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Stargate TV Shows


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So I watched yesterdays episode. It was a nice take of a familiar sci-fi premise. Much different to the way DS9 and Enterprise did it. Am intrigued as to what will happen now in regards to it


I reckon they planned on bringing the second Rush back, he just got instant access to the power of the ancients, no telling what that could do. Probably never happen as far as we're concerned though, with the cancellation and everything.

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A decent episode, but one part left me confused. Has Destiny suddenly lost it's sensors? Because they'll certainly fly right past the ships and, like other episodes, Destiny should spot them.



I've read a bit about the last two episodes.


And they sound utter s***. They mainly involve the drones.


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A decent episode, but one part left me confused. Has Destiny suddenly lost it's sensors? Because they'll certainly fly right past the ships and, like other episodes, Destiny should spot them.



I've read a bit about the last two episodes.


And they sound utter s***. They mainly involve the drones.

It's a shame they weren't given ample notification so they could tie up loose ends and give it a proper ending. I heard it's going to be ending on a cliffhanger

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I havent seen the new ep yet but just been thinking about the end of the series


My interest in SGU may have dropped quite a bit but its a shame that the show has to end with episodes about such a boring bad guy. The drones are overused already and just arent interesting. I think the show at least deserved a better ending than this.



In the end I think that the producers/writers took a gamble when they shifted the tone to a more dramatic one when they launched SGU and it failed. It started off way too slowly and lost a lot of viewers causing not only the show to be cancelled but the entire franchise to be put on the shelf.


Im gonna keep an eye on Joe Mallozzis blog though, apparently once SGU ends he isnt going to outline on there what the SGA movie was going to be about. Hopefully someone else will do the same for the SG1 movie.

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I can't be bothered with all this crap again. At the end of the day SGA was camp, family fun whereas SGU was a good adult program, with characters that actually developed more in 5 episodes than SGA's ever did in the whole 5 years.

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Im sorry, bothered with what crap? I havent particularly badmouthed SGU here, I quite enjoyed the show, Ive just found myself less invested in it lately.


I was comparing it to Atlantis' ratings because thats all I have to compare it to. I wasnt comparing the shows quality. As for me going on about the tonal shift, once again thats not me badmouthing the shift, just stating it as a reason for the cancellation. Just because you (and me for the most part) were fine with it doesnt mean everyone else was.

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Problem isn't necessary nielsen ratings, but the slot they've aired SGU in. SyFy destroyed their tried and true Friday night slot and started pissing about moving things around so they could show wrestling. As such, the people who watched it tended to record it. This happens a lot more these days. Doctor Who in the UK for example. The first episode had the lowest overnight ratings for a DW season opener since its return, but after the consolidated ratings came, it added over 2 million viewers (repeat viewers aren't counted in this) and came to be one of the more successful ones.


The way people watch TV shows has changed, especially in regards to science fiction and when channels fuck around with when they air shows. Unfortunately, stations in America don't really count these

Edited by Serebii
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hhhmmm... yesterday on Twitter "@Syfy" made a post


Remember, we didn't say it & we vehemently disagree with it. It's an insult to sci-fi fans (and pretty much everybody IMO). Meh. 'Nuff said.


In repsonse to something Tim Brooke (i think that who it was) said


I couldn't resisted and reply tweeted


@Syfy You know what else is an insult to Sci-Fi fans? A "Sci-Fi" channel cancelling all it's Sci-Fi programs :P


This morning I got a direct message in my twitter from them/him


It's no insult, it's simply how TV has always worked. If enough viewers don't stick with a show, the show can't be sustained.


How should I (politely) reply with regards to the screwing up of Friday nights with WWE and messing about with show schedueling? And their stupid reliance on the outdated Neilsons system? :heh:

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I dunno, while the drones aren't exactly good storywise, they did manage sinister with the control ship coming into view at the end of the episode. They would have normally just blanketed the area from orbit, but it was like it was scanning them. Perhaps some sentience

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