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My thoughts of the Wii and E3


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So I got to L.A. and stayed in some motel the pain was eased by consuming plenty of alcohol.


Next morning had to wake up early as the expo opens at 9:00 after like a 45 minute drive on the freeway we got there at like 9:30. First thing first is to pick up your passes the hall is massive! Its loud and in your face with so much to do and see if you wanted to see and do everything at the show make sure you bring a tent to camp out before hand.


So as soon as I got my pass I rushed straight to the Nintendo section where the queue was insane and outrageous, I don’t know if some of you have seen pictures or videos but it was extremely off putting but I went through a four hour wait to play the Wii. On the way there was like video screens of people who you could talk with (significantly all female minus one o.a.p) these guys seemed to have demonstrated the wii before the general public but only played the demos such as the tennis, baseball and golf. So was the wait worfit? Yes and no.


So once I finally got in they had some little section with 3 people demonstrating the Wii the four games were the tennis demo, drum demo, orchestra demo and metriod corruption. If you stayed in this section they would demo all these games but not allow you to have a go :mad: and on the walls were rolling videos of wii games and demonstrations of people playing them.


So onward I went further inside was the controllers behind glass (the shell, gun controller and different colour Wiimotes) then were sections where you could queue up to have a one on one demonstration of a game with seats the amount of people within the whole Nintendo booth the whole three days was amazing it was the most packed booth at E3.


As hyped as I was for red steel there was a small queue for wario ware smooth moves this game is very cool, very fun easy to play but short. I believe it would be the perfect game to introduce to someone who doesn’t play computer games it tells you how to hold the controller before the mini game and you follow what it tells you to do. Although the demo only lasted around 3-5 minutes and the game was very easy, at first I would imagine the whole game would be easy but playing wario ware twisted showed me how easily it could get harder more about that game later ;).


Next was an hour wait for red steel, I knew everything I had to do in the demo as I saw like 18 people play it before me, while waiting excite truck on the left of me crashed twice and red steel crashed just before I got to grab the control (the dragon ball z game also crashed but this game is only like 15 – 20 % complete a lot more far behind than the ps2 version). Seems like an indication that the games shown are far from being complete … or at least the versions the public previewed I overheard that another version of red steel was shown behind closed doors.


Well red steel the good … a nice twist to use the controller and the explosions look nice the bad … the visuals are bad disgustingly bad the textures look terrible up close I am talking like playstation one quality bad it makes no sense like Nintendo is trying to take a step backwards, there were playstation 2 games on show that looked better than red steel. The control … it felt badly flawed nice idea but excuted totally wrong maybe they can fix the visuals and control in the final version but there was times my gun would just stick to the left hand side of the screen I just hope that what I heard about calibrating the controller before hand ( ala time crisis) is true.


After playing red steel I was extremely disappointed with the Wii as it was the game that had me the most hyped for E3 the demo went through training with gun and sword although not allowing you to use any grenades.


Now I am going to give a brief sentence about the games I tried.


Metriod Corruption was in my opinion the best Wii game shown really made you feel like you was in the game I loved the way you had to twist the controller like it was your hand graphics to me looked exactly the same as echoes on the gamecube with a little more glitter sprinkled on top.


Excite truck was fun to play its like burnout but with trucks you have like unlimited boost but if you boost too much you will overheat. Nice way to control as well.


Project hammer apparently this is being made by nst some Nintendo company it was fun you can use the button with a red dot on the screen is pointed at an object it will destroy it you play some thing?! That seems to get more armour/metal on him the more he destroys these robots you can also lift the control up (longer you hold it up more powerful) to do a downward smash.


Tony hawks downhill jam is also very enjoyable to play and control, you shake the controller to boost and are always going downhill the graphics were atrocious I cant understand why they couldn’t just use the last tony hawk engine?!


Zelda looks good not next generation good but I believe this was the most complete game on the floor. The control felt odd to use arrow but I am looking forward to the finished product one of the stages had amazing lighting.


