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Where are those updates from Echo, the ones on Eurogamer for me is still "There's a German chap on the stage - Bernd Fakesch..." for me


They are the eurogamer one. You arent pressing refresh Ash are you?

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Where are those updates from Echo, the ones on Eurogamer for me is still "There's a German chap on the stage - Bernd Fakesch..." for me

You'd probably better refresh your page (just once), against Eurogamer's advice, so you'll have newer stuff.

Just for you, here' the latest :

He's 44 per cent woman, apparently. Can you do that on the state health service in Germany? Oh, maybe the translator got that one a bit wrong. The large female share (of the Nintendo DS, not of his hormones) is thanks to 600,000 sales of Nintendogs, apparently.

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this from ign:


1:15 a.m.: Crowds are gathering for the beginning of the Wii Prove Our Promise conference

1:30 a.m.: The show is beginning

1:31 a.m.: Speaker takes stage and promises "surprise" announcements

1:32 a.m.: Goes over Nintendo's plan to capture non-gamers

1:35 a.m.: Says Nintendo is going to explore new areas of game development

1:37 a.m.: Continues on about pulling in new gamers; points to DS as example


i like the "surprise announcements" bit

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10:38.20 -


He's 44 per cent woman, apparently. Can you do that on the state health service in Germany? Oh, maybe the translator got that one a bit wrong. The large female share (of the Nintendo DS, not of his hormones) is thanks to 600,000 sales of Nintendogs, apparently.


10:37.15 -


More stats! 18 per cent of those were sold to previously so-called non-gamers, and 24 per cent to people who were previously PC users. 42 per cent of users were new to console gaming, in other words - although he doesn't cite a source for those figures.


10:36.18 -


He's moved on to Touch Generations (the DS software range which includes things like Nintendogs and Brain Training) - says that this sums up the strategy of getting into new areas of the market. STAT ALERT! One million DS consoles sold in Germany to date.


10:34.22 -


(It's the Double-you-double-eye now...)

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This conference is a hour right? We still have plenty of time....i hope......

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The TV-guide for today says it will be no live from Leipzig from GIGIA.de until 16.00 CET.. this means no report from the press conference.. :( the music videos runnig now will be until 12.00..


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10:41.25 -


Now he's talking about the consistent sales of Brain Training - it sells around 60,000 units a week steadily in Germany. Interestingly, this is exactly the same trend which Satoru Iwata identified in Japan and spoke about at GDC earlier this year.


10:40.21 -


35 per cent of buyers are over 35 - and older user numbers are increasing all the time.


10:40.21 -


35 per cent of buyers are over 35 - and older user numbers are increasing all the time.


Give us something new dammit!


I'm abandoning this "live feed", too much shitty music.

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Technically its news, as we didn't know it. Still not interesting though.

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Now Ronan Keating I could tolerate, but Snoop Dogg, no. Is this stream legit?

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Now Ronan Keating I could tolerate, but Snoop Dogg, no. Is this stream legit?


Forget the stream it aint doing live coverage just get the text updates with eurogamer.

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So my brother's an annoying poo, making me get off the computer. I'll be back in a few minutes on a different one. Hope nothing happens.

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No Hoff :( :


10:45.26 -


Nope, not Hasselhoff. Apparently he's a TV presenter or something. He was surprised Nintendo called - "I didn't think they knew who I was". I certainly don't.


10:44.19 -


Oh, he's returning to the other thing - immigrants and natives. "Few companies have contributed as much as Nintendo..." And now, introducing the first guest! I bet it's not Hasselhoff :(

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Why was everyone so gungho for Hoff, it was never going to happen.


(And I wanted to say more anti-Hoff stuff but it will turn into a spamfest)

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I can honestly say, so far, that i'm pleased i'm not in the audience watching this! Fingers crossed i will want to be in a few minutes....

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09:46.50 -

Nice jacket, mind. He likes Brain Training. Controversially, he reckons it probably trains your brain. He plays "regularly" if he can get away from his children. This is riveting stuff. By the way, the Internet connection at the Games Convention appears to date from the Soviet occupation and is more flaky than an entire cereal counter in Sainsburys, so we may disappear for a bit in a minute. Sorry.



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18:47.59 -

Dr Kawashima's Gehirn-Jogging, then. The mystery TV man says he's glad it has a basis in scientific fact. So are we, Mystery TV Man, so are we.


this guy is just getting funnier and funnier!

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Eurogamer are just taking the p*ss out of the whole-thing, which kinda shows what the conference is like! :grin:

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