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Kids, Marriage & Adulthood


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I don't know anyone my age who already has kids or is married... and I'm 21, getting close to 22 (well, almost...).


I wouldn't want to get married until after I've finished school. Seeing how things are going, that won't be until I'm something like 25-26. And marriage isn't even really something I find necessary.

Kids I don't know yet. Don't know how many, don't know if any at all. They say that it's best to start with kids before you're 30, but that's just a bit scary. I don't see myself with kids yet 8-9 years from now... But who knows. Of course can't have kids on my own. Well I could. But no.



So yeah erm, I don't plan on doing any of that stuff until anytime soon. Hell, I'll be living with my parents until I finish school most likely. That'll be fun! ='D


Thats exactly how I feel too. Im in the exact same situation also.


I dont like the idea of kids before Im 30. I would like to think that I would have kids some day but not before Im 30.

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I don't ever want children and am only go to get "married" to obtain certain rights, such as getting my spouses stuff if they die. Because, if I am correct, if same sex couples don't get a Civil Union and one drops off, the stuff goes to the family as it's not viewed in the same light, I think.


I'm too selfish for children, and probably won't change. Wanted kids when I was younger and changed my mind. I want a life-long career instead.


And my primary school best friend had a baby at 18 and the baby is very adorable. It was an accident but she didn't believe in abortion so kept it. She's still (last time I heard) with the father and planning to go back to collage when it's in school.

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I want children - though I want a partner who wants children and is willing to take time off their career to look after babies. That sounds tremendously selfish but my career is very important to me, as is children. So, to fit in with that I'll have to get a partner who wants them. Me and my cousin had a long talk about this - and though love is nice and all you also need someone that will agree with the big choices you make in life.

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I don't ever want children and am only go to get "married" to obtain certain rights, such as getting my spouses stuff if they die. Because, if I am correct, if same sex couples don't get a Civil Union and one drops off, the stuff goes to the family as it's not viewed in the same light, I think.


I'm no legal-dude but I'd imagine it goes to whomever is said to have it in the will.

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