Super Mario galaxy looked cool but in my personal opinion prepare for another Mario sunshine loved by some hated by many.


There was also sonic wild fire which used the control nicely, one piece which was pretty entertaining and monkey ball which if is available at launch is sure gonna be mine. There where other games that I didn’t try as the queues for every game was crazy, such as konami’s elbeits ?! that looked liked ass but apparently played a lot better, a final furlong type game from konami very fun although easy, some fake resident evil clone that was full of glitches, a 2D birdseye view gundam game and virtual console games as well.


So that was the wii booth, sony’s booth was disappointing all the ps3 games that was shown nothing made me think that yeah I want to buy a ps3, xbox 360 section was very well done almost as well as Nintendo’s the only thing Microsoft had against nintendo’s booth was less queues, crackdown was good so was dead rising and lost planet. Too human was terrible a lot of work is needed the melee combat is terrible. So anyway lastly I am going do a list of my events of the show.


Best Console – DS/Wii (although I would say the DS more but the Wii has plently of potential)


Best Controller – Obviously the Wii although there is room for improvement but in the right hands the right results can occur


Best Booth – Nintendo’s very slick only problem with this booth was how the queues were so massive it could be hard at times to get elbow room let alone grab a wiimote.


Best Software – X360 had the most complete games on show with games that could be classics like lost planet for example also had good games like dead rising and crackdown but I could see these games getting very repetitive but from what I played they was a total blast.


Game Of The Show – Okami amazing game that I believe has to be played by everyone


Highlight Of The Show – Metal Gear Solid 4 Trailer this made me make the decision to buy a PS3


Well that’s it for my E3 report a quick couple of things before I run off to watch the arsenal game, the wiimote has a lot of potential but the question that remains is that are other game developers going to use it to its full advantage or only Nintendo going to put in the effort? If red steel had the control of metroid I would have enjoyed it. Graphics are not everything but when the gameplay and controls are not in place it can stand out like a fluorescent stain in broad daylight.


I still personally believe Nintendo is hiding something from us and the Wii is going to need more exclusives that doesn’t only catch the Nintendo fanboy but the Nintendo haters attention, Nintendo still had an amazing E3 if you don’t believe me look at the queues for the wii section.


Lastly about the control something I got in America totally changed my opinion about the wii I bought a game called wario ware twisted this game isn’t available in Europe and it is one of the best games I have ever played.

For those that don’t know it contains a tilt sensor in which you spin left or right to control mini games there is a part of the game you can play mini nes games it is so much fun to play excite bike or a little tennis game by simply tilting.


I believe that the best experiences in games are the ones that put you in complete control I just hope the wii controller isn’t seen as a gimmick and is used in its full potential.

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Cheers, I appreciate your honest feedback, it's amazing a week after the event this is the first I've heard of system crashing on the floor.


I think Mario Galaxy offers more than what Sunshine did over 64 because the controller.

The GameCube wasn't much of an evolution.. but the controller is a step up- providing it is varied and not repetitive like Sunshine.

Then i'll be satisfied.


I think we need to 'give it up' we'll never get another 64. Probably wont bother with WarioWare- better suited to portables I think.


Can you tell us more about Red Steel's gesturing system? I think it could make or break the title for many people.

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Good to see you being honest.Wasn't all that surprised by Red Steel.The control is pretty bad.Your right it does have a LOT of potential,but developers don't seem to be using it properly.Hope they do something to improve this for the launch.I was really hyped up about Red Steel but it doesn't seem very good control wise.

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Good points.

Cant believe you got to go out there.

Proper jealous like.


Ahh Red Steel, I thought the graphics looked dodgy when I first seen the conference.


They made a big fuss of the fire but its nothing that couldnt be done on Cube.


But then again, everythings on Cube dev kits so hopefully there will be some improvement in the final product.

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Good points.

Cant believe you got to go out there.

Proper jealous like.


Ahh Red Steel, I thought the graphics looked dodgy when I first seen the conference.


They made a big fuss of the fire but its nothing that couldnt be done on Cube.


