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Etrian Odyssey I, II & III - first person dungeoneering


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So did no one else get Etrian Odyssey yet? I've been continually plugging away at it (playing it pretty much on a daily basis) and I'm still getting plenty of enjoyment from it. No one wanna talk about their adventures down through the labyrinth...?




Ike? Funktion...? Anyone.........?

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I've made it into the 3rd Stratum. I keep getting killed by some ants because they keep calling for reinforcements and other FOEs joining. Then I got into Pokemon again, so I haven't played it much this week.

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It's miiiiiiiiiighty tempting. But I STILL want to hold out that it might drop under a tenner at some point. When that day comes, it's a purchase.


I would have shelled out the full £30 for Etrian Odyssey- I just happened to not pick it up for about a month after it released, then when it dropped to £13, I knew it needed ordered there and then. I wouldn't bother not getting it on the grounds of holding off for Etrian Odyssey II because I doubt we will get it in Europe til probably next summer at least.


I've made it into the 3rd Stratum. I keep getting killed by some ants because they keep calling for reinforcements and other FOEs joining. Then I got into Pokemon again, so I haven't played it much this week.


I'm glad you're still keeping at it. Going between stratums for the first time is like starting the game all over again, lol. You get used to slaughtering the baddies on the current stratum, progress to the next... then get beat by the normal baddies of the new stratum. Deadly, but I like it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

So i've just mainly become aware of this and spoke to darksnow briefly about this and my interest in the game has gone right up. I went to GameStation only yesterday and if only I knew more about it then or I would of picked it up. Hopefully it's still £13, anyone know for sure? I've got work on Saturday so before I head over, i'll pop in for a quick check.


And then if I enjoy it, i'll pick up the sequel if I can when I go to America soon.

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Yeah just checked that a matter of seconds ago. Seen the £9.99 and thought i'd get it, then I went and seen it was out of stock :(


I'm hoping my local GS will have it since folk here where I live have a crap taste in games. Everywhere else is £24.99.

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I've got one, but I haven't leveled him much. He's level 25 atm. I maxed his katana skill then some into different stances and attacks. I'm not really sure how to level him either. I want to max his crit up skill though. I need to find out how you get it first though.

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Everyone listen up to Shadows epic quest for Etrian Odyssey.


So on Saturday morning, I go up to my town centre on my way to work, but my bus was late so I had very little time to get to GameStation to see if they had any instock and then run to work. So I wanted to get the game so I had soemthing to play on the plane to America.


So the bus being pretty late, I finally reach GameStation, check the first DS rack near the door, but was for pre-owned games. So I see 3 big racks of DS titles. First rack. A...B....C....D....F... No gmes with the title E.


I move to the second rack. A....B...C...D..E... No Etrian Odyssey, now my morale is low and I don't think i'll find it. 3rd and final rack. I move my fingers up to the start of the games, move the finger slowly across with my eyes watching.A...B...C...D...E... ETRIAN ODDYSEY. I SEE THE GAME. My hand now out stretched, trembling, finally grabs the corner of the box. Breathing heavily, I slowly take out the game. The end of the white box....start of cover art...GS sticker...more of the cover....start of the price label. Now the entire box is in my hand. I stare down...


My eyes gaze at the price, alas, it is no longer £13.99. It was £9.99 So I took it to the counter and bought it and just made it to work :D

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  • 2 weeks later...
So there are now at least three people into Etrian. Has anyone bought the second game (on import)? It's supposed to be a little better in the dungeon trawling department.

I imported the second game, but I'm yet to play it... :heh:

My pile of games that I'm yet to even start playing is getting absolutely ridiculous (Trauma Center 2, Etrian Odyssey 2, Shiren the Wanderer, Baroque, Too Human, ...), but unfortunately I've been terribly busy at work... :(

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You have a quality backlog of games awaiting you Funktion!


Patch, I haven't imported EO2 but yeah, its meant to be superior and more streamlined. I was thinking of skipping to it, but from what I read, if you play the second one, then decide to pick up the first... you won't like it as much as you would have done. I don't think I'll import EO2 cos I don't want to overdose on them, but if it turns out that it won't see a Euro release, then I'll turn to VGP.

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I imported the second game, but I'm yet to play it... :heh:(


Yep, I'm in the same position with Apollo Justice. I also have a mountain of games to get through and it's the RPGs that are to blame! So I don't really need another one right now. But if I did, I'd probably jump straight to the second game.


darksnowman, you are obviously determined to be a fan of the series!

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Yep, I'm in the same position with Apollo Justice.

Now that you mentioned it, I imported the US edition of Apollo Justice on it's release date, and I'm yet to play it...:red:

I still have to play the last case of Trials and Tribulations (I started working lots of extra hours at that time, and that's when the backlog of games to play began...), so I never started Apollo Justice.

And funny thing: I actually also own a still sealed Limited Edition of the Japanese release of Apollo Justice... :heh:


I definitely overestimate the time I have to play nowadays, I pretty much only have time to play on weekends, and even then on most of them I'm so tired I end up playing an arcade game on the Xbox 360 or a VC game on the Wii (and I'm a major RPG fan).

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Now that you mentioned it, I imported the US edition of Apollo Justice on it's release date, and I'm yet to play it...:red:

I still have to play the last case of Trials and Tribulations (I started working lots of extra hours at that time, and that's when the backlog of games to play began...), so I never started Apollo Justice.


The last case of Trials and Tribulations is probably the most memorable of all the cases in the first three games. But it's very very long, so you'll need to free up some time for it!


I definitely overestimate the time I have to play nowadays, I pretty much only have time to play on weekends, and even then on most of them I'm so tired I end up playing an arcade game on the Xbox 360 or a VC game on the Wii (and I'm a major RPG fan).


Likewise. I don't have as much time these days so I've cut back on console game purchases. But then I've bought stuff on the Virtual Console, which has put me straight back to square one. :)

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darksnowman, you are obviously determined to be a fan of the series!


Yeah, I read up on Etrian Odyssey a fair bit before it released, then I read the reviews and impressions when it released and I was still impressed and interested in it. I figured that if I was gonna give it a fair shot I might as well do it in the right order... and if I do feel the need any time between now and the release of EO2 (in Europe), there's always Shining in the Darkness on the VC that could do with a download!

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I'm still in the first stratum, though i'm at the boss Fenrir I think. He kinda destroyed me at first so now I need to level.


Also I had Etrian Oddyssey 2 in my very hands only a matter of hours ago. I was so close to getting it but decided that since I have this one to complete and a huge back log right now, i'll import it when I get Dawn of the New World in November.

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