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Zelda: Twilight Princess Discussion (SPOILERS: BEWARE)


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I don't care about the review score but expect it to get early 9.0's, could well get 8.9 somewhere if the controls aren't up to scratch.


Like i said though, who really cares? If you love the game, thats all that matters!


DON'T read any reviews, just play the game yourself for a few hours and make up your own minds on this one.



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Like i said though, who really cares? If you love the game, thats all that matters!


DON'T read any reviews, just play the game yourself for a few hours and make up your own minds on this one.




Damn right.If you think the score will be lowered because of the graphics and controls,what score do you think the GC version will get then?

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Like i said though, who really cares? If you love the game, thats all that matters!


DON'T read any reviews, just play the game yourself for a few hours and make up your own minds on this one.


Limed for great justice.

Unfortunately most people don't have a will of their own and need to absorb other people's opinions.

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Very true. If I catch anyone spoiling this game for me and everyone else there will be hell to pay. Im slightly worried that we get random people joining the boards, seeing as we are well known now, and just coming into this topic and spoiling stuff.



I'll probably scream to you on xbox live then mate


Yeah I was probably out when the sig thing happened sorry but nothing I could do

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I've played the demo, and it was no 10/10. There wasn't much game there, not enough to get a real feel for the full adventure anyway. Obviously not saying that means the game won't be good, but rather that there won't really be any way to tell until people start playing the release version.


The horse controls pretty well though, or rather did with a GC controller.

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I also expect thread likes ZELDA REVIEW SCORES REVEALED! and if it doesn't score too well [although that is extremely unlikely], even if it gets 9.5/10 you're going to have guys like Solitanze for example moan about how bad the game, how its a disgrace and Nintendo promised so much yet didn't deliver and a whole lot of people are going to say THATS IT, I'M GOING TO BUY A PS3, F**K YOU NINTENDO. A lot of people are going to be CRYING:cry: on the internet come November 19th from these people that are expecting perfect 10s everywhere...


1000 POUNDS that this will occur [i.E. complaining threads].

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You know, making Zelda a Wii game is really risky and I'm glad Nintendo takes risks. I bet that if it came out on GC everyone would be "Awesome", because it's a tried and true formula that we know works, but they actually had the balls to change the game for what they think is better. I'm pretty sure it will suffer in reviews because of the wiimote "It's not 1:1!" "There are few attacks!" "I can't aim!" "The graphics aren't PS3 quality!". But you know what, I don't care, I'll just enhoy the game and get used to the wiimote.

I won't believe my eyes when I get the game though, it'll be like a dream after almost god knows how many years since WW.


Hang on... im not waiting for Twilight Princess... im going to save Zelda right now!




Most likely crap... and i cant afford one but hey they look good!

Damn you I bought that and was going to brag about it, before I told you where I bought it!

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Right people I wanted to say something about reviews - the only review I am waiting for is from famitsu, if this gets a 40/40 then its the 3rd game of any game legacy to be awarded this rare mark 3 times


Famitsu sucks ass. And I doubt that it'll get 40/40, if anything, because people are used to the wiimote yet. The thing is this, will any review stop you from buying or enhoying the game? If they do, you have a problem.

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You know, making Zelda a Wii game is really risky and I'm glad Nintendo takes risks.
What a risk it was to make Zelda a release game for a new console :indeed: Don't be so ridiculous, it would've been risky to leave Zelda a Cube game because with the Wii buzz it wouldn't have sold as good as it will now. The controls are as risky as any other Wii game there is.


On Famitsu, they recently gave FF12 a 40/40 score. Let's see how Zelda will compete...

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i have never played a demo of it but i think i will rate it a ten because every other zelda (besides la and mm) i have played have been so good and since ninty claims this game will be better to a zelda fan it must be a ten.


i'm not saying ign or any other site will rate it ten (well i'm sure one site will)

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I'm expecting overwhelmingly positive reviews from most websites, except IUP which will give this game 8/10.


A random comment about Zelda on the BLOG page for Matts top 10 launch games, SOUND FAMILIAR?:


I really hope that The Legend Of Zelda: Twilight Princess Wii version will not underachieve and disappoint a LOT of people [possibly in excess of over 10 million] with the control issues remaining with swordfighting due to not registering some movements and seeming like an afterthought rather than enhancing the playing experience and not have other gameplay related issues like no better than GC graphics, flawed camera and framerate, poor enemy AI, tedious and underwhelming Wolf Mechanics and enviroments [in particular Dungeons] and the list goes on. Nintendo have said that this game is without a doubt the BEST ZELDA GAME EVER MADE, and everyone is EXPECTING that Nintendo will deliver on this game and that this will become a REALITY and not be merely a marketing ploy to shift additional Wii units on behalf of Nintendo.


If the game doesn't deliver [i.E. remaining to have issues and score below 9.7/10 AT THE BARE MINIMUM in average reviews], a lot of people will be crying and complaining on the internet come November 19th saying that this a disgrace, Nintendo promised so much but didn't deliver and you'll have heaps of guys across the internet in an eruption of activity making random threads with the same sort of messages over and over again saying things along the lines of "THIS GAME WAS SUPPOSED TO BE THE BEST ZELDA GAME EVER AND WE GET THIS LOAD OF C**P, WTF, THATS IT, I'M GOING TO BUY A PLAYSTATION 3, F**K YOU NINTENDO!".


This game needs to get an average review score of about 9.7/10 BARE MINIMUM to 10/10 MAX in reviews accross the web in order to live up to the title of BEST ZELDA GAME EVER MADE and to be about on par with The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time in terms of aggregate review ratings to which it has around 98% approximately. Websites like 1UP.com that will most likely give this game 8.5/10 won't help matters in this department. A failure to deliver with one of the greatest gaming experiences in the history of the Zelda series will be extremely damaging to Nintendos already tarnished reputation in the modern era of gaming and people will sell their Wii consoles in retaliation and buy a Playstation 3 instead out of spite for Nintendo BETRAYING their loyal and patient fans that only wanted AN ALL TIME GREAT GAMING EXPERIENCE THAT LIVED UP TO WHAT NINTENDO SAID. Basically, if this game doesn't live up to the promise of it being the GREATEST ZELDA GAME EVER MADE and consequently, at the VERY LEAST being the 3rd highest rated game of all time with aggregate review scores on the internet, Wii sales will stagnate and consequently, Wii WILL FAIL.

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