But then again, everythings on Cube dev kits so hopefully there will be some improvement in the final product.



ofcourse there will be:yay: . Thats the reason that the FHC was connected by a wire


Story here: http://wii.advancedmn.com/article.php?artid=6844

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There's a thread about the drum game. Galaxy is looking awesome but so far it doesn't seem to benefit from the controller at all. I don't understand what the fuss about red steel graphics is though, from all the videos I've seen it doesn't look that bad in motion. It actually looks pretty good for an unfinished game running on unfinished hardware.

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Then i' Probably wont bother with WarioWare- better suited to portables I think.


Not if you manage to find some friends Nintendork :heh:



Yeah...seemed like a decent review, though a little rushed, probably due to that fact that you'd get bored writing too long :)

Sounds to me as if 3rd Parties need to get their thumbs out of their ass and start making use of the contoller and the power of the console nicely though. The Wii is said to have more 3rd party support than the GC did, but if they're just gonna put out crappy games then it's not worth it.

Hopefully EA will manage to make more than just 1 game :indeed:

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Yeah...seemed like a decent review, though a little rushed, probably due to that fact that you'd get bored writing too long :)


To be honest time was passing and i wanted to watch the arsenal game sorry about the latter half but if you have any questions about the wii or E3 go ahead.


The controller is also A LOT smaller than it looks i was shocked at first when holding it.


I don't understand what the fuss about red steel graphics is though, from all the videos I've seen it doesn't look that bad in motion.


I haven't seen the videos i am going to have a look in a second but from playing the game the textures really were terrible up close and jagged lines filled the screen making the demo very dissapointing. And all this without mentionting the terrible controls ::shrug:



I thought as much the demos were running on gamecube hardware or gamecube disc, i believe that these games could launch with the wii on gamecube discs with wiimote control and then proper wii games could come later but who knows what nintendo has planned?



About mario galaxy as with all games it is going to have its fans and its haters thats what i meant by saying it is going to be recieved from the same perspective as sunshine.


I am going to say this again wario ware is going to be the perfect game to introduce people into gaming who detest computer games. Recently i showed a friend who doesn't play games donkey konga and he loved it for the simple fact that it is so simple to play. I am looking forward to what his opinion will be of smooth moves.

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I am going to say this again wario ware is going to be the perfect game to introduce people into gaming who detest computer games. Recently i showed a friend who doesn't play games donkey konga and he loved it for the simple fact that it is so simple to play. I am looking forward to what his opinion will be of smooth moves.




I don't really agree on your opinion with Galaxy though. It seems much more to me than just another SM64 clone. But hey, it's not like anyone has played very much of it! Also I think people are getting a little too worried about Red Steel. This game was graphically in some early stages due to lack of dev kits. Also I think that the control scheme will be worked out over time, maybe using the MP3 scheme for the gun and then switching to motion sensing for the sword.

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Galaxy is looking awesome but so far it doesn't seem to benefit from the controller at all.


From what I have heard/seen, the wiimote is use to do the following :

  1. Make Mario spin attack.
  2. Ring a bell. You target it directly.
  3. Collect coins by targeting them.
  4. It stuns the ennemies when you point them.


I ranked them from the less important to the more. 1 is not important because you could do it whit a button, but the others are not bad.


I was a bit deceived by Mario Galaxy controls too, as I expected that you could play it one-handed.


redheaded Cams

Edited by Philoss
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There's no particular focus to Wiimote in Mario Galaxy, but you're probably be doing everything with it except walking and jumping. That probably means there's going to be a lot of variation in gameplay (also considering all different planets and moons you'll be visiting). Mario Galaxy is currently top of my list, above Twilight Princess and Corruption.

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Not if you manage to find some friends Nintendork


While we're having a 24 player tournament of Smash Bros. Melee that took nearly an hour to set up on New Year because some wanker pressed the B button and lost all the profiles.


Smash Bros. >>>>>>>> WarioWare

for multiplayer tbh. We have 3 GameCubes just for one game..

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