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Football Season 2006/2007


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Guys, quit the whining and keep this thread clean. It was all good spirited before tonight, so lets try and maintain that.


Gutted at the result and the performance from United. We should have done much, much better, and I think the players will know that, too. Fair play, Milan, you deserved it.


Hopefully this will push the team harder next season. We know we can battle in all three big competitions, and if we can improve our squad again over next season, we'll see how far we can go again. The disappointment of not making it to the final should spur them into action, imo. I know how I'd feel if I was one of them who played tonight.



There's still the small matter of the FA Cup Final my friend!

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u and the other **** head continued, forcing what i feel is a just reaction... and that day, we wud never have had sang the michael shields song or anything else if not provoked - its called responding after bein abused for no reason...


Dude, are you dillusional?


Do you seriously think Man Utd are blood angels, who go to Church on a sunday?


I cannot believe that you can honestly that we start everything off, it cannot be judged that way, it is the hatred of the two sets of fans that start it all off, No One can pin point when songs are sung. I am not going to sit here and say we are angels, but your lot are by no means perfect..


responding after bein abused for no reason#


If you really knew your Liverpool v Man Utd rivalry, you would know it NEVER works like that, which ever way it goes

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i seem to remember 90% of ur ground cheering when smithy broke his leg... and if wud of actually have paid attention, i said this some pages back




u and the other **** head continued, forcing what i feel is a just reaction... and that day, we wud never have had sang the michael shields song or anything else if not provoked - its called responding after bein abused for no reason...


i know what i heard and i know what i saw, u tit... there was a good proportion of ur ground makin a mockery of that injury and a good proportion that delayed his exit in the ambulance out of the stadium from what i learnt a few hours later... ur fans were a bitter disgrace following the defeat in the league...


i only wish i wud of saw u that day, talkin this gibberish...


You obviously don't know, what you heard or saw, because you weren't their


Fact the delay was 10 Minutes, it was a simple shak of the ambulance by some fools...


ur fans were a bitter disgrace following the defeat in the league...


Wasn't Smith's Leg break in the FA Cup?


Thought as much, get your facts right

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i am fully aware both of our sets of fans equally have the tossers who love to start fights and unwanted tension thru chanting and everything else... ive never made no secret of that opinion, so stop jumpin to conclusions...


but from that day, what i experienced was ur fans trynna wind our lot up, right from the off...


They never do that at Old Trafford, Surely Not!


Oh and what about that big huge banner on the East Lancs...


"Murdering Scouse Bastards"


Or that one on the M62


"96 Was never Enough"


Angelic Man Utd Fans :)

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There's still the small matter of the FA Cup Final my friend!


Oh, we'll get you there! :D


Seriously, if you asked any United fan this time last season where would we be next year, I don't think many would have predicted us even reaching the Semis of the Champions League. We've done exceptionally well, I feel. It's just a bluddy shame we didn't turn up tonight and take the game to Milan. We've missed a great opportunity.


But, FA Cup and League still to compete for. I'll take that.

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Oh, we'll get you there! :D


Seriously, if you asked any United fan this time last season where would we be next year, I don't think many would have predicted us even reaching the Semis of the Champions League. We've done exceptionally well, I feel. It's just a bluddy shame we didn't turn up tonight and take the game to Milan. We've missed a great opportunity.


But, FA Cup and League still to compete for. I'll take that.




I think that'll be the game that defines the season really. I'll try and explain what I mean.


There's been a MU/CFC rivalry all year, naturally. In the league and in the Champions League, we were expecting to see them as the defining games of each competition, however, the Champs League isn't happening for either team, and the league could well be over by then.


This will be the only game of the season that really has any important standing, what with it being the final of a game. Winner takes all. It'll be a pretty important game - the team that wins the game will ultimately have had the better season if I know the press.


Sorry for the crap explanation, hopefully you know what I'm trying to say :P

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I think that'll be the game that defines the season really. I'll try and explain what I mean.


There's been a MU/CFC rivalry all year, naturally. In the league and in the Champions League, we were expecting to see them as the defining games of each competition, however, the Champs League isn't happening for either team, and the league could well be over by then.


This will be the only game of the season that really has any important standing, what with it being the final of a game. Winner takes all. It'll be a pretty important game - the team that wins the game will ultimately have had the better season if I know the press.


Sorry for the crap explanation, hopefully you know what I'm trying to say :P


I think the winner of the league will be seen as the more successful team. If United end up blowing it and Chelsea get the title, it'll be regarded as a great comeback. Chelsea have been second best all season, to win it right at the end would be...fucking terrible.


But, imo, the FA Cup final should be a huge encounter. Can't wait for that.


But, for me, getting the league is more important.

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I think the winner of the league will be seen as the more successful team. If United end up blowing it and Chelsea get the title, it'll be regarded as a great comeback. Chelsea have been second best all season, to win it right at the end would be...fucking terrible.


But, imo, the FA Cup final should be a huge encounter. Can't wait for that.


But, for me, getting the league is more important.


Naturally, it seems the safest for you :P


Still, anything can happen. You have your fair share of injuries now, we had ours at the start of the season!


Still, either way..if CFC win the FA Cup, we'll have won the most silverware this year :P

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didnt i say already dumby that both sets of fans are equally as bad as 1 another??? fact is what i experienced on that cup day, was ur fans trynna wind us up constantly from the moment we entered the stadium to the moment we left and its somethin ill always remember...


And I'll always remember a Man Utd fan spitting in my Dads face in Cardiff '03


"Murdering Scouse Bastard" he said


It's just tit for tat now..


Oh well


Off to bed


See'Yall in Athens Guys!




