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Yesterday 50, Today 224?


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Ok so yesterday on my Youtube account i had 50 subscribers, to which i was well happy with as i never thought i'd get past 20, and when i hit 50 i thought, "well i can't possibly get much more".


Today it JUMPED to 224, i have no idea how or why but DAMN i'm in shock.



also for the Irish lads out there, i was asked to take part in an Irish podcast the other day (related to my video wherei spoke in Irish), you can find it here



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Ok you guys are freaking me out.


Anyway, of my many "new" subscribers just left a comment on my last video


saying he never even saw one of my videos before and doesn't know how i got on his subscribed list, and the numbers are starting to fall also down to 219 now, so i think the same happened to maybe all of them...

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