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Is Nintendo WFC on Wii Missing the boat


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Metroid Prime 3 afaik and to be honest it is really a shame. The only service from Nintendo may be free but it offers not enough or is not used enough in my eyes.



You guys have to make a decision... Don't tell me you expect a "cool" User Interface like XBOX Live when the service its free!!

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You guys have to make a decision... Don't tell me you expect a "cool" User Interface like XBOX Live when the service its free!!


No I don't need a Gamertag or something but I want to be able to chat with people I want, play with people I want without using this stupid Codesystem. A lobby, chat, statistics is the only stuff I need and I could even forget about it if I just could join online games without having to enter codes and stuff.

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No I don't need a Gamertag or something but I want to be able to chat with people I want, play with people I want without using this stupid Codesystem. A lobby, chat, statistics is the only stuff I need and I could even forget about it if I just could join online games without having to enter codes and stuff.


You don't necessarily know that there won't be a unified code system yet. Don't be so quick to judge.

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Well, hunters has statistics on the game and on the site and since wii will have a browser, so I think statistics and chat is a given. Saying that you prefer a good payed system to a a free medium one is a flawe logic if you think about it. First, the obvious it's free. You can't complain, it's free! You get to do the most important thing: playing with friends, without paying. And considering they want a lot of people to play a payed service wouldn't serve that purpose. I would like it if they had a free WFC and a payed one, but not like the 360 one, cause you cant do shit in the free version.

About codes, I don't mind a unified code, just as it's something easy to fixate, like a username, no one knows their DS codes, that's just stupid.

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I could be like MSN/Steam. You have a passport or a profile which you just add games and people onto your list. Then when you exchange with people it exchanges all of your friends codes. I wouldn't mind that at all.


System, you seem to be having a rant day but try and remember that the online is meant to be easy and unintimidating, which for gaming it is for non-gamers.

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Like a lot of other people I want to able to talk and make games with people with out these stupid friends codes and nintendo just will not get the hint, this is why i do not play WFC that much, I love the random game feature though.


MP3 could be cool online but its a single player game, if multiplayer was added then it would be delayed, perhaps Retro could work on a deathmatch games for metroid like unreal tourmnet.

Wario Ware would not work online.

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Like a lot of other people I want to able to talk and make games with people with out these stupid friends codes and nintendo just will not get the hint

Big companies tend not to take hints from incredibely successful services.

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They need to think what if? though. The service would be more populer with talking and making games without friends codes, if they want to evole this service and make it more populer then this needs to happen.

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They need to ditch the friend codes. Its fine for something like the DS, but they need a proper full service. I dont care if it isnt ready for launch, if they make an online service with friend codes for a home console i will cry.

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I don't really care about Wario Ware or Metriod Prime Corruption not going online.


Wario Ware is the type of game that you would enjoy more with a few mates in the house + a few beers.


I don't play hunters online at all tbh so I doubt I would with MPC.


Although even though the WiFi for the Wii is going to be free I still don't like it and yeah I can still complain (free or not). For a handheld sytem WiFi is probably the best option. For a home console however, Live is the way to go. Nintendo better get their act together. Nintendo usually do tend to fuck up from time to time. N64 it was the format. NGC was the 3rd party support. Wii? Most likely the online service! They won't really lose much but still, I would be dissapointed.

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I don't really care about Wario Ware or Metriod Prime Corruption not going online.


Wario Ware is the type of game that you would enjoy more with a few mates in the house + a few beers.



im more than happy to take the free service. id find if nintendo charged for it, i would probably not bother.


happy with friend codes. id be more inclined to play against friends and people that i know rather than some loser on the other side of the world who will win and reply with "ZOMFG! u pwned mofo"


doesnt matter anyway. seeing as people are gonna get online, and give out their friend code to EVERYONE anyway. organising/running games will be easy.

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Another good topic by davidredge.


im more than happy to take the free service. id find if nintendo charged for it, i would probably not bother.


happy with friend codes. id be more inclined to play against friends and people that i know rather than some loser on the other side of the world who will win and reply with "ZOMFG! u pwned mofo"


doesnt matter anyway. seeing as people are gonna get online, and give out their friend code to EVERYONE anyway. organising/running games will be easy.


Totally agree with everything you said. What you have to remember is that we are the hardcore. Nintendo's philosophy at the moment is to embrace both hardcore and casual, and the casual gamer is 1000* times more likely to use Nintendo WiFi Connection than XBOX Live.


*Based on accurate imaginary information I don't have.

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I don't know if I am a casual gamer or not, but as an older type (married with kids) I don't really have that many friends into gaming, so I really wouldn't have any use for the elaborateness that is Xbox Live. As long as there is a ton of stat-tracking I'm fine with it. I think most girl gamers or older gamers who might actually play online would feel the same way as I do, so I am glad that it is free.


I think that Nintendo is trying to make sure everything comes with the system and there is nothing to do put plug it in and turn it on- no memberships to sign up for, wireless internet out of the box, no mics (if there is one in the FHC) or other accessories to purchase separately, built in memory or use your own SD cards, etc. Sure there will be cool controllers/add-ons/shells you can buy too, but all games should play with what comes in the box.

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