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Will Wario Ware Smooth Moves Have WiFi?


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This has intruiged me because although it's a very enjoyable game, I noticed the DS one was completed in two days due to addictiveness. Will the new Wii game incorporate Wii Connect 24 so that we can upload more series of minigames? It would be a great oppertunity and ensure that it will last a lot longer.

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proper 4 player mode.this thing about looking at the player pretending it is a form of muliplayer is bullshit!.the gamecube muliplayer was amazing.i hate the ds and gba version.way too short.This will be too.they have a brillinat idea.Please for the love of god add a four player and maybe 24

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Well to be honest, the warioware "magic" wouldn't really come across online. Part of what makes warioware so good is that you're playing in the same room with your mates hving a laugh. That won't really come across when playing online against complete strangers. Besides, it doesn't need to be online because it's not a serious game... connect24 would be very nice though.

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I really want this to be a good game.I thought Wario for the DS was great at first but it starting feeling repititive.Multi-player will be better offline in my opinion because you just won't get the same feeling.It will be a blast with friends over though.

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I love Warioware. I wouldnt really like to play them online though. One of the most appealing things with these games is playing them with people in the same room. My gf and I had some right laughs with Warioware's multiplayer mainly due to how weirdly fantastic it is. It just wouldnt have the same appeal playing somone you cant see.


I like the idea of downloaing extra mini games though.


Is this coming out on Launch?

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Well to be honest, the warioware "magic" wouldn't really come across online. Part of what makes warioware so good is that you're playing in the same room with your mates hving a laugh. That won't really come across when playing online against complete strangers. Besides, it doesn't need to be online because it's not a serious game... connect24 would be very nice though.


Yeah, I agree with that.


It's one thing to squat and act like a spaz around the room with your pals, but quite another to do so with strangers.



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