anyway, here is a picture of one character called Funty Puswad (the girl from the past/present). I may add some later. BTW, my name on my site is .Mister Five hence the fact it says that at the bottom: Please comment. PS: This character is voiced by a boy called Chris. O.o
  8. I loved the bit with the "In the Jungle" song. Inspired.
  9. I got his autograph on my Super Mario Sunshine box. I also gave him a pic I drew of Link riding Yoshi and he laughed and loved it.
  10. Ahh the margin. Kingdom of doodles. Here are some of mine:
  11. Both count as doodles. The first one is funny. Must have taken you a long time. And the second is a more traditional doodle. Something random.
  12. Doodle Thread My site is going to have a Doodle section but that is still under development. However, in this topic you post your doodles. So what is a doodle? Well here are 10 easy Doodle lessons. Read these and decide if your picture is a doodle! 1 - A doodle must be impulse Don't decide what you are going to draw completely before you draw it. Don't make plans, sketches or diagrams before doing it. 2 - Make it quick Don't spend an hour on one doodle. It is best if you do lots of small ones rather than one really big masterpiece. 3 - Humor and Originality are key Although houses and flowers can be doodles, don't fill this topic up with them. Make it so that people would actually want to look at your doodle. 4 - A doodle is never too bad to be a doodle If you don't think your doodle is good enough don't worry. Doodles aren't about artistic ability. 5 - Use whatever If you want to start a doodle don't get a piece of white paper and an extra sharp pencil or paint. Use the back of bank statements, old prep and post-it notes. Use pens, biros or anything lying around. 6 - Don't just doodle Doodling should be something you do absentmindedly. Don't make it the soul thing you are doing. Watch a film, eat your lunch or listen to a boring lecture. They are an escape. Do them when bored or got nothing else to do. 7 - Leave them how they are Don't edit them on the computer, color them on the computer or use the computer to take away the lines from the paper you were using. That is the charm of doodles. 8 - Don't use a computer full stop. The only thing you should use a computer for is scanning them in or changing the size. I don't call doodles in MS Paint or Flash doodles. There are plenty of topic for that sort of stuff. These are hand drawn doodle! 9 - Keep 'em clean, folks One of the most common doodles is the penis. Yeah, I know. It is kinda funny to draw but it ain't worth a post on in this topic. 10 - DOODLE, DOODLE, DOODLE!! Don't just stop at one...keep going! It can be an addiction...but a good addiction. Have fun!
  13. I hope that the animals are as sassy as they are in the games.
  14. The Return of the Cybermen tomorrow!!
  15. There is only one character that needs to be in it. Captain Falcon (or as I like to call him, Falconius Love Machine...) Better be good. Online play better be cool. And if Nintendo ever wanted to they could make new characters for download.
  16. Apparently it'll be the last of the Prime series. Dunno if that means that they will just start another seires called something like Metroid Kelp Dip or something or if they will stop making them 3rd Person adventures.
  17. Time Lords have always had telepathic powers but they have not been explored much in the series. There was a time when regeneration was a "newly invented" plot devise. There was a time when the Sonic Screwdriver was a "newly invented" idea. If we don't discover new things that the Doctor can do, then the series would go no where. We would just have repeats of the same plots. Why is it that all enemies that the Doctor faces have to be intelligent monsters with a clever plan of destroying the earth. These robots were scary as they were stupid and stuborn...two things that don't mix well. I thought that this was the high point of the episode. The episode is based on the BigFinish Audio "Spare Parts" and explains the origins of alternate Cybermen.
  18. It is and always has been a FAMILY show. There are parts for the whole family. Why is it that just because it has bits that kids like, it means it is a kids show? Oh, and I am not really interested in arguing with you (or anyone for that matter. Arguing over the internet is like the Special Olympics. Weather you win or loose, you're retarded) but I don't go in to rap threads (I hate rap) just to say "Oh, you kids don't know what it's all about with your rap music. You never heard classical!" It's the same thing your doing. I just think you are wasting your time. Lots of people think the new series is crap. Lots of people think bear is crap, or long hair, beards and tattoos. Loads of people think dogs are crap. Lots of people think Xbox and Wii is crap. Many people think that Stargate is crap, and Jesus is crap and Octopi is crap and Emoticons are crap and Light bulbs are crap and Godzilla movies are crap... But on the other hand, lots of people like those things, and nobody will change there mind. You can voice your opinion, but you see to be insulting the fans and telling us to change our mind. You're like a Cyberman ("YOU WILL BE LIKE US!"). You're not going to change our minds. Many classic series Doctor Who fans love the new series and a few (it is less, that’s a fact) dislike it. Just let people live there lives and stop forcing your opinions into people’s face.
  19. Noel Clark (Mickey Smith) is writing an episode of Torchwood. Noel said that Torchwood is like Doctor Who, but much more for adults. This isn't saying that Doctor Who is a kid's show, but that DW is for the whole family and Torchwood is scarier, sexier and is more like a British X-Files. He also says that you will not have to watch Torchwood to miss out on it's relevence to Doctor Who and visa versa.
  20. I'm a member of Outpost Gallifrey, a Doctor Who forum and number of members went to see it.
  21. The Cybermen two party (Rise of the Cybermen/Age of Steel) as been acclaimed as one of the greatest of the series by people who went to see the preview last night. Reviewers have said that if you have hated the series so far (and were a fan of the original series) then you'll love this. The Girl in the Fireplace looks good as well.
  22. There was a variation of that theme when Sarah Jane saw the TARDIS. It was scarier though.
  23. I jolly well hope so. Torchwood may be a must watch then. Oh, and last year the DVDs were released while the show was still on, just like with all shows which get released in parts (Lost to name but one). Those are Vanilla DVDs so you can just wait till the Boxset at the end of the year (although you won't be getting it as you hate it). Yeah, the last episode was great. For some reason I loved the music for Mr. Finch.
  24. The Christmas Invasion was 1 Hour long where as other episodes are 45 minutes. That episode was great wasn't it. Antony Head was brilliant and I bet that Sarah Jane works for Torchwood.
  25. I was thinking more of Red Dwarf with digny but it is a different kind of broken and dirty. It's more ... alien. Like nothing makes sence. The bigger on the inside trick, the circularness (umm...not a word), the coral, the eerie lights and the custom controls. Though I also like the earthness (I just really stop inventing words) of it. The post-it-notes, the wires, the wardrobe and the TV.
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