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Naturally, it seems the safest for you :P


Still, anything can happen. You have your fair share of injuries now, we had ours at the start of the season!


Still, either way..if CFC win the FA Cup, we'll have won the most silverware this year :P


I still would love to beat Chelsea to a pulp to take the FA Cup. I think we will, as well. We'll see. :)

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lmfao ur dad got PWNED!!!


but yeah thats my last response and quit ur whining henry, god... this is an argument between 2 rival fans that is spicing up some activity to this part of the forums... whats the worst that cud happen, chill dude


Meh, it's just the kinda stuff I hate football going in to these days. There's no discussion about football matches anymore, it's all used as a big excuse to wind up other fans.

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Ah I was fine with the banter about matches, really, but when it evolves in to piss-taki-----


You know what, it's an argument I'm never gonna win, I'll just keep my reservations. I stand by what I said though, the last thing I want is for this thread to turn into a flamefest.

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You know what pisses me off. Chelsea fans keep reminding everyone they won the league cup. They forget the fact they beat our reserve team. :-\ And only just, curtesy of an offside Drogba goal.


Anyway, on the Arsenal front, got an exciting pre-season tourney lined up called the Emirates Cup, a little tournament including Inter Milan, Hamburg and PSG. Should be easy to get myself some tickets for the two days of football, should be good. (Things must be bad this season, talking pre-seaon with league games still to go :()


You know what, it's an argument I'm never gonna win, I'll just keep my reservations. I stand by what I said though, the last thing I want is for this thread to turn into a flamefest.


Some would argue you lack the passion for your club, or the knowledge of your club and rival/opposing teams.

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It's still a domestic cup, no?


No doubt you'd be clinging on to it if you'd won it, claiming your season wasn't an utter failure..


I'd be chuffed for our kids who won it. Its the least desirable of the domestic cups, and knowing that the team who got there, played the final and only just lost was mainly made of reserve, youth and fringe players makes me proud of the system we've got.


I think if we'd have won it, our season would be just as much of a flop. Just with a nice new mickey mouse trophy.

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Gotta say, read through the last few pages and got incredibly bored. As a Man Utd supporter I've been there, I understand the rivalry and how you can argue about the teams and thing, but seriously, there's just no point going back in history.


Just really really bored of all this now, everyone needs to shut up arguing about it and get to bed. Agree to disagree people, and just stop ripping it our of each other. Fair enough, Liverpool are in the final, and Milan deserve to be too (although it pains me to say it). Utd should have played better, and I would have liked to see an all English final. But it's over, us Utd fans need to move on to look at the league and FA Cup. Liverpool can concentrate on their trophy chance, we'll look at ours. And I'll be cheering on the English team in the Euro Cup Final even as a utd supporter. Doesn't make me any less of a die-hard fan to cheer on another english team against a foreign team.


Good luck to Liverpool in their final, shame we cant be there to play you but all the same... I'm looking forward to our two trophy chances though :-)

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Some would argue you lack the passion for your club, or the knowledge of your club and rival/opposing teams.


And I'd agree with them. I only watch football casually, I won't organize events around football matches, or spend ages reading the latest news. I don't generally watch the matches themselves. Used to all the time, but the direction that football is taking is frustrating.


I've supported Chelsea since I was 4, went to my first match at 6 years old. This makes me a fan, right? The fact that I'm not a hardcore fan shouldn't stop me from having opinions on football as a whole, or prevent me from arguing in depth.

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Damn right Dyson (Henry?) I would completely agree. I have supported Utd since I was small, but I don't follow every fact and figure about every game they play or about the team. I enjoy watching them play, I support them, want them to win, and know a fair bit about the team as a whole. Just because we don't know everything about the team we support doesnt mean we arent good fans, just that we arent as crazy about our club as some people. Here is a very important point: Football, at the end of the day, IS ONLY A GAME. Its there for fun, for entertainment, and yes there is of course more to it than that, but the game itself does not warrant the abuse that was being hurled backwards and forwards before. It was, quite simply, unneccesary.


Anyway. I going to bed. Come on united, get the two trophies you deserve at the end of one of the best seasons we've had in years. And come on liverpool, as the only english representatives left in europe. do the same thing.

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Damn right Dyson (Henry?) I would completely agree. I have supported Utd since I was small, but I don't follow every fact and figure about every game they play or about the team. I enjoy watching them play, I support them, want them to win, and know a fair bit about the team as a whole. Just because we don't know everything about the team we support doesnt mean we arent good fans, just that we arent as crazy about our club as some people. Here is a very important point: Football, at the end of the day, IS ONLY A GAME. Its there for fun, for entertainment, and yes there is of course more to it than that, but the game itself does not warrant the abuse that was being hurled backwards and forwards before. It was, quite simply, unneccesary.


Anyway. I going to bed. Come on united, get the two trophies you deserve at the end of one of the best seasons we've had in years. And come on liverpool, as the only english representatives left in europe. do the same thing.


Thank you, thank you, thank you!

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the fact u want liverpool to win a champions league final, automatically tells me (and ur obviously deny this) ur support prolli started following the 1999 season or that u have never been to a game to see united... ur tellin me that the fans who go without food to finance enuff money for a ticket and stand out in the pouring rain to travel to see there team across continents - that football is only a game??? football itself is a game, but the sub culture that accompanies it is MUCH, MUCH MORE...


+ im all up for ppl havin opinions as casual supporters, as a neutral standpoint is any1s right...



Are you a student at Portsmouth. Because all this die hard fan crap is looking like one big front if you are actually from Portsmouth.


[Quite ironic coming from an Arsenal fan in Luton, but 26 miles, is nothing compared to Portsmouth to Manchester]

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