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Ive been around for both the N64 and GC launches and ive never seen an actual line form for a Nintendo launch in the area i live, which is basically in the middle of nowhere


Right so 8 hours before the Wii launch, i go into my local Walmart to verify the exact launch time and what games they have.


I get to the electronics department and to my dismay and horror there is already a line of 20+ people waiting to get their hands on my (non-preordered) Wii.


I was so pumped thinking i was going to get to play me some 8.8 Zelda tonight but i may be shit out of luck. Anyway, i hope you guys preordered!


I honestly didnt think preordering would be necessary and ive never had to do it in the past.


I live in Playstation-land here, all the guys at work are all 'PS3 this, PS3 that' which gave me the false illusion that i would be the only person in town to buy a Wii.


Anyway im gonna go back to Walmart in a couple hours to experience the crushing disappointment first-hand. If anyones interested ill try to post a few pics of the big 'non-gamer' congo line when i get back


I pre-ordered at gamestop. Today I went down there and paid for everything. I already have a copy of monkey ball! All I have to do is walk into the store at midnight, flash my receipt, and hope some thug doesn't jump me on my way out